Quick Spell Check Spread


The other week I was looking for a spread that would help me with a question I had about my intention of doing a certain spell. There was only two and one wasn't honestly for spell work per-se so I created this. I have tried it out on two people here: "Quick Spell Check" Spread.

The spread itself:


1-Good intentions for casting the spell
2-Bad intentions for casting the spell
3-The effects of casting the spell
4-The outcome of casting the spell

I do use a quintessenial card to get an overall feel of the reading. A quintessnial card is simply adding up all of the numbered cards that are in the lay out, Courts are zero the Fool could be zero or 22 depending on what you're comfortable with.

I do enjoy doing the spread it is quick and simple. It does also offer deeper motivations of your reason for doing a spell.

Please let me know what you think,



I'm going to try this later.

Ever since I saw your post in the Reading Exchange, I've been thinking about trying a spell to release the past, and surrender anything that I'm still holding on to. There are several spells in this book, so I need to choose one for tonight... in my daily spread, Death came up under "My Role/Advice." After the new moon, I'm thinking of trying something else.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your spread. :)