Hermetic Tarot The Foolish Man


I have misplaced my LWB so will find this even more difficult but thought I would start with the Foolish Man which is numbered 0.

A man stands teetering on a cliff edge with a raging sea beneath him. He holds a flower and has a wolf on a chain. Another flower grows from the wolf. A bright sun beats down. His full nap sack sits at his feet. A crocodile or sea monster peers up from the sea and the man stares off into the distance.

The card is titled the Spirit of Ether.

The element air is to his left side.

I found a picture here:

I'm assuming that the gylph above his ruck sack is an alchemy symbol but since I have misplaced the LWB can't find what it means. I assume the Hebrew lettering is Aleph and the gylph is possibly the sign for the Spirit of Ether.

I looked up Spirit of Ether and found some information:

It is a mixture of ether (1), rectified spirit (2). Test. - Specific gravity, 0.809. Dose. - 30 to 90 min. Preparation. b.p. Tinctura Lobelia aetherea. Uses

Spirit of ether is used as a carminative and stimulant. It is useful in lessening the pain in the passage of biliary or urinary calculi.

This is from the book: A Text-Book Of Pharmacology, Therapeutics And Materia Medica by T. Lauder Brunton

Pure Ether apparently has the same effects on the system as alcohol. It used to be inhaled directly into the lungs:

An agreeable exhilaration, amounting to intoxication, is now generally felt, which is sometimes quiet; but in other cases is attended with various muscular movements, occasionally amounting to convulsions. In a period of from two to five minutes, sometimes, however, prolonged to ten or even fifteen, sleepiness is produced, the eyes are closed, the voluntary muscles become relaxed, and the patient falls back apparently quite unconscious. The mind, however, is not wholly inactive; for the individual often afterwards speaks of curious dreams or visions, which seem to him to have been of long duration, and which, though occasionally disagreeable or even fearful, are for the most part very much the reverse; and. altogether, the effects are so pleasing that a repetition of the process is frequently desired...

The above is from the same book and continues:

... But an undue perseverance in its use, in cases which resist the stupefying influence of the ether, is sometimes followed by serious nervous disorders, and injurious if not dangerous sanguineous determinations, which may last for a considerable time, and should serve as a warning to the practitioner not to urge the measure, in all instances, and at all hazards, to entire stupefaction.

So Ether used to be inhaled and used as a narcotic with a likeness to alcohol and morphine but had several severe side effects one of which was death and the other was "serious nervous disorders".

Spirit of Ether is used in a similar way to chloroform in operations. There is also something called Compound Spirit of Ether which is a mixture of alcohol, ether and ethereal oil also called Hoffman's anodyne after the man who invented it. It is also used as a carminative, antispasmodic and stimulant.

Ether was also held by the Ancient Greeks as the element that held the moon and stars together and we, human beings are supposed to be composed of Ether:

1. That one of the elements which, according to Aristotle, forms the material of the heavenly spheres and bodies from the moon to the fixed stars.

2. Physics; -A hypothetical medium supposed to fill all known space, even those portions occupied by fluids and solids.

The functions assigned to the ether, such as the transmission waves with the velocity of light and the production, when under certain strains or subjected to certain motions, of all the phenomena due to electric and magnetic fields of force, indicate properties unlike those of any known form of matter.

I would assume that since the Fool is symbolised by Air, Spirit of Ether refers to the Ethereal or something formed of ether. Something light or airy, spirit like, extremely delicate etc It also refers to the: “Vast chain of being, which from God began, Natures ethereal, human, angel, man" – Pope.

The symbol for the human being is apparently: E = THE = R (V.2) which means (2) x ethereal beings (male and female) joined in vibrational motion to create an equilibrium of one, through balance created by the dynamic equilibrium resulting in ‘reversible chemical reaction’, being fluids forming solid.


The symbol over his sack is Pluto. The LWB, IIRC, doesn't go into details on it at all.


The symbol over his sack is Pluto. The LWB, IIRC, doesn't go into details on it at all.

I always fall short when it comes to astrology! Thanks. I found a larger symbol for Pluto.

I was actually talking about the smaller symbols directly above his nap sack which looks like ancient alchemy. I did a quick search last night but couldn't find it. It looks like a few symbols together.

I was also wondering if anyone knew what species the flowers were as that might be helpful. I was wondering if they were Dog Roses:

I was was wondering why Pluto is in this card rather than Uranus. I did some research on Pluto and it may be something to do with its atmosphere. The average temperature of Pluto is 44 degrees above absolute zero. Apparently as it revolves its atmosphere freezes and then unfreezes again according to how close it is to the sun. When it unfreezes it is made up of nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide.

