Advice on this interpretation.


I did a reading for a friend, on why her and her boyfriend are not together at this time. I just did a random pulling of cards and got

7 of Wands
The Hanged Man
Queen of Cups

I clarified The Hanged Man and got The Emperor. I clarified The Emperor, and got 2 of Swords. With the clarification cards it sounds to me like they know that it is an important decision, and because of that they are avoiding the decision all together. Thier avoidance of making a decision on how to proceed next is what's keeping them apart. Am I correct in my interpretation?

*Note all cards were drawn upright using Rider Waite.

psychic sue

Statickitten said:
I did a reading for a friend, on why her and her boyfriend are not together at this time. I just did a random pulling of cards and got

7 of Wands
The Hanged Man
Queen of Cups

I clarified The Hanged Man and got The Emperor. I clarified The Emperor, and got 2 of Swords. With the clarification cards it sounds to me like they know that it is an important decision, and because of that they are avoiding the decision all together. Thier avoidance of making a decision on how to proceed next is what's keeping them apart. Am I correct in my interpretation?

*Note all cards were drawn upright using Rider Waite.

I see this situation as a stale mate. Is there a power stuggle going on with this couple? I think the man is holding back his true feelings and I think that she doesn't want to place herself in a vulnerable position??

It may be more useful to do a spread on this, rather than just pulling random cards, so you can see the positions of past, environmental influences etc. Maybe the celtic cross for a good overall picture? Those are my thoughts anyway.


Maybe I'm Myopic?

Statickitten said:
I clarified The Hanged Man and got The Emperor.
I clarified The Emperor, and got 2 of Swords.
Can you please explain why you drew clarification cards?


I drew the clarification cards because i wanted to know what was causing the stalemate.


What stalemate? You created a stalemate with
The Emperor and Two of Swords. Look:

7 of Wands Sexual energy and excitement
The Hanged Man Selfless devotion, commitment
Queen of Cups Splendorous sensuality

How can it be any clearer than it is right there?


I don't think you needed the clarification cards either, they muddy up the reading.

The Hanged Man may be a bit pulled back from the situation, but he's never one to stay out of it completely, just for the short term. Things may have gotten a bit intense for a little while (the Wands), but there's no 'end' here. The 7 is a lot about give and take. Hanged Man is a brief respite to look/see. Queen is waiting, not retiring. This all seems to be a small time out.