a Should I get in touch with them spread?


I'm looking for a spread for when you are sitting there wondering if you should contact someone whether it be an old friend,or someone you just met.Any ideas?Like what happens if you do, their reaction etc that sort of thing.


Have you thought about making your own spread?


Yeah, I just don't know what questions to ask.


Maybe something like

1)What will their reaction be?
2)What will their response be?
3)How will things be between the two of you?
4)What future will you two have?
5)Outcome Card?

Dont know what design would be, but atleast its something.


You could do a pro/con spread. I like to cut the deck into two piles, have one pile be the pro side and the other pile be the con side. And pull as many cards for either side you like, though I usually stick with just two cards.


I like it, maybe a layout like this:


I will give it a shot, and post in the reading section, the only problem is that they have contacted me, and I am wondering, well, they are waiting for me on a decision, and I am not sure...... But I think that would work well, anyway.




Seems like it worked for me!

My mother and aunt haven't been speaking to my other aunt for a while because of an argument, so I haven't exactly been able to contact them... however, this spread really helped me get in control of what I should do. Here are my results:
1. King of Wands
2. Justice
3. Queen of Pentacles
4. Eight of Cups
5. Ten of Cups
Thanks so much, maestrojay!