Mary Greer Collecting Stories for Possible Publication


Teheuti said:
Ferol - I'm going to stick to Aeclectic Tarot for the time being, but feel free to let people know at your meet-up. Mary

I did post the link on Living Tarot Meetup just a few moments ago. What a blast!

I will be watching your collection here with great interest.

Little Hare

The knight and the red dragon

Deck used: Mythic

Word count: 283

Card: Knight of Swords


Once upon a time there was a night who traveled far across the land who rode with nothing but his horse and sword. He was longing for something deep within his heart and bones and rode the great lands to find the missing key to his unhappiness. One still quiet morning while riding, a great red dragon flew down from the sky, threw back his head and let out a screech that shook the heavens and earth!

The knight was curious, he had never seen such a creature before. The dragon stood twice as high as the tallest tree and had wonderful electric sea blue eyes. Covering the dragons body were jeweled scales of every shade of red, so that when the sun struck him, the scales shone giving light to the darkest places within the universe.

The knight pondered as to what to say to this strange creature. He had never been lost for words. Smoke coming from the dragons mouth and nose sent rainbows into the sky. Finally the dragon began to talk.

“Do you know young knight I heard your prayers up in the heavens? We were surprised with the question, that someone who has such power and faithful companionship surely could work out the answer?”

Still the knight stayed silent.

“Well you and I are both the same, our appearances may differ but inside we all hold the same magic. We are two sides of the same coin.”

The knight gathered up his courage and rode full speed towards the belly of the dragon. As the knight melded with the dragon, he let out a mighty roar and flew up into the heavens. The knight and the red dragon.


Way to go, peace_pixie!! Wasn't that fun???

I'm so glad more people are jumping on board here....


Little Hare

Thanks terri!

it was lots of fun. The funny thing is the story gave me the answer ;)

tmgrl2 said:
Way to go, peace_pixie!! Wasn't that fun???

I'm so glad more people are jumping on board here....



The Cat On High

The Baroque Bohemian Cats Tarot
The High Priestess

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there existed a kingdom ruled by richly dressed, highly cultured felines. In this magickal land, if one wanted an answer to a question, they journeyed to the Seat of Wisdom, and addressed their question to the Cat On High. This cat was a very wise female of indeterminate years. Serene by nature, she dressed in deep, royal blue robes, and spent her days seated between two magnificent stone pillars. In her lap she held the "Golden Book of Wisdom", which contained the wisdom of all times - past, present, and future.

One day there appeared before her a very young cat, dressed in royal purple. She recognized him as the King's youngest son, a gentle young man who had yet to fins his way at court.

The Cat On High smiled down at the young cat. "How may I help you, young man?"

"Madam Cat On High, I wish to know my place, and to know my path. My oldest brother is in training to follow in my father's footsteps. My middle brother is in training to lead our Armed Forces, should we ever have the need to defend ourselves. (The Kingdom of Felines had never yet had to defend itself, choosing diplomacy over war.) I want to please my father, and I want to serve our people. What skills do I have to offer?"

The Cat On High sat quietly, contemplating the young cat's question. She held the Golden Book loosely in her hands. Slowly, the pages began to turn, all on their own. She began to speak: "My son, you were born into this lifetime with very special skills and abilities. You were not meant to be a leader of your people - that task goes to your oldest brother. You were not meant to be a protector of your people - that task goes to your middle brother. You were meant to act as the channel between your people and the wisdom of the ages, the wisdom of our ancestors. You will help your people to understand themselves, and to understand their own paths."

"Madam Cat On High, I do not know how to access this path, I do not know how to be a channel for wisdom. How can I be of help to my people, when I cannot help myself?"

The Cat On High smiled serenely. "My son, find that which gives you your greatest joy. Take only those actions that support whatever gives you your greatest joy. These are the actions that will help you help your people."

With that, a mist began to swirl around the Cat On High, and she disappeared. The young cat returned to the palace, his heart at peace. He had always known that which gave him his greatest joy, and he was sure that he would be able to follow the path set before him.


Got goose bumps reading your story, Bonnie! I am looking forward every day now to seeing more stories....and learning from everyone's "fairytales."

When I worked with children, we read and studied and created fairytales and fables and general folktales...marvelous way to teach and learn lessons.



Bonnie -
Thank you for your story. I don't know if I'll ever be able to see the High Priestess in that deck again without calling her Cat On High. ;-)

I'll PM you with a request for a little more info.





I agree with you - these stories are a great deal of fun, and I look forward very much to see what people will be coming up with. :)

Mary - I will go check my PM's right now. I am quite sure that this project will generate a great many stories, using a wide range of decks. It was as much fun choosing the deck as it was writing the story!



Here is another one for you Mary.

Deck: The Victorian Romantic.
Card: 8 of Pentacles

The Story of Love Lost

Once upon a time, there was a young apprentice by the name of Pathos. Now Pathos wanted to be the best in his chosen profession, which was that of a painter of fine vases. This is a painstaking job that required the greatest of skill and knowledge of the vases, the medium in which it was made, and what paint to use scribe his beautiful images with. It was all a very exacting job, which required a lot of time and patience. Pathos was thinking to himself, “if only I could get this just right, this will be the most beautiful vase I have ever created.” Indeed it was beautiful. As he labored away at his task, just outside his window, the world was going on and passing by. Pathos unaware because of his concentration on his work never realized that the world and time were passing him by. He worked diligently on his beautiful artwork, carefully making sure that what he was painting on the vase was what he saw in his mind’s eye.

One day a beautiful young girl, stopped by the window and saw the young Pathos working away at his masterpiece. She was struck by the beauty of the work, but more she was struck by the young man who was welding the paintbrush. She decided she would introduce herself and did so.
“Excuse me sir, but my name is Amore. What is your name?” Pathos paused for a moment and briefly looked at the young girl and said somewhat shyly, “My name is Pathos.”

“Oh Pathos,” she exclaimed clapping her hands together, “what an elegant, beautiful vase you are painting. Have you worked on it long?”

Pathos looked at the vase with love in his eyes and pride and said,” almost all my working life. This is the one vase that will make my reputation as an artisan. It is my pride and joy.” He touched the vase reverently as if touching a lover.

Amore wanted to know this young man more, she wanted him to think of her as he thought of the vase, with love and reverence, for you see, she fell instantly in love with him. Not wanting to compete with the vase, she decided to make an offer.

“Pathos, will you sell me the vase when you are finished? After all, you can make another, and I would really like this one.”

Pathos turned to her as if she struck a blow to his face. He winced in pain. “NO! I cannot sell this vase. It is,….my life,….my work,….my love. No, I am sorry but it is not for sale at any price.” With that Pathos went back to his laborious work.

Amore, crestfallen sighed and sadly walked away from the window, and walked away from Pathos. Pathos, was still working, totally absorbed in his job, totally oblivious to the fact that love walked into his life and with one dismissal, walked away.

Humbly submitted by Baroli


Yet another beautiful story, Baroli!!!

Thanks for the scan, too....I may go back tomorrow and put in a scan of the Morgan Greer card....adds to the "picture."
