Apples Anyone?


Constellation Arrangements


3: CUP

...\...\............./..\.........../...\............. /..../.


._______.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _______

......................7 cups......>>............................





Thanks for the visuals! I just got my Thoth deck today, so I'll be laying them out.

ETA: Just got a call from my library about the arrival of one of my ILLs! Guess which one!
Tarot Constellations


Autopoesis II

Mytho-poetic time loops in upon itself, allowing congress between One’s multiple selves.
Persephone, Demeter, Hecate - the Virgin, Mother & Crone - are all one eternal woman, and you are that Woman.
Zeus, Zagreus, Dionysus all exist as one eternal man, and you are that Man.
Father, Mother, Son, Daughter - the Tetragrammaton - is the mytho-poetic formula transforming one divinity into many.
Their genesis is one story told in all ways for all people.
Generation, propagation, reproduction, progression, evolution are all phenomena of Time. And what is Time but the measure of Earth’s twisting helical path through space, like a long snake coiling around the Sun on its journey toward the constellation Heracles : the Hero who must triumph over 12 ordeals, after which he is granted Immortality.

How is the Centaur like onto a Cross?


II Occultem Lapida II

The numerical key of the constellations organizes Tarot into pieces of a “clock” that, when fit together, depict a working model of the Hermetic Sciences - the arts of civilization “invented” by the Egyptian god Thoth.
This timepiece is, among other things, a calendar, a map, and a philosophy all rolled into one. Its characteristics, if not Egyptian in origin, are at the very least based on what its' inventor believed the Egyptian "sciences" to be.

The glyphs, numbers and symbols (not to be confused with the Tarot card images) fit together in such ways as to indicate their design has been utilized & refined for the expression/codification of this system. Tarot has emerged as a mnemonic device for accessing this code whether its glyphic/number/symbol attributions are present or not, correct or scrambled.

The astrological alignments coincident with the YHShVH “birthday” (see ) may be evidence of a Gnostic teaching &/or ancient prophecy regarding the Egyptian Sun god, Horus.

But one must fit the sequence together to be able to read the story; and for the corrections to make sense. So....


Fit together, this “clockwork” machine of the ancient cosmos depicts an alchemical operation in the Tree of Life whereby one is instructed in a yogic doctrine of Immortality. This formula provides a rosetta stone for understanding many ancient mythic cycles as coherent teachings within the mystery school tradition.

Just because Tarot cards are flat, do not suppose one should conceive of this clock in 2-dimensions.
Be as one who shines bright like the Moon.

I{ The Stone is Polished, All Eyes Shall Open }I


The Universal Solvent

Bearing a close resemblance to one of the alchemical symbols for Vitriolum,
Φ Phi (the Golden Ratio) is a Key we may fit into Metatron - the hexahedron created when Saturn ascends (Fisher King catches a Star!) - to point at each of the Planets on the Tree of Life.

This gives us the following numbers:

17 Sun
18 Moon
22 Mercury
23 Venus
26 Mars
28 Jupiter
30 Saturn

Each is significant to its corresponding Planet in its own way.
Research this and you may discover why 2012 is both the end date AND the calendar.



Fortuna Virgo

A curious thing about the values given for the zodiac Trumps is they make a Cross of Odd and Even sums - in the same way the glyph for Chesed / Jupiter is a symbol of Odd & Even joined together upon a CROSS. More curious still, these sums add up to 28 (14 Even + 14 Odd), which is the METATRON value for Jupiter; taken a “step” further (1 + 4 = 5) they will equal 10 (5 + 5), another fortuitous number for Zeus.

-------------------------------------------- NORTH ( Air ) Odd
-------------------------------------------- 15: Capricorn = 6
-------------------------------------------- 17: Aquarius = 8
-------------------------------------------- 18: Pisces = 9
------------------------------------ 15 + 17 + 18 = 50 = 5 + 0 = 5
-------------------------------------- 6 + 8 + 9 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5
----------------------------------------------------5: Odd

WEST (Water) Even -------------------------------------------------------- EAST (Earth) Even
8: Libra = 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4: Aries = 4
13: Scorpio = 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5: Taurus = 5
14: Sagittarius = 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- 6: Gemini = 6
8 + 13 + 14 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8
8 + 4 + 5 = 17 = 1 + 7 = 8 ------------------------------------- 4 + 5 + 6 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6
8: Even ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6: Even

