Hello! New to Tarot. Seeking Health Spread



I am new to tarot and to this site. I didn't notice an introductory thread so I thought I'd just do a brief intro here. I have recently felt a very strong urge to examine my spiritual side deeper, or rather more like to put my thoughts into action. I've been always intrigued by tarot but have never explored it before. I figured I'd ask for advice on my first post. yay for you!

I'd like to maybe try a health spread. I've read through a few of the suggestions of those, but haven't really seen any that would quite fit into what I'm looking for. I've not really developed a strong sense of reading yet either. I did a celtic cross for myself and I had 6 swords in it and 3 pentacles, & the world card. I thought maybe there was significance in this, and I tried to gather a story around it. I just need to really understand the cards more before I can fully incorporate them into a story.

I've already have read through many posts on this site. It's very interesting! I love to see the different spreads and games ect. Looking forward to gaining access to the thread which shows other people's readings.

Anyways my question is, I do have intense pain frequently on one side of my body, my left side of my head, collar bone and numbness in my left hand. The pain can be so intense, almost causing me to not be able to move until it passes. I unfortunately am one of those unisured americans, so I'd like to consult the tarot and see if this is a serious issue that I should maybe put the money into or if it is something that I can just use pain pills for. I'm not sure exactly how to go about this, the few health spreads I have seen were not quite as specific as maybe I'm seeking and I am not experienced enough to create my own spread yet, at least I don't have the confidence that I am.

Sorry this is so long. I just go on and on..






I think you'll find a lot of people here will suggest you somehow go get a professional to check you out regarding a suspected health issue. Tarot can give you general information...but the specifics you seek may be beyond what Tarot is useful for. If you have a health issue and need advice in how to get through it, Tarot can be of benefit. Also the cards might provide some insight in how to afford going to a doctor.

Chances are, if you consult the cards regarding this, you will get a reading that indicates you should go see a doctor. After that you may get "white noise" or something unrelated to what you are asking, or even a repetition of the "Go see a doctor" reading as told through different cards. (Yes...Tarot is tricky like that).


Thanks for the advice.

No matter what I'll invariably end up at the Dr.

I'd like to try a health spread anyways just to learn more about the tarot.

Glad that at least one person responded ;)




health cards are
9 of wands - recovery from illness
8 of swords - handicap
ace of cups - spiritual healing

if these cards appear in your spreads, or if you draw one card for each day of the week, it may be an indicator for what is wrong with you at the moment. But just an indicator!
Maybe you don't drink enough water, which can cause headaches.
But please see a doc! Good luck.