Heraldic birds

Frater Benedict

It is well known, that the Roman Empire used eagles in a heraldic fashion (although predating heraldry in the strictest sense). The successor states of the Roman Empire, such as the East Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, Russia and Habsburg Spain, used eagles (often two-headed) on their heraldic devices. From a strictly historical and literal point of view, it is no mystery from where the heraldic birds on the Empress card and the Emperor card derive.

I am pondering if the allegorical and contemplative value of a tarot deck could be enhanced by choosing particular colourings of the shields in the Empress and Emperor cards, or if it would be thought provoking to change the choice of bird species entirely. Ravens, peacocks, doves, pelicans and phoenixes all carry interesting symbolic content, but would affect the card in a way not carried out without careful premeditation. Any ideas on this? Which colours and which birds?