How do you get over it, when a reading goes bad?


The specific cards themselves I don't remember clearly, other than the Death card in the fourth position of a CC. What I do remember is seeing the cards fold into the table and the sight of swiftly moving wet, grey pavement. I had an overwhelming feeling of being forcibly pushed forward and the panicky feeling of loss of control. I told her that she would find herself in a painful situation with no sense of control. That it would almost overcome her but would stop just short of killing her and would seem to last an eternity. Other than that, I could only repeat, over and over, that she would not die.

A few weeks later, she was broad-sided by another car on a rainy morning. The other car hit the passenger side and continued pushing into her car just stopping inches away from her. She crawled out through the newly opened roof of her car. She told me that it felt like time had slowed down and everything happened as if in slow motion.

The news about the reading spread through work like wildfire and I was avoided and feared by many people.


It does seem horrible to blame yourself for what happened in that accident.

You, and your cards can not be to blame in any way. No matter what the people who heard about the reading may think.

You delivered the message the best you were able, and I agree with the wise words of others here...
You should not let fear...and especially what other people think of you...stop you from exploring the tarot again.

It does take a lot to get through fears...I know...the panic and physical manifetations of fear can be absolutely awful.

But we are a pretty understanding bunch of folks here. :D A lot of us here have been through some similar experiences...

The visions, the premonitions, tarot warnings, forseeing death...

and then the hushed whispers behind your back...the stigma of being "the Witch" in the workplace or school, the reputation that precededs you when you are introduced as "that girl who saw that horrible tragedy before it happened..."
I know I have been there.

If you want to get through the fear...then the best way I can think of is to offer those one card readings you were thinking about... here.

You can control can decide what subjects you want to read about ...heck, if you want can even some extent...Who to read for. ( say...people with a certain number of posts...and an open heart, who understand that this is hard for you to do.)

You can read for me if you want. I promise to be gentle. :)

But really...the only way to get over something like this is to throw yourself back into it. It may take some time...and you can certainly start slow...but don't let this one account in your past destroy your growth and further exploration of the tarot...and of your own intuitive abilities!


The cards a tool or a means to gather information which then interpreted. Sometimes, a single card from a throw triggers the 'second sight'.

Based on the description, ye 'tuned in' to a future event (made likely by a number of factors/variables including timing).

The querent's account of a different perception of time during the accident not uncommon during such circumstances; especially during the life-threatening. One's focus distilled into that particular moment as the survival instinct kicks into gear. Virtually all else ceases to exist in order to live 'in the now', whence the life figuratively hanging on a thread (as in shades of 12-The Hanged Man). That oft whence the concept 'All time is now' more obvious.

Not thy fault if others canna/unwilling to understand that ye do *not make things up!" That expressive of the human fears of the unknown. A general ignorance regarding the cards & the process of reading. Also reflective of a broader ignorance regarding the capacity of free will & self-responsibility & how those factors contribute to their 'reality'.

One can lead a horse to water but canna force him to drink. The saying from Scripture, 'not throwing pearls before swine' also appropos--not that people are pigs, but some not open/ready so keep thy own counsel. Perhaps for now, best to not do readings at workplace. Or consider only doing them for those willing to listen within the appropriate context, & out of the work environs where gossip proliferates.


Reading Exchange Forum

A single card can inspire or provide a lot of material to work with, so try practicing the one-card readings at Reading Exchange Forum. Reading Exchange open to members with at least 25 posts & a week's membership. Readings are offered in exchange for readings or feedback, but no outright reading requests permitted.

Set a limit, perhaps offer one reading at a time to begin with in exchange for a reading or feedback. Then work the way up to more. *Pace the self so no more taken on than can be comfortably handled.* Tarot should be fun, not a chore.

Also, consider contributing to reading threads in Your Readings for practice, where a variety of readings available to choose from. Personal readings welcomed in Your Readings for discussion & interpretive assistance, but need to include the personal thoughts or takes from the thread author before responses may be expected.


I'm opening up more and more to the idea of doing some readings because it really IS the only way to get over this. Still scares the beejeebus outta me though. I'll spend a day or so going through the reading exchange to get a feel for things. I'm a bit perplexed how one does an accurate reading over the internet.


In my view, the cyber medium a perfect conduit for readings. Distance not a factor nor the lack of physical presence of the querent; but the electronic medium *is*.

Essentially, aside from reading images, symbols, numbers, etc on the cards, one reads energy patterns. So 'tis all in the 'vibes'. At least, that is my understanding. Most of my readings via internet (e-mail) or via Aeclectic forums.


Well, I have read for 5 or 6 people and I feel stronger as a result. I hadn't realised how much doubt I was carrying around. One person's reading contained a message but it was a gentle experience as opposed to my previous encounter. Overall, it was a very positive experience. Thank you all for providing me the opportunity to reopen this door. :)


Believe in Yourself, traveller. ;) Glad to hear your path is getting smoother.


You giving her the message that she would not die may be what gave her the hope she needed to actually walk away from the accident. Maybe the reading didn't go wrong after all?