Most Anticipated Decks of 2016


Tabula Mundi in full colour! It looks like a unique and wonderful deck. I'm really excited about Babalon's work. It's on the highest artistic, intellectual and tarotic level IMO.



Other than the Aquarian in pocket size in a tin, too early to tell. Right now, that's the only tarot deck on my wish list.


Oh goodness, there are already lots of existing decks on my list but I have some future ones on there too...

Ostara by Schiffer
Cristy C.Road (though this may be 2017)
Slow Holler (maybe)
78 Cards by Lana Zellner (maybe)
Ceccoli Oracle

And I had no idea there was going to be a Ceccoli in a tin! I have wanted this one for a whole but might just get the mini version. How exciting!

Yves Le Marseillais

Nicolas CONVER 1760 in 2016

Bonsoir all,

For 2016 I am working on a restitution of Nicolas CONVER 1760 Tarot of Marseille deck.

It can't be a facsimile because nothing is really acceptable in private collections nor Museums.
But.... I will propose what is for me best restitution possible according:
My knowledge
My own collection
Very good sources
Kind assistance of my expert friends

I work on this project for years now and now all elements are assembled to allow this rebirth.

Make my year 2016

Salutations from Marseille City



Nobody seems to be pining for the Masonic Tarot. I love esoteric decks rife with symbolism and attributions so this seems to be just perfect for me. Hope it does not disappoint.


StarChild 2nd ed :)


Masonic Tarot

Nobody seems to be pining for the Masonic Tarot. I love esoteric decks rife with symbolism and attributions so this seems to be just perfect for me. Hope it does not disappoint.

This deck is already out, isn't it? Is this the one by Beauchard? If it is, it's so very beautiful.