Is there a spread for how someone died?


I've searched the forums and I can't seem to find one. Does anyone have a spread that may tell what happened the night someone died?

Thanks in advance,


Ann Yu

I think you can create it by yourself. The simple way which is most used is 3 card reading


Yep I guess I will have to make one on my own- I just thought someone might know of a good one. Thanks, anyway.


were you close to the person who died? if so, you could always try reaching out to them with the cards as your method of communication. i did this successfully after a friend died while we were in high school. it helped me understand both his feelings toward death and me. very helpful, all around. i will add that the third time i tried i got someone else all together. so, be specific.

also, i'm not nuts. honest. :D


Actually, A friend of mine has asked me to see if I can get some answers surrounding 2 people that she knows. I have some experience with spirit communication so, I'm okay with that part of it. She just wanted me to see what the cards have to say about their situations, as well. I don't think you're nuts-I'm the last person to pass judgement in that department, honest xoxox.
Thanks for your response.


marvelous! always nice to have an outside source agree that i'm not nuts! :*


i wrote a destiny spread that works quite well with just this sort of thing ive used it often and had great success, you can find the original spread in the index under misc. although i have changed it up some since then. but heres the new version as i have worked with it, (actually i'll probably renew the old post too).
when doing this spread i read it on someone who has passed and i use either a picture or object something to represent the person.
i either hold the object while reading or lay it in the middle of the spread, whatever feels comfortable to you. i lay the first 6 cards in a cirlce going clockwise, then the last 4 cards i just lay underneathe.
1. what was the persons purpose in this life
2. what were you to learn from this person
3. what were you to learn from their death
4. what was the reason behind their death
5. how are you to use what you gained from them
6. what do they want you to know
7. what is their greatest memory
8. what do they need that you can do for them
9. how do they see you
10. what advice/wisdom/secret can they share with you

this spread really can get to the heart of all matters and can be quite revealing be ready for the answers you will receive.


Thanks, guys. Those are great spreads. I ended up just letting her ask a question, tossing some cards out and seeing what they said.

Thanks again for taking the time to respond.
