Spread Basics: Before and After


It occurs to me that if you're all going to be practicing spreads, we ought to discuss pre-spread rituals and post-spread habits. These are obviously personal and you alone can decide what works for you. They're important, however, for the health of you and your deck. A deck, in theory, picks up energy from the querent and the reader and offers up it's message. If left uncleansed, it will continue to carry this residue, and the readings will become unclear or repetitive. Likewise, readings put the reader in another mindset, and if you stay in that mindset, you can really start to exhaust yourself. You need to be able to get you and the deck in and out of that space, decisively and completely.


1) You should find a way to keep your deck "closed" or locked away from outside influence between using it. This can be as simple as turning the top card face inward so that top and bottom cards "hold" in the others, or as complex as wrapping it in silk, bagging or boxing the deck.

2) Before you lay out a spread, you should shuffle it to cleanse it and losen yourself up. Kind of like a dancer stretching.

3) You should do something to put yourself in a "reading" space, to put yourself in touch with the cards and with the "power" you're using to read them. Again, this can be very simple, a moment of silence, a prayer, or visualization of the cards glowing between your hands, or very elaborate: casting a circle, lighting candles, etc.

4) You should know ahead of time how you feel about other people handling your cards, how you plan to shuffle them, cut them, lay them out.


5) Likewise, you should also know ahead of time how you plan to end the spread, pick up the cards and return them to the deck, reshuffle them if you're going to do another spread, or end the session/reading if it's at an end.

6) Ending a reading: Before picking up the cards and returning them to the deck, you should have a way to "cleanse" them. Consider that the cards are filled with energy and/or the signature of the querent you've just read for. How can you tell them, "Job's done, let me cleanse you of this person's essence and set you back into neutral"? Come up with something simple, as you do not want anything complex in this case. A wave of the hand, wand or bundle of dried sage, a rap on the table, or ringing of a bell. Do this after each spread, and absolutely at the end of the reading.

This will ground you as well, which is important. A reading can take a lot out of you, take you out of yourself. You need a way to come back to Earth.

7) Return cards to the deck and the deck back to it's safe or closed position with top card turned inward, or put back in it's silk scarf or box.

Any other thoughts or suggestions on this subject? Or stories relating to it?

Here's one from me. I did a reading for one person, promising to do one for another person when finished. Understand that I had done readings for both #1 and #2 before, often enough that I knew that certain cards sometimes showed up in their spreads. Anyway, I did the reading for #1, finished, I went onto person #2. There was plenty of shuffling. But when I laid out the spread, I stopped and shook my head. It was almost *EXACTLY* the same layout as I'd had for #1. Same cards, almost the same positions. "Didn't cleanse the cards enough," I apologized to #2, "this isn't your reading, it's still #1's." So I reshuffled, did a little visualization, and aggressively cleansed them. Handed them back. #2 shuffled again, and I laid out the cards again. This time, they were *completely* different from #1, and very much #2. I can't quite explain it more than that--the spread now *felt* right for #2, when before it had not only mirrored #1, but felt all wrong.

To summarize:

Before you begin, shuffle, connect with the cards, get into the right space.

After, cleanse the deck and ground yourself.


What I do is this:

1) I don't lock decks away, I even keep then laying around on the kitchentable, sometimes a spread will be there for some days. I do put them back in the original box if not in use, so they will be in box on the table. Or some place else where I use them.
2) I shuffle the cards alot before doing a reading. After a reading as well btw...
3) Reading space? I read them anyplace that is suitable to put cards on, usually in the kitchen between all newspapers, ashtrays etc. Before the last shuffle I concentrate/connect and then deal the cards. No candles etc, though I always put out the music if it's on. I like silence.
4) Anybody that wants to look at the cards is welcome to do that, just be nice with them.
5) I always shuffle after a reading, I shuffle a lot, sort of hypnotizing thing to do, especially before.
6) I deal all the cards atm, and turn over the piles to have topcards. Put them back together and shuffle again. Tapping at the table to get them all in line so they fit in the box again.
7) I put them back in the box, I don't look what way up or down, just put them back.

So far, this works fine for me. I treat them the same as I treat my tools, a hammer for instance. I think compared to you I am a big clutter, meshy etc. But decks are still complete and looking fine, no ears and scratches.



Shuffling is always good. It's one of the best, fastest and easiest ways to put things back at zero (sic).

Do you do a lot of readings for other people?


Most of the time I read for myself, and I use the Osho deck then. When I read for others, I use RW. Dunno why, just happens to be so.
Guess the chance for mixing up is lesser in this case.



Hi all,

a while ago someone asked how to shuffle and (I think) Talisman gave this big ritual and then said by the end you will forget and do it your way...

that's how ritual has been lateley, started with great ta doo, now the only thing I do is:

before: Shuffle, SHuffle, Shuffle..give to reader and have them SHuffle till they want to stop.

do the spread from where ever the cards are sticking out (you know, the ones that didn't go back into a neat square) or if they fall out...

after: put them back in their home (a bag). If they had the extra cards, you know, the title ones, I put them facing the cards so all you see when you pull them out is the backs..this is not to protect the energy, jut to keep the cards from getting scratched - which is a joke, I like cards that have a well loved feel.

I keep 1 deck and a pendulum in my pocketbook, the rest are on my dresser,this way the little ones don't end up playing Tarot Go Fish (it's a good way to teach a 6 year old roman numerals LOL).



Thanks so much, all of these ideas are exactly what I've been looking for. Can't wait to get into the canyon and clip a sprig of sage!


esclarimonde (03 Jan, 2002 22:39):
Thanks so much, all of these ideas are exactly what I've been looking for. Can't wait to get into the canyon and clip a sprig of sage!

Whoah, mis-read that the first time round and thought it said "get into the cannon"--I was about to say, "isn't that a little extreme?" :D

Darn New Year's hangover is lasting a little long there....


thought it said "get into the cannon"--I was about to say, "isn't that a little extreme?" :D

Well, you know there are just some days...


Hmmmmm ... I am not much of a ritual person, but I am quite annal about some things, my Tarot cards being at the top of the list *LOL*. To get into the frame of mind I shuffle with my eyes closed while taking slow deep breaths and clear my mind. Usually about after the 3rd or 4th I open my eyes and continue shuffling until I feel like the it is time to stop. Closing out any personal work or reading I HAVE to put all of the cards back in order once I pick them up. This is a must for me ... I will not walk away without having done so *LOL*. I then neatly put them back in their original box and in their safe place.

One of the things I love about this is that I get to see each and every card before I put them away :)

Love & Light,


A little time consuming to put them all back in order, but nice thought getting to look at them before you put them to bed (sic).