I was wondering if Pluto was chosen to go with this card because both Spirit of Ether and Pluto's atmosphere are so cold. From the book I quoted from in the first post:

Action of Ether. - When applied to the skin ether evaporates very readily, and causes intense cold. The application of ether to the surface will freeze it completely, and render it perfectly insensitive to pain. If the freezing be continued for too long a time, the frozen part may be killed, and separate as a slough.


I always fall short when it comes to astrology! Thanks. I found a larger symbol for Pluto.

I was actually talking about the smaller symbols directly above his nap sack which looks like ancient alchemy. I did a quick search last night but couldn't find it. It looks like a few symbols together.

I was also wondering if anyone knew what species the flowers were as that might be helpful. I was wondering if they were Dog Roses:

The little symbols - are on every card. It is the mark of Godfrey Dowson.

The flowers are supposed to be the Rose of Silence (behind him) and the Rose of Joy is in his right hand. The Rose of Joy looks like a typical wild rose near the end of its bloom. You can see the thorns on both stems. In the Golden Dawn Tarot, they look more like fancy roses growing on a tree.

It might help if you could find a copy of the Golden Dawn book by Israel Regardie - or at least Book "T". While the images are not exactly the same, they are very close. I like to think of them as varieties on a theme.


The little symbols - are on every card. It is the mark of Godfrey Dowson.

The flowers are supposed to be the Rose of Silence (behind him) and the Rose of Joy is in his right hand. The Rose of Joy looks like a typical wild rose near the end of its bloom. You can see the thorns on both stems. In the Golden Dawn Tarot, they look more like fancy roses growing on a tree.

It might help if you could find a copy of the Golden Dawn book by Israel Regardie - or at least Book "T". While the images are not exactly the same, they are very close. I like to think of them as varieties on a theme.

I found the book here:
I have just noticed that the symbol is indeed on every card:D

Interesting info on the roses thank you:)


I found some info on the Fool or Foolish Man in the Regardie book:

A naked child stands beneath a rose-tree bearing yellow roses - the golden Rose of Joy as well as the Rose of Silence. While reaching up to the Roses, he yet holds in leash a grey wolf, worldly wisdom held in check by perfect innocence.

In this card however we don't have a child so we don't have the 'perfect innocence' element from the deck described. However we have the grey wolf and the roses.

This link is a good reference with illustrations and explanations by G.H. Soror:
http://www.tarot.org.il/Library/Misc/The Tarot Trumps.html

The book also refers to the title of the card, The Spirit of Ether as its "magical title". I did some more digging and the Spirit of Ether seems to refer to Aleph:

Now, taking another example, the Telesmatic Image appertaining to the Letter ALEPH. This on the BRIATIC Plane, would be rather masculine than feminine and would be resumed by a spiritual figure hardly visible at all, the head-dress winged, the body cloud-veiled and wrapped in mist, as if clouds were rolling over and obscuring the outline, and scarcely permitting the legs and feet to be seen. It represents the Spirit of Ether.

Regardie goes on to say:

The Letter ALEPH represents spirituality in high things, but when translated to the plane contiguous to or below ASSIAH is usually something horrible and unbalanced, because it is so opposed to matter that the moment it is involved therein, there is no harmony between them. This notion is most important and permeates all forms of the Order's magical procedures.

I assume the crocodile has the same significance as the Thoth:
https://www.dmt-nexus.me/Files/Books/General/Aleister Crowley - The book of Thoth.pdf

I can only assume as well that this Foolish Man is the Foolish Prince or Wandering Prince from legend that Crowley discusses in his description of the Fool in the BoT because he doesn't bear any resemblance to the 'Telesmatic Image' of the letter Aleph as described above apart from the fact that his feet are proportionally tiny...


I'm working my way through studying one card in this deck a day, and wanted to share some of my thoughts.

This card is supposed to represent Pluto, named for the god of the underworld; I believe the significance of it swirling in the mist that obscures the waves underlines the danger of the situation the Foolish Man is in… Reiterating the stormy water and waiting crocodile. Pluto is also considered to represent mystery or the unknown, a refrain of the secret of worldly wisdom the Foolish Man is ignorant of in his perfect innocence.

I was struggling with how to read this card in a practical sense, since it doesn't, at first blush, seem to relate as much to a journey. After thinking about this, I revised my impression. The journey is beginning to move forward in a metaphorical sense, to attain the worldly wisdom that will keep us from the more mortal peril, we must kill our perfect innocence or faith. Acceptance that you cannot possess wisdom without seeing the world as it truly is.

Thank you for posting the information about ALEPH! It really helped me to work through things until my copy of the Golden Dawn book arrives. :)