The Tarot of Vampyres


Well, you can't really only go halfway with a vampire deck. If you are going to create one at all it needs to positively revel in all things vampire or it turns out unintentionally campy. I like this deck and will probably get it. I can't promise a place in my every day reading rotation but it is beautiful, in my eyes, and I like beautiful things around me.

strings of life

Le Fanu said:
And what - pray - does one do with art decks? I never quite know whether I'm using art decks correctly...Do I just need to look at them every now & then?
I didn't have my morning Early Grey yet. But, now that I art deck? What was I thinking.

One can't actually read with an art deck * sarcasm *. You look at it, put it away. Wonder why you bought it. The art, yes, the art!

morticia monroe said:


I'm not sure how I feel about this at all. A few of the cards are stunning but I'm not sure it would read. Oh no! Does this mean I'm getting jaded about new decks? I looked at the full set of majors and thought, "It's not the Illuminated!"



I've been disappointed with vampire decks thus far, but this one has potential. I can't wait to see it once it's released. :) While it won't help in readings, the fact that the girls are my "ideal type" doesn't hurt my chances of buying it. :p


Interesting, the artwork is pretty cool. I can see myself buying this one. I think I could read with it, but it is so hard to tell with some decks until you have them in hand.


zan_chan said:
Interpretive dance.

You made me spit my coffee out laughing at that one!


Le Fanu said:
Lol. Stick. Wrong end of. But I do think werewolves are currently being neglected. There are a few in the Vampire Tarot of the Eternal Night Tarot which I like but I do think that werewolves can be genuinely scarey... and it's time for their 15 minutes of fame!

I like thinking that the wolves in the Gothic Tarot by Vargo are werewolves with a more wolf shape. In the old time werewolves had wolves shape, not half wolf half men we see in movies. The movie The company of wolves is a good example.

Queen of Disks

Pretty, but no.