------------------------------------------- SOUTH (Fire) Odd
---------------------------------------------- 7: Cancer = 7
---------------------------------------------- 11: Leo = 2
---------------------------------------------- 9: Virgo = 9
------------------------------------- 7 + 11 + 9 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9
-------------------------------------------------- 9: Odd

E+W = 8 + 6 = 14 by Even means ----------------------------- N+S = 5 + 9 = 14 by Odd

Rectifying the numerals to XI:Adjustment & VIII:Lust show a kind of roadmap, or formula, for affecting the transmutation with the Constellations.


Fortuna Augusta

Another curious thing about the values given for the Zodiac Trumps has to do with the Earth-Venus Pentagonal Synodic Series. And, just as the METATRON value for Jupiter was significant in reckoning that planet’s pentagram with Saturn, so too is the value for Venus (23) in calculating its’ pentagram with Earth.

4: Aries = 4
5: Taurus = 5
6: Gemini = 6
7: Cancer = 7
8: Leo = Libra = 8
9: Virgo = 9
11: Libra = Leo = 2
13: Scorpio = 4
14: Sagittarius = 5
15: Capricorn = 6
17: Aquarius = 8
18: Pisces = 9

4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 17 + 18 = 127
4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 8 + 9 = 73

Every 2920 to 2925 days (8 years) Earth & Venus complete a pentagonal synodic series.
The sum of the Zodiac trumps have an interesting relationship with this series:

584 = 73 x 8
365 = 73 x 5
225 = (73 x 3) + 6 (Elements=5 + Sun=1)
40 x 73 = 2920

583.92 = Earth-Venus Synodic Period (7 zodiac houses apart)
365.25 = Earth Orbit
224.65 = Venus Orbit

5 x 583.92 = 2919.6
8 x 365.25 = 2922
13 x 224.65 = 2920.45
Average = 2920.68
23 x 127 = 2921

5 : 8 : 13 = Fibonacci Sequence
23 = 2+3 (...2, 3, 5, 8, 13...)
The Pentagram also provides the Golden Section for obtaining the value PHI and, thus, the SPIRAL.

127 - 72 = 55
( 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 = 55)
( 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55....)

Also of interest-
In Constellation 7: SPIRAL, the sum of its constituent cards total 42, the average number of days Venus goes retrograde.
And, even though we are given there a glimpse of Mars’ Chariot ride, it points to why the Empress & Emperor are Lovers.



19 = SUN = 1 --------------------------------------- 18 = METATRON Key: Moon (4+3+5+6)
2: Priestess / Moon = 2 ----------------------------- 32 = ELEMENTS = 5
1: Magus / Mercury = 1 ----------------------------- 72 = PLANETS = 18
3: Empress / Venus = 3 ----------------------------- 127 = ZODIAC = 73
16: Tower / Mars = 7
10: Fortune / Jupiter = 1 ---------------------------- 51 = (Elements=32) + (Sun=19)
21: Universe / Saturn = 3 --------------------------- 6 = (Elements=5 + (Sun=1)

/6] ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ /6] . . . . 33 = (Sun=1) + (Elements=32)
[6] - 33 - [6] . . . . 33 = (Sun=19) + (Art=14)
[6]..../\....[6] . . . . 47 = 14 + 33
......./...\....... . . . . 47 x 5 = 235
....../......\..... . . . . 235 = Lunar Months per Metonic Cycle
...../..XIV..\... . . . . . 1 Metonic Cycle = 19 years + 5 days
......]......[..... . . . . . 5 x 73 = 365 ---------- (x19 = +5) ---------- (x3 x73 = +1)
......]......[..... . . . . . (19 x 365) + 5 = 6940 --------- 6940 / 235 = 29.5319141
......]......[..... . . . . . 29.53059 = Lunar Synodic Month
......]......[..... . . . . . 29.5319141 x 47 = 1388 ------------ 1388 / 51 = 27.2156863
......]..V..[..... . . . . . 27.21222 = Lunar Nodical (Draconic) Month

