Your favourite...


Thanks for the imput- I really like Umbrae's variation- the Horseshoe spread is one of the three spreads I have had success with (along with a triangle spread: 7 cards, two for present, two for near future, two for distant future and one for the outcome and a star spread, 7 cards as well for a current situation- both from "Understanding The Tarot" by Burke.

Hehe, I think I may be the only one on the planet who can get absolutely nowhere with the CC...



rowan said:
Hehe, I think I may be the only one on the planet who can get absolutely nowhere with the CC...
Oh... I wouldn't say that Rowan... I had a great deal of trouble using the Celtic Cross in the form which I first learned. This first CC spread that I learned was from "A Complete Guide to the Tarot" by Eden Gray and was, for some reason, pretty difficult for me to use. I have since re-defined many of the card positions for my own use and it flows much better for me. You might want to take a look at the "Your personal version of the Celtic Cross" thread for some alternative position meanings. You may find one or two versions which might work for you, or get some ideas for making your own. (Mine is the 8th one on the 2nd page ;) )


I use the Celtic Cross most often,because it was what I first learned ,years ago. I sometimes use a 3 card spread if I want to do a 'quickie' reading.
I find the others (because there are so many)just confuse me.
It takes awhile for me to get used to them and learn them too.


I haven't tried many spreads but from the two I have used I know that I don't like the cross spread but I do like the ten-card spread in the booklet for the Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg.


Horoscope-House Spread

For those with an Astrological background and who may just be coming to Tarot (like me), the Horoscope or House Spread is a natural. The twelve cards are arranged in a circle, the first at the LH side where the ASCendant is, the others placed sequentially around the circle -- one for each house. I utilize reversals and look for the following patterns:
*** When two/more cards of the same rank or suite are together (sequentially) I treat them as conjunctions. When opposite (six houses away) I treat them as oppositions. I also use squares and trines.
*** When two/more cards of the same rank or suite fall into one of the above "aspect" patterns and one of the cards is reversed I treat it as being retrograde.
*** I generally read the cards and fit each into the "house meaning" it occupies. When I have an aspect pattern, I add the meaning of the pattern to the meaning of the cards.
USE or APPLICATION: I use this spread when I want to have an overview of a situation that involves several people, groups, even nations. It can be substituted for the use of a Mundane or Political chart, or an individual Event chart where you want to look at complex issues. Dave.

isthmus nekoi

Dave, this spread sounds fascinating, I will definetely give it a try.... When you're doing this spread, do you also take astrological associations into consideration (ie. Justice=Libra), or would that just muck up the natural progression of signs on the houses?.............


More on horoscope thread

Reply to isthmus nekoi
I don't always take astrological associations into account only because I'm not sure that I agree with many of those that are commonly used. In another thread -- General, Tarot Reversals, we are exploring both reversals and astrological associations. In that thread, under the Magician, I have just posted a horoscope or house spread to clarify the meaning of the Magician Reversed as it appeared in a Celtic Cross spread that was being used. Earlier, in the Fool Reversed thread, I noted that the this card represented for me a conjunction or opposition aspect and NOT an astrological planet or sign -- I gave three example spreads to illustrate that. This, I'm sure, is revolutionary practice. For the Magician I am currently leaning towards a "Mercury in Virgo" overtone. Now Justice = Libra seems reasonable although Jupiter was the King of the Gods and Lawgiver while Saturn is strong in Libra. Sometimes I tend to combine a planet and a sign or house as a means of trying to find a more robust fit. Sometimes nothing impresses me. The tread I mentioned on Reversals is helping me to sort out my thoughts. Check it out. Dave.


My personal favorite spread is a seven card horseshoe with some modifications to the place meanings from the source where I learned it. (I will definantly have to check out Umbrae's version).
The CC was the first I learned and it just seems very muddled to me. I also use the 3 card ppf and a 5 card horse shoe occasionally.
I am just beginning to explore the Gill and have been working on the 10 card spread suggested with it. So far I like it but it's a bit early to be sure.



Hi rowan,

I can't use the celtic cross either, I've used variations of it but they're not my favourite spreads to use.
I do like doing past, present and future spreads and adding extra cards onto the present and future - this way it makes it into a substantial reading and you can get a good overall view of a situation. Its also good for when you haven't got a question and just want to lay a few cards. I usually ask for a clarifier too. :)