The Return of Keldor and another Tarot filled birthday


Greetings once again,

I know it has been a long time since I've posted, but I have returned with more Tarot books, this year I got:

1.Illustrated Tarot Spreads by Heidemarie Pielmeier
2.Learning Tarot Spreads by Joan Bunning
3.The Everthing Tarot Book by Skye Alexander
4.The Tarot Bible by Sarah Bartlet
5.How to Use Tarot Spreads by Sylvia Abraham :)

It was overall a very good birthday I also got money and a gift certifcate to from my brother, his girlfriend, and her kids.

Looking forward to participating in the forums again,



Happy belated birthday, great set of books!


Nice set to resume work :)


and I'm happy to get back in the swing and reading Tarot cards again :)