"Aisselle's Spiritual Tarot Insights" Discussion Thread


nisaba said:
I know it's probably too late, but I think Aisselle's portrait photo would make a grand High Priestess card.

Not too late at all. We can have 3 cards each now, so I've put us both down (as it was your idea) for the High Priestess. I thought I'd give her the same treatment as the World.



I added the High Priestess suggested by nisaba to the Flickr account. I tried the World card treatment on her, but she didn't take kindly to it, so I just bumped up the colour and contrast a bit.

If anyone would like to write a blog entry as Aisselle but hasn't the login, just send it to me (or Gregory?) as a PM and it'll be included.



New posts today on main page and Dear Aisselle...:)



<grin> I think Eugenia's reading might be done. I just have this idea ...


Poor woman - I assume that was your reading, so I will just say that I think she is now beavering away here...

I'd love to know just how many people are chipping in there that we have no idea who they are.... I hope we haven't actually scared anyone half to death... Surely anyone from - well, just OUT THERE - will get the message not to take it too seriously... *worried*


I'm sure you don't need to worry.
I've just read all the latest stuff and think it's so funny, How do you subscribe to things like this, I want notifications of anything new, do I need to get an account?
The reply to an evening offering is the closest I've seen so far to thinking someone is actually taking it seriously, if not it's believable that they are!
Good response though.
I love the reading for Euginia.
I'm sure it's nothing to worry about gregory, you can tell by peoples reading requests whether Aisselle needs to treat them more with 'kid gloves' if you'll excuse the goat pun.
I'd love to know who all the behind the scenes readers are I suppose that would take away the mystery.
I have log in but I haven't done anything on the site yet because I didn't want to step on peoples toes.


JoelDee said:
I have log in but I haven't done anything on the site yet because I didn't want to step on peoples toes.
JoelDee - it is as much your site as anyone else's - you GO, guy ! (What is the virile equivalent of "you go, girl" ????)

And yes, I guess you're right. I loved that evening offering response too.


They do look remarkably alike, don't they?


I believe they are actually related. From what I heard Joel is her abandoned lovechild with a former goat farmer who emigrated to Zanzibar to grow nutmegs as soon as he realised she was enceinte.

When the guy left her, she was heartbroken (not least at being stuck with all the goats) so she joined a nunnery as they needed the milk and helped with all the work. (This is not something she will willingly admit to, by the way. It casts asparagus on her spiritual credentials.) She gave birth there, and the nuns sold the baby - a boy - to a rich tobacco magnate. They bought a new altar with the proceeds, and used the rest to buy candy floss. Nuns have sweet teeth.

Anyway - one day a novice was driven to the nunnery in a taxi. Aisselle spotted the taxi driver - a rather splendid chap by the name of Jay - and ran after his vehicle all the way down the driveway. The rest is history.


But there's only a couple of years difference in their ages! It must have been her mum... Joel is her half-brother...:)
