My tarot cards have disappeared!


Nope, not the bathroom either. Our house is small, so there's not a lot of new places I can look at this point. The dog is pretty old. He tends to sleep all day, so I think I can rule him out too. The 4 yr. old swears he didn't touch them. I'm giving up tonight. Maybe they'll be back on my night stand in the morning?


As a MOM of 3...Ahem...go with the kid. Good to know he has great taste:D

Just my thought


I hope you find them! I remember the first time I lost a deck (it probably won't be the last) it was not fun at all and it bugged me for a while.

(I suspect the kid!) =D


There may be an interrogation tomorrow. We'll see what he has to say for himself then. Perhaps bribery with sugar will yield some important clues.


Skip the sugar bribe and go for the MYSTERY...of it all :D Would have worked for me... :)


Ahhh... good point.


this happened to me too

i was readin for some friends who were doing a night stay ... before goin to bed i counted them ..and then arranged them in order ..put them in their box .. but next morning 2 of swords was missing ... i cannot fathom where it went and the weird part is the image of that card (RWS) keeps popping in my head every once in while ...

i have a feeling i WILL bump into that card some day . probably at a place which i would have already checked a million times.


Well, a very nice friend of mine pulled a card from one of her decks to find out about my missing Templar. The card she pulled was the 9 of Swords from a deck called 'Old Time tarot'. The card shows the image of 1920's ocean liner and also a big steam train. So, it seems the cards have decided to pack their bags and take a little trip across the water. Maybe that missing two of yours went along for the ride.

I sure hope it turns up for me one of these days.


Do you have another deck to do a reading about where the missing deck is? Worked for me! Is there perhaps someone in the house that may secretly dislike your deck & stole it?


jcwirish said:
Well, a very nice friend of mine pulled a card from one of her decks to find out about my missing Templar. The card she pulled was the 9 of Swords from a deck called 'Old Time tarot'. The card shows the image of 1920's ocean liner and also a big steam train. So, it seems the cards have decided to pack their bags and take a little trip across the water. Maybe that missing two of yours went along for the ride.
Does your little boy, by some strange chance, have a toy train and/or boat . . . ?

\m/ Kat