Spreads needed


Im starting to learn japanese and I'm not doing very well...
i need a spread that could give my a technique or a clue to
a technique that would help me learn more efficiantly...
if any one knows a spread that could work for this please
let me know! ^ ^



I am giving this a bump so that you will hopefully get your answer! I am also wondering about a foreign language for myself. That is a great idea about getting a spread for figuring out the best way to learn said language.

Good luck to you!


There's nothing in the forum index related to issues with learning. But in looking through the index, I ran across the writer's block spreads. Instead of writer's block you have learner's block. There is a spread called The Writer's Block. You would obviously substitute learning for writing, but I think it might work.

Some of the personal development spreads might also be adapted to dealing with a learning blockage:

How to Make Progress
What's Holding Me Back
Turning Point



Thanks guys! I am going to go try those now! : - )


You might try:
Issue - Obstacle - Action
Situation - Do this -Don't do that - Likely Outcome
Choose cards face up for Where I am - Where I want to be, then lay out 3 cards for steps to get there so it looks like
Where I am - Step - Step - Step - Where I want to be

tarotmoon.com also has some spreads that might be applicable