Leo Sun, Scorpio Moon


Ah the cost of throwaway comments LOL

Conjunctions are where two or more planets share the same celestial longitude (same degree of the zodiac). This will result in their energies being blended in the way that they affect you. So in your case their are many blends of energy compared to an average chart. This will present me with something of a challenge.

The MC is the point at the top of your chart - due South and is the place in your chart that gives information about your maturity - your career, your social status, how you interact with society as a whole.

Chiron is more difficult to define - it was at first thought to be a new planet when it was discovered in the mid 1970s but now it is no longer recognised as a planet but as one (as more similar bodies have been discovered) on a new type of astronomic bodies. However, rather like some of the asteroids, it is used by some Astrologers in their interpretations.

I would expect you to have some experiences from the Solar eclipse. It occurs almost exactly on your natal Jupiter and as it is in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, The eclipse is also only a couple of degrees from your fourth House cusp, so it is likely to have a significant effect domestically, on your family, on your home, possibly on your father, on your own deepest inner feelings and roots. As Jupiter is the ruler, the effects are likely to be beneficial - though they may be unsettling at first

Venus will also be conjunct your natal Neptune and your own South Node - so there may be quite a complex reaction here. Venus too is generally perceived as being benefic - the conjunction to natal Neptune is likely to give rise to romantic dreams or ideals but as the South Node is where you are coming from (the North Node being where you are going to) in a karmic sense, you have to be careful not to be caught up in dreams of the past and look forward to your own future personal development.


I'm afraid to say anything exept, cool!
LOL, I'm enjoying this and I want to read more but I don't want to be a pest. you were just answering my questions, right?



You're not a 'pest' in any way - just ask away and I'm glad you're enjoying it!

I've finished the reading ahead of yours (for a friend) so I'll get round to yours shortly. As readings can be very long, what I'll do is keep it to the essentials and divide it over a number of posts. Moreover I'll leave room for others to join in, so that you can get more than one viewpoint.