Is using Clow Cards like Tarot possible?


(The Clow Cards from CardCaptor Sakura).

I was just wondering if I could use mine like people use Tarot cards. By the way, I don't just mean like replacing ex. firey with the ace of cups... Like, in the thord manga, Sakura (the main character) uses them to figure out a troubling thought, and the Sword represented a challenge, the Windy, news, etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot! ^^


You can use almost asny cards you want, for divination, as long as you understand the system of how they might work.


Oh Yes! I have had very good experience using these cards!

Usually without any sort of books or guides...and just using the image and title to inspire meaning.

Although Cerulean found me a great site that had a list of possibly divinatory meanings.

I have no experience with the anime that the cards are based on...but that hasn't stopped me from getting really good results.


You can use them as a DIVINATION TOOL, but not TAROT. Note the difference...they are totally different systems. I've heard there's a book with the Clow Cards meaning, but i guess it's in japanese.

:TPW Yuko


I agree. They can be used but as a different tool. btw where do you get them any way


i guess you can, in the same manner that tarot is also a form of divination. there's actually a thread here somewhere about people doing just that, sharing their experiences reading with the clow cards.

just a thought, maybe it would spicen the readings if you also incorporate the individual "personalities" of each card as it was shown in the series (like how the wood card didn't start out as "stable" and tore through her house, or how the light and dark cards are "sister" cards). :)


I had a friend who did so.

Just make up better meanings for the cards than she did (ie: the literal meaning of the card's title)


Here's a website link--but I don't have the cards

I'm providing a link below because for some reason people keep emailing me about Clow Cards even if I say I don't have them--and the original website link sent to Chronata is long gone, so I have no more information.

Please note I don't have the cards and do not have any more information.

I've posted this link above to assist others, even though I've given away these cards long ago. I do not use them.

Best regards,



miss_yuko said:
You can use them as a DIVINATION TOOL, but not TAROT. Note the difference...they are totally different systems. I've heard there's a book with the Clow Cards meaning, but i guess it's in japanese.

:TPW Yuko

I have a booklet that probably comes with a pack of Clow Cards (though I do not own the deck itself). Yes, it's in Japanese — it has a picture of every card, it's name, and a short description. I think it also has instructions for divining because it has diagrams on how to shuffle the deck, and a picture of cards arranged in what seems like a spread.

Like what everyone else said, it can be used as a divining tool, but not a tarot, specifically. Personally, I think that it'd be hard to divine using clow cards because they can be so vague. If The Twin, The Bubble, The Flower or The Sweet came up in a reading, I'd be totally confused! o_O

But, yeah... whatever floats your boat. ;)

<3 Amaterasu

PS. Cardcaptor Sakura was fun.


Thanks for the link - now I can have a new approach with this deck.