Ace of Cups-- Lotus and Grail


Wow! Open my Ancience Eyes! Thanks wizzle! I'll absorb all this and bring it back with me.

Thank you!



lotus counting

i just noticed the symbolic use of 18 petals shown
supporting the grail (an incorp oral integration)

and hello TinK


Hello AlF

alphonsine said:
i just noticed the symbolic use of 18 petals shown
supporting the grail (an incorp oral integration)

Could you expand? Is this in the many teachings from the site wizzle sent earlier. Ohh! Just had a thought.....but I'll wait for your input, I might be wrong!

Thanks AlF!


self portrait

my pattern of thought was 6 6 6 =18
here again is a way for the artist to paint himself in
the masterpiece
implying a merger of energies to obtain enlightenment

alp hon is e


alphonsine said:
my pattern of thought was 6 6 6 =18
here again is a way for the artist to paint himself in
the masterpiece
implying a merger of energies to obtain enlightenment

alp hon is e

The masterpiece, an interesting analogy.

Let's see, a merger of energies - our etheric, our soul and our physical being. For this to happen our bodies must be prepared for the intense energy frequencies they will need to be ready to accept. And once accpeted, our soul then must find a way to manifest this energy through the physical body. Our inner voice is essentially our divine link to other dimensions and ultimately the sacred connection.

To me, a self-portrait is like a flower that blooms only once every lifetime, and for that moment, we are to rise, merge and bloom in total ecstasy. The more we savor the moment, the more magical it becomes.



good morning

deffinetly our entirety must be ready for the surges of energy...
i think one is always more apt to be pleased with energy of
"DeVine" aspects
when i mentioned the merger...
i was speculating that 1 must also except the "Shadow"
side of climbing to the grail
the light /shadow
may both be embraceable assets




alphonsine said:
good morning
i was speculating that 1 must also except the "Shadow"
side of climbing to the grail
the light /shadow
may both be embraceable assets


This does change my perspection alf! I always thought that the brown corners were the hidden sides of our character pushed away for the moment by a total eureka moment! And the two of cups was now the issue of different perceptions intertwining and coming together.

I didn't even think that when we create a masterpiece it is depicted in light and shadows. It is the shading that gives a portrait great contrast and an exceptional view of the artist's twisted caricature.

The observer and the observed are one.

It just goes to show how our habits of perception stop us from seeing 'fully'.

Thanks alphonsine


inside my shell

when i look at the top colors
i feel like theres
a shell of sorts
like venus transmuting downwards
any one have thoughts on this?

Ren ior alp
thanks Tink for all your lovely reflections