Fenestra Tarot - Queen of Swords



She's got something tragical in her eyes. Craking jokes and laughing at others pranks is not really a trait of her personality.
The blowing wind in her hair seems to show her cerebral activity and her reflection on her actions.
She's also the only queen with no special coiffure.
Her hair is floating, maybe to manifest her free thoughts and also, maybe her disinterest in physical matters.


Her left hand is raised, ready to make a decision whereas her right hand firmly holds a sword as if she was asserting her authority.

Body position

She is the only queen of the deck to directly face the viewer. Her body is straight and shows a duality through the position of her arms : rigidity in her left hand holding the sword, and movement of her left right hand, raised in the air.


Her dress is pretty dark compared to other queens. Her left breast, where the heart is normally orientated, is covered by a darker bit of cloth as if to hide her feelings and not let them alter her judgement.


Not sure if the drawing behind the queen is the back of a chair but it also depicts this idea of stiffness (the two straight sticks), and movement (the interlacing between the two sticks).
It encircles her head, stressing a bit more the importance of thinking activity.

Possible upright meanings

Rationality - Impartiality - Solitude - Lack of emotion - Decision ....

Possible reversed meanings

Emotional dependency - Domination - Drama - (self) Criticism - ....