Tarocchi Academy


Is anyone interested in taking a Professional Marseille Tarot course via online & live with a teacher? This course consist of the Major Arcana 1, 2, 3, 4 that includes the minors & practice readings. The course would be live so you can ask questions during the course. It would be taught by Carlos Bozzelli who is the founder of the Tarocchi Academy in Italy. You can go to the website & read more about the courses as it is in English. You can find it by typing www.tarocchi.net as for as the price it would depend on how many people want to take the course which has to be 5 or more since he would teach us in person. This is not in any way related to the Camoin courses, Carlos teaches about the symbols & structure of the tarot not any made up secret symbols. The deck he uses is being reprinted since it is sold out so we might be able to use the Camoin deck but I am not 100% sure on that. Please let me know if there is an interest in taking this online course b/c I have to contact Mr. Bozzelli for all the arrangements including start date & time & fee.



Carlos teaches about the symbols & structure of the tarot not any made up secret symbols.
not made up ?
tarocchi.net said:
El Tarot, en el revestimiento gráfico presentado en el mazo de Nicolás Conver del 1760, es originario del siglo I d.C. y ha sido relaborado precisamente en tierras provenzales cerca de Santa María Magdalena y de un grupo de iniciados gnósticos discípulos suyos. En los siglos siguientes, las representaciones de este primer modelo originario han sido custodiadas y transmitidas por una orden monástica, fundada por el monje Juan Casiano.
tarocchi.net said:
The tarot,on the graphic form it takes in the 1760 Nicolás Conver deck, dates from the first century A.D. and was designed precisely in Provence near Saint Marie Magdalene and a group of gnostic initiates who were her disciple. In the following centuries, representations of this first original model were kept and transmitted by a monastic order, founded by the monk John Cassien.
my bullshit-o-meter just exploded...

Camoin also focuses on the first century, Marie Magdalene, so if it is not related to Camoin they seem to share many views. They also use a similar disposition of the trumps as seen here : http://www.tarocchi.net/fr/Modle_Esotrique_57 (which is quite obvious since there are not many ways to display 22 cards in a readable fashion).
http://lacroixceltique.blogspot.fr/2012/01/les-origines-du-tarot-de-marseille-par.html also confirms that Camoin's theories spot the same mystical origin.
It shall be noted that in an interview dating from about 5 years, Jodorowsky (who knows the man quite closely) speaking about Camoin's Magadelenic theories wrote "these are Camoin's extravagancies".
(not that I am a Jodorowsky fan neither).

Those people don't seem to consider the tarot as a playing card game - which is also a problem since there are no trace of tarot before the first known references to playing cards.
When someone starts by saying "tarot - before being a playing card game" then that someone can say whatever he wants about whatever he feels necessary.

This is apparently related to the "saint maximin" connection, where the alleged Marie Madgalene's relics are supposed to be kept, which is also a well known and strong magnet for lunatics. According to that kind of theories the link to tarot resides in the fact that it has 22 trumps which would correspond to Saint John's apocalypse 22 chapters - what about the remaining 56 cards, the story don't tell...
Why Jean Cassien ? Well when you want to force things together, you need someone from around Marseille (with a litte link to Egypt for the mystery) in the early times of the Christiandom, Cassien is logically a handy nearby suspect. That's what happen when an imaginary reconstruction tries to compensate a total lack of historical study.

Obviously to accept such theories you must pretend to forget that tarot appeared in Marseille much later than it did in Italy and other regions of France (including Lyon and Paris). Oh wait that's precisely because "tarot" is not "tarot" but a secret teaching, that was kept so secret that it seemingly appeared first in Italy, but in reality it came from Marseille. And by a wonderful chance, the name "tarot de Marseille" was used in the late XIXth century while it was never used before, probably because some great secret initiates (Papus and Romain Merlin) decided that it deserved to be linked to its real secret history. This makes perfect sense.

more fun here http://www.tarocchi.net/fr/Paul_Marteau__42


Here is Enrique's article in English. Is he a part of that Camoin crowd?


Nevermind. It seems obvious.


It is as Bertrand says: total bulls**t. As far as I know, Bozzelli is considered to be one of the leading experts here in Italy. I have also heard somewhere that he's been Camoin's