synastry chart... an unusual question


if two people have both their venuses in the same degree, so lets say 8 degrees but in diff signs (capricorn and virgo) does this mean anything in astrology?? :) i'm curious because I a person i find my soulmate ( a very close one) and I BOTH have this... and our venus both conjunct each other's ascendant...



Having your Venus at "X" degrees of a sign and another person's Venus at "X" degrees of another sign means that they have an ASPECT relationship to each other. The nature of that aspect is very important. For example, a sextile is very different from an inconjunct aspect.

Having one's Venus on the other's Ascendant, and vice-versa, CAN BE very strong and will certainly be significant. However, since the two Venus' are in some undefined aspect relationship this implies that the Ascendant's are also in that aspect relationship. As noted above, this can be good or difficult.

So, there is no answer to your question given the lack of any other specific information --- such as chart data. And one interactive pattern does not make for a soul mate. It is both more simple and more complex than that. Dave


The answer is 'Yes But...'

Firstly the 'Yes'

There is a trine between the two Venus placements on the information you gave and that would indicate some compatibility between the two people and that is strengthened much more by the conjunctions with the Ascendants.

Together we have a major indicator of a strong bond between the two people in terms of love, and relationships in terms of 'body mind and spirit',

Secondly the 'But'

We have one major indicator but without the natal charts we don't know if there are any more indicators supporting the relationship or any indicators that outweigh this one.

Also we don't know that this relationship is primarily a romantic one - it indicates a very close and loving relationship but that could be parent/child, sibling, or fraternal. The natal charts and any derived charts, would help to supply the remaining information (as well as a clear statement to the effect that it is a romantic relationship LOL)