18 x (5x6) + (5+6) : 18 + (1+1) = 27.55 Anomalistic Lunar Month

223 synodic months = 239 anomalistic months = 242 draconic months
223 x 29.5319141 = 6585.61684 -------\
239 x 27.55 = 6584.45 -------------------} avg. 6585.14
242 x 27.21222 = 6585.35724 ----------/

6585.14 + .19 = 6585.33 = 1 Saros


The Great Chronocrators

19 = SUN = 1
2: Priestess / Moon = 2 --------------------------- 32 = ELEMENTS = 5
1: Magus / Mercury = 1 --------------------------- 72 = PLANETS = 18
3: Empress / Venus = 3 --------------------------- 127 = ZODIAC = 73
16: Tower / Mars = 7
10: Fortune / Jupiter = 1 -------------------------- 51 = (Elements=32) + (Sun=19)
21: Universe / Saturn = 3 ------------------------- 6 = (Elements=5 + (Sun=1)

178:6 = 29.666666 = Saturn Orbit in Years ------------------ 178 = 51 + 127
(178:6) x 146 = 4331.333 = Jupiter Orbit in Days ----------- 146 = 19 + 127

59.333 = 4331.333 : 73 ------------------------------- 4331.333 x 5 = 21656
59.333 = Saturn Orbit x2 ------------------------------ 59.333 x 365 = 21656

5:2 = Jupiter:Saturn Orbital Resonance = 21656:21656

378 = Saturn Synodic Period ----------------------------- 21 x (18=Planets)
399 = Jupiter Synodic Period ----------------------------- 21 x (19=Sun)

138 = Saturn Retrograde = 11 + 127
121 = Jupiter Retrograde = 11 x 11

There is, in fact, no Jupiter-Saturn Pentagram, but.....
399 x 55 = 21945 ----------------------- 378 x 56 = 21168
-----> 55 + 56 = 111 -----------------> 777 = 21945 - 21168

Apparently, one of the larger cycles tracked in the ancient world were the ‘Great Chronocrators’ - synodic cycles when Jupiter’s Orbit would overtake Saturn’s. While the calculation of these cycles are consistent with the numerical values derived from The Book of Thoth’s organization of Major Arcana into elements, planets & zodiac, what I find particularly meaningful about the greater of these - the Chronocrator climacteria (maxima) - is that conjunctions occur 10x in each of the 4 elements; very much like the 10 sephira in the four worlds of azilut, beriah, yezirah & asiyyah.

19.85887 years (7253.45 days) = Jupiter-Saturn Mean Synodic Period
1 Metonic Cycle = 5 x 73 = 365 ------ (x19 = +5) ------ (x3 x73 = +1)
19 x 21 x 18 = 399 x 18 = 7182 = 19 x 378 = 18 x 21 x 19
7254 = 7182 + (72=Planets) = Chronocrater-specialis Cycle

20x 365.25 = 7305 = (Zodiac=73) x100 + (Elements=5) = 20 Earth Years
7253.45227 = Chronocrater-specialis Cycle --------- 7254 = 7305 - (51=Planets)

198 x 365.25 + 265 = 72584.5 = 10 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions (10x 1 element)
72584.5 = Chronocrator trigonalis Cycle ------------ 72584 = 11x 111x 59.333 + (127+11)
72584 = 73050 - 466 ------ 200 x 365.25 = 73050 ------ 466 = (6x 73) + 28

794.3723 years = 40 Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions (10x 4 elements) = 290144.48 days
800 = (Elements=32) x (Planets=25) = 292,200 = 800x 365.25
2055 = 73x 28 + 11 ----------------------------- 28 = METATRON Key: Jupiter
290,145 = 292,200 - 2055 ---------------------- 290,145 = Chronocrator climateria Cycle

...Kronos eats his young?,M1


“You Are Old, Father William”

In case anyone mistakenly assumes that the title of this post is directed at them...,_Father_William

Scion said:
Yyg, the trouble with your endless requests for meaningful criticism is that you ignore ANY and ALL criticism. I'd be better off offering notes on etiquette to a sociopath. The moment someone points to a flaw in your theory, a mistake in your facts, a leap of logic... you cease listening and commence bellowing. You don't want criticism at all. Your theory is Alice in Wonderland logic stem to stern: verdict first, trial after. In truth, there is nothing to criticize. If someone disagrees with your theory (and I stress your, as in, it is espoused only by you and not one other person seems to find the remotest shred of evidence or value in it), you ignore the criticism categorically and return to hinting and doublespeak.

