Query on south nodes


Many thanks Cassie ....... it's very interesting actually, because I have a dominance of Virgo natally ...... so you can imagine the clashes :D


MCsea said:
I like to look at the sabian symbol - see what it is, often it sheds some light on it
Wow, Marina! I've just done that and something really clicked! I had looked at the Sabian Symbols for all my personal planets, but for some reason, not my nodes. And yet, I've also been learning about the nodes - thanks to Jan Spiller's wonderful book Astrology for the Soul, recommended by Moongold, which is entirely about the influence of the nodes. That book really filled some important holes for me.

But now, with the Sabian Symbols for my node degrees, I've understood something more about myself and my path.

My South Node is Scorpio 11 - A Drowned Man Being Rescued

My North Node is Taurus 11 - A woman sprinkling long rows of flowers

I spent years "rescuing" people - either professionally or personally. I felt it my duty as well as my vocation. I even went to rescue war and torture victim. As a Scorpio South Node, I am somewhat over-intense and in love with drama, too - as you see, in the "rescue" department, which also tallies very well with my South Node in the 6th house of health and healing.

Personally, I always have the urge to rescue people -family, lovers, friends, etc.

And it's finding out that people must also rescue themselves - beyond the real lifesaving gesture of course! - that has made me reassess my whole dramatic rescue vocation.

Now, when I look at my placid Taurus 11 North Node, it could not be more contrasted. Nothing dramatic there - just quiet and loving nourishing.

And the penny dropped! My path is to learn not to rescue, but instead, to nourish and love others, so they may be strong for themselves and flourish! (big theme in my personal life at the moment, btw). And in the 12th House, it is also telling me that my spiritual well-being depends on it. It also tells me that such gentle "sprinkling flowers" nourishment can be achieved through spiritual means. That is - that my spiritual path IS the way to shape my North Node path.

I love that image of the woman sprinkling the row of flowers. I sprinkle my flowers every day during this hot dry season, and I know the pleasure of nourishing - it nourishes me too! - as well as the joy of seeing my plants flourish strong and beautiful encouraged by such tender care.

Food for thought, indeed.

Thanks for the tip, Marina!

Huredriel - definitely find out more about your nodes. They are a vital key, as you can see - especially with the Sabian Symbols!

Cassie Priam


You are meant to balance that energy, make sure you use the Virgo energy wisely and begin to integrate it with the Pisces energy. It is right/left brain integration, logic and intuition. I have that strong theme in my natal chart, can be a bit of a challenge!


Thanks Cassie ...... I shall pass on that info to my mum and sister, when the time is right ;)

Helvetica ...... a thought ....... a woman tending a long row of flowers ..... looking after her home environment, taking care/nourishing and nurturing of her (your) own needs?

I've also printed out my sabian symbols for the natal chart - very interesting, although I'm not quite sure what to make of it yet!!

I have north node Aries 11 - The Ruler of a Nation
South node Libra 11 - A professor peering over his glasses at his students

With the dominance of Virgo, spec in Mercury I can see the pernickity professor with his details in me, but Ruler of a Nation ....... well, I have to say that does crack me up somewhat :D


Waves to everyone -- HI THERE --

Oh I'm SO pleased you found your AMAZING life path symbols Helvetica, I often see people in to alternative therapies (homeopathy and bach flower essences in particular) have these symbols too. I think they sabian symbols shed some light onto the higher intentions in our life - when we look ;)

I love that the astrology weekly web site generates the sabian symbol list for individual natal charts for FREE (THANK YOU RADU - webmaster at the site)



huredriel said:
Helvetica ...... a thought ....... a woman tending a long row of flowers ..... looking after her home environment, taking care/nourishing and nurturing of her (your) own needs?
Nurturing everyone, including myself. You can't nurture others if you are depleted, though you might try and save them. That's another difference I see between my south node - what I came in the world with and must let go of - and my north node - my destiny, what I must embrace. Not just home - flowers bloom everywhere. But I am becoming more of a homebod than I ever was, so I think that aspect is there too.


huredriel said:
LOL, done it ....... but how strange, there's none for my Mars :confused:

Sorry, meant to say it's 9 Leo :)
This is fascinating...just looked up my nodes and my north node is 9 leo! I thought it was some cosmic joke that it turned out to be blank. Then I found your post - glad I'm not the only one, lol. Weird, huh? It seems to be the only one in the whole list that's missing.

I guess 9 Leo's purpose is to be...blank!!!

Edited to add: South node - 9 Aquarius - A Flag is seen turning into an Eagle.

These sabian symbols are intriguing but very enigmatic...I have no idea what that means.

Another edit: Found it on another site.

9 Leo - Glass Blowers Shape Beautiful Vases With Their Controlled Breathing

Pretty but still enigmatic...

I found the whole list here:


Here's onefor you- South node 17deg Cap- A girl surruptitiously bathing in the nude(?)
and...North node 17deg Cancer- Seed grows into knowlege and life.
The second one is pretty straightforward, but the south node is a little out of my mind set. Innocence? Sneakiness, hidden cleanliness? I'm a bit lost here...
I did however like my Mercury- a bear sitting down and flapping and waving its paws about- Very good, I blunder a fair bit(verbally and socially) and am genuinely a bit bewildered when my ham handed communication gets misconstrued. Innocent tactlessness.


I just wrote a nice reply here and the computer ate it!

So in summary from what I remember I just wrote....
I e-mailed Radu from the above mentioned website and told him about leo 9 :)

I have the big bear as my MC - so appropriate for me :)
Oh and a short - brief example of how I would interpret some of the above symbols -
Leo 9 - mix fire from Leo and air from the symbol to get passionate communication?
Aquarius 9 - Aquarius and prominent Air symbols - maybe new age written communication - e-mail, books, symbols ??
Cap 17 mix water from the symbol and Capricorn and to get the formulation of real things from the unconscious?

I had such a lovely e-mail before, this one looks so boring now..



17deg Cap- A girl surruptitiously bathing in the nude

This strikes me as being about concealment or secrecy - or having a secret, sensual inner life (which is very capricornian!).

MCsea said:
Leo 9 - mix fire from Leo and air from the symbol to get passionate communication?
Aquarius 9 - Aquarius and prominent Air symbols - maybe new age written communication - e-mail, books, symbols ??
Cap 17 mix water from the symbol and Capricorn and to get the formulation of real things from the unconscious?
Marina - thanks for that :) Yes I see - fire and air - Leo/Aquarius!

I guess it's always much easier to interpret other people's symbols, lol.