Spirit of the Year Annual Look-ahead Spread


Recent talk here about "mixed reading" divination that uses more than one method in the same reading got me thinking about different ways to do that. I settled on one that uses both tarot cards and dice to examine the significance of monthly situations in an annual forecast spread. I've also attached a photo to show what it looks like in practice (without the dice since I don't have enough to display the whole layout at once).

ETA: I'm thinking that a set of base-12 dominoes drawn randomly might work even better, except that you could never get duplicates unless you had more than one set. Also. I might remove the double-blank tile, unless I chose to read it as "no impact." I realize that there are higher-base-number sets, but interpretation starts to get sketchy unless you use numerological reduction.

Also, before anyone brings it up, my basis for numerical interpretation is primarily from the Tree of Life by way of Aleister Crowley, with minor input from Agrippa's "Three Books of Occult Philosophy." As far as I know, it isn't related to the "lucky number" form of pop numerology. I left off month names, so hopefully this will work in the Southern Hemisphere as well; I couldn't do anything with the quarters.


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