...Yes, I've watched your gematric twiddling, but as RLG and everyone else has observed... to "support" your theory you reach a series of pre-established figures known to you before you started. In school, they call that cheating...

Now, the reason you reject the criticism is because you cling doggedly to an outmoded style of esoteric inquiry that doesn't stand up to scrutiny: a nineteenth century syncretic pre-Anthropology that has vanished as a method of study; it is, to put it lightly, "vaguely dopey" because it ignores advances in research methods and sources, and the way that subjects are studied by legitimate scholars. It is not enough to say, "It is important because I say so," unless you are in fact important.
To all Aeclecticians,

1 hope 1 haven’t ignored any criticism to mY theories; or made endless requests for their submission. Yet, as they are said to have no value (=0) then, in truth, there would be nothing to criticize. 1 doubt 1 could count them as gematria, or even isopsephy - so, “everyone” must’ve observed a twiddling of some other sort; but, regarding their means of support, I've made use of the constellation of Tarot by digital root to show how the factors of orbital & synodic cycles may be placed within a context both relevant to the associated glyphs and consistent with their arrangement upon the Tree.

I haven’t rejected the ‘prior-knowledge-as-cheating’ critique for the sake of some personal vanity, as that would be poor etiquette. Rather, it incorrectly represents the process by which One would have designed this ciphertext. You see, if these integers were the basis of the Trumps’ organization & enumeration, One would have known those values to begin with. To call that cheating is like calling an architect dishonest for knowing trigonometry. As the cycles in question were known by Ptolemy and described in his Almagest, it is feasible that this system is at least that old (2nd century AD), if not older.

I propose this as the architectural framework for both a body of knowledge and a method of thought that literally applies the Hermetic maxim: as above, so below.

My research method has been to look for patterns inherent within the “initiated attributions” given with “the Secret Lecture on the Tarot” entrusted to Aleister Crowley during winter 1898/9, and published by him “at the command of the Secret Chiefs of the order” (A.. A...) in 1909. While this source material might exhibit characteristics of an outmoded style of esoteric inquiry that contemporary scholars consider vaguely dopey, it is in the context of that source material that I have tried to understand some of the claims made by occultists regarding Tarot - such as why a deck of cards originating in 15th century Italy might be considered The Book of Thoth.

Scion said:
NEWSFLASH: there isn't one monolithic Western Tradition that sent initiates skulking across Europe to proselytize. The ooga-booga mystery school of the ancients just isn't an accurate historical picture. Every Mystery cult and secret society WASN'T secretly the same as every other. Everything ISN'T equal to everything else. That is actually the hem of your 19th century preconceptions showing again. The idea of arguing for occult blinds to explain away gaps in a theory went out of fashion about 130 years ago. Speculation is NOT equal to fact, and sometimes speculation betrays more ignorance than imagination. Also, for the record, there is no one QBLH... there are literally infinite approaches because it was "from mouth to ear!" Most damaging to your theory, hermetic Qabalah was not equated with the Golden Dawn model until very recently. And secret masters didn't need to communicate "cryptic" orbital mysteries: precession of the equinoxes and the spherical earth were written about openly. We have hard physical evidence of mechanical computing used to determine planetary position. Research into the "mysteries of ancient astronomy" and the evolution of astrology have seen massive progress in the past 3 decades.
While I seriously question the existence of a monolithic Western Tradition myself, different ‘occult’ lineages have had access to some of the same source materials. Tarot, as a ciphertext, is One such source; and was devised (or co-opted) as a means of communicating a specific body of esoteric knowledge that unifies Astrology, Alchemy & the system that has come to be known as Qabalah within a practice that could best be characterized as the ‘Yoga of the West’.

Granted, there are many variations on the Tree of Life. To my knowledge, the earliest published version of the correspondences I have been working with appear in Athanasius Kircher’s Oedipus Aegyptiacus,1652–1654. However, it is feasible that congruent systems have existed for much longer in various encrypted forms; and could be understood as an alphabetical sequence in combination with the ‘days’ of the week and any number of glyphs or diagrammatic keys analogous to the Sephirotic Tree, such as the Caduceus.

While the speculative answers to questions regarding the origins of this system may never yield proofs that meet the rigorous standards of contemporary scholarship, as much of it may have been communicated with symbols that don’t necessarily require a written explanatory text, it does possess some rather enigmatic features which may benefit our inquiries and discourse. At the very least, they offer much food for thought - and what I've tried to do by adding this perspective to these forums is give all of you something to think about...

In particular, the role played by the Sol Invictus, 1 BC.

Scion said:
Oh, and serious academics stopped trying to figure out the calendar date of Yeshua ben Notsri's birth in the nineteenth century, because the attempt would be literally stupid: that isn't how religions or mythology work.
Whether this is to be taken as the actual date of birth for a man called Jesus isn’t nearly as important as what the astrological positions of that date symbolize in terms of the mythology surrounding Him. I’ve not been trying to figure out this date as a 'birthday' so much as show how constellating Tarot by digital root provides a means of representing these planetary-zodiacal positions through the marriage Sun & Moon.

This constellation of Tarot by digital root groups the numbered cards into 9 sets. Of these, 2, 5, 6, 11, and 9 are specifically related to a Solar-Lunar axis upon the Tree that, joined together, offer a view to the Sol Invictus, 1 BC. This has led me to consider the mythos concerning “YHShVH” as descriptive of a formula better understood within the context of this “Yoga of the West”. As yet, I’ve not gone into much detail on this point, but have offered the constellations as pieces of a Caduceus puzzle by which others might learn more for themselves.

Scion said:
Here's the thing, and I don't know how to say this any other way: There is no "ciphertext" outside of your own theorizing. It (along with the name you gave it) is a fabrication of your own devising. You have no results to be liked or disliked by anyone. You cannot point to a single other hard source to support your theory. If there is a single human on the planet who has knowingly contributed to, even agreed with, your theory, I have never heard you mention them or seen a single concrete example. In all these thousands of years that people have been looking at the Sky and thinking about the Creation of the World by Words, or even playing a trick-taking game with allegorical cards... exactly ZERO people have written or spoken along these lines. Not even uber-fluffwit Angeles Arrien, who unknowingly provided material you could coopt. Through the millenia, no scholars with access to the sources, the ideas, the grants, the publish-or-perish pressure... no wacky esoteric whiz-kids or charlatans looking to bilk the punters... No novelists, no painters, no theologians... NO ONE. The thing is, Yyg, if everyone with whom you discuss your theory finds fault with it, if not a single piece of evidence exists that isn't a "blind" or a "puzzle" or a "code" to which only you have the key, then maybe (*gasp*), just maybe, you are, as you say above: Wrong....

This isn't an attack. It isn't personal. It is in fact, disrespectful for you to insist that every conversation revolve around your idiosyncratic, unsupported, intellectually empty obsessions, especially when the moment someone is actually foolish enough to enter the discussion, you will admit neither your errors nor their logic. But you keep talking to yourself in tangential circles and shouting for everyone to come watch you doing it. Instead I, like most people, have no choice but to click IGNORE, which means you have achieved the exact opposite of your intention: to get someone to give audience to a speculative one-man band with nothing to play. And for the record: that IS stupid.
I wouldn’t say no one else has figured this system out before; rather, there is a tendency to communicate the Gnosis by less obvious methods than I’ve attempted here. If knee-jerk reactions on the order of nailing people to crosses, forcing them to drink hemlock, or burning them at the stake are any indication of how people generally receive information that challenges their pre-conceived notions about 'the truth' &/or political<>religious biases within which they have a vested interest, I can see why. Though I reckon it has more to do with the notion that, if it could be told, we would've created an enlightened society a long time ago.

And that isn't to imply that I consider myself enlightened - I'm just some jerk with a computer and (*cue ominous chord*) "the Secret of the Ancients."

Nevertheless, Tarot does function as a ciphertext, and really isn’t that difficult to figure out. But, simply put, it can stare you straight in the face and remain totally incomprehensible so long as you cling to the absurd notion that...