World Card as Crossing Card


Hello to All on this beautiful day,
Greetings, I recently did a Celtic Cross spread where the World was the Crossing Card. The Basis of my question was: I am at a crossroads in my life where so many things could happen and decisions and choices have to be made, 1) I live across the country from my parents and want to live closer to them since they are becoming older but don't quite yet feel that I want to live in their state , 2) I want to start on a career and educational path towards learning and practicing acupuncture- to me it is a new more spiritual and much needed undertaking, unlike my current career in dentistry, 3) I also would like to further my current career by taking additional studies, 4) I would like to get out of the rat race and get back to the basics of life, 5) I have to try to work out all these details by the end of the year. So confusion is the bottom line and time does seem to be of the essence.

In the spread I did: My #1 card (significator) was King of Cups; #2 (the Crossing) The World; #3 (the Crown @ 12 o'clock) Three of Discs; #4 (Beneath Me @ 6 o'clock) The Chariot; #5 (Behind Me @3 o'clock) Two of Discs; #6 (Before Me @ 9 o'clock) The Fool;
#7 (For House and Home) Wheel of Fortune; #8 (Hopes and Fears) The Emperor; #9 (What You Don't Expect) Six of Cups; #10 (What is Sure to be) Ten of Wands. None of the cards were Reversed since I choose not to read them that way and I shuffled them in order not to get them.

Incidentally, the Two of Discs crowned me in the reading previous to this and the Wheel of Fortune was the #5 card. I do feel that The Chariot and Wheel of Fortune indicate some kind of movement as well as the Fool, to start a journey. The 10 of Wands to me indicate hard work (but not a burden). The impression I got overall was Change. The World is at my feet, mine to be had if I choose, Does it mean in its position- that I need to overcome my hesitation and fears of letting go of my current comforts? Inside, I know I have to do this, far before I ever did the reading. Any insight would be very helpful.... Thank You....... Walk-in-beauty.......Peace to you all...............


From my 1st impresion, the World crossing card with other cards in your spread is you are crossed by so many things you want to achieve at the same time, notice you have many major arcana big things are moving in your life, the cards also show me that you have the desire, drive(Chariot) and the skills to accomplish it (3 of discs) but at the same time you fear been unable to keep control of everything (Emperor) that card seem connected to the 2 of discs (handling things in equilibrium, keeping the things flowing)
you might accomplish everything you are thinking but that 10 of wands tells me is going to be a load to carry but because of the background and motivation you have you might very well give it a try with the support of the Chariot, 2 and 3 of discs.

Many readers use the significator + the 10 cards of the CC it totals 11 cards I see you used your significator as position 1 also, but as there are many versions of the CC I was surprised to see it for the 1st time.

Best wishes


This is just a thought, but with the World crossing you I wonder if it has to do with finishing what you started. By embarking on a new career while considering a move across the country you would definately be completing one phase of your life and beginning a new one- however, to me, the World implies you would do that successfully and with wisdom and experience.

Perhaps the fact that it is crossing you indicates some difficulty doing this. Are you really ready for such a big change? Maybe it should be approached a little at a time, baby steps.


Hello, to Flavio and Belladonna,

Thank you both for your observations and advice. First to Flavio: you are right in that I do want to accomplish everything at the same time if not yesterday. I feel that I have “come out of the woods”,so to speak, because I have put so many things aside and behind me in the last few months and have felt much lighter and looking forward to learning new things and living once again (The Fool?). I often feel as though all these decisions are hinging on me, whether I open the door or keep it closed. And it makes me want to pull out my hair, because decisions have to be made. Maybe I just need to organize them all instead of having to choose one or the other, and take things one step at a time, like Belladonna is asking. Deep inside, I know I have to do these things, I just don’t know when and am afraid to take the leap. Thank you for the encouraging interpretation, it is how I feel ultimately.

To Belladonna: Again, you seem to be hitting the nail on the head. Like I was telling Flavio, so many things have finished their cycles in my life i.e. we payed off our property loan, am debt free, want to move forward with and in life, but do not know which foot to put forward first yet. The baby steps are a very good analogy since we are now looking at building our first home, but also look at the possibility of moving away from here. I often feel like I am being born again, out of this place I have called home for so long, born out again into the world, away from my warm and safe womb, into the world and educational system once again. In my career, I have one more step to take before I can say that I have gone as far as I could, but am not sure that I want to stay with my current employer any longer. As for moving back to New Mexico, where my family is, that too is a big decision since I have come to love New England very much and would hate to leave it. Ideally, I would love to stay here to live, study and try to spend at least a couple of months in NM with my family. So yes, this is what I am stuck on. Thank You for your guidance as well, I hope to hear from you both again. Sincerely, Walk-in-beauty, Peace……………