Anna K Lenormand


If you enlarge the picture, the pink also extends to sections of her sleeves. It's part of or a panel of her dress.

ok but how does one manage that? Pardon my lack of computer skill please, but I have tried everything I can think of to do this! Help? (Windows 7)

Village Witch

ok but how does one manage that? Pardon my lack of computer skill please, but I have tried everything I can think of to do this! Help? (Windows 7)

I right clicked and copied the picture to my computer and then opened it in a photo program that allows me to enlarge pictures.

You could also try holding down the Control key and then pressing the Plus sign key to enlarge the print on your computer.

I don't use Windows.


You could also try holding down the Control key and then pressing the Plus sign key to enlarge the print on your computer.

I don't use Windows.

It worked! Thank you VW, you've just opened a new world up for me LOL! Now that I've had a closer look though, and yes there is pink in the rest of the dress, I still see her backside as clearly an allusion to the female anatomy.
(Or am I just having a Rorschach experience?)


It's now 2017

And if you go to my first post, well, it has been a long journey.

I have been enjoying watching it unfold, but I can't wait til the last card is unveiled and it goes to the printers!

As I get news, you will get news :).

Village Witch

Love it!

You have no idea how excited I get when I see that you have posted in this thread, Great Dane!

It will be difficult deciding which set of Man and Woman cards to use!

Just a thought... I could rotate every six months depending on the season. :-D


Just another little reveal

Her extra card will have a cat in it. It will NOT be the main part of the card, but there will be a cat.

We're getting CLOOOOOSER! :)

I'll keep you all posted as I get info from Anna.


I also love the 2nd man card!

WOO HOOO!!! Getting close to the end!!! So excited! :)


I am glad there are two Woman and two Man cards

And yes, I also like them both. I like that there will be the option of using them both, or picking our fav.

I can't wait to see the extra card.

Will post as soon as I get any more news from Anna, but can't you all feel this deck getting closer? :) CAN'T WAIT to have it in my hands and start using it. I read Lenormand A LOT more than tarot and I can tell this will be one I will use again and again and again....


I really like the cards, resonates good vibes already, love the imageries, so soothing, might pre-ordering this deck as soon as it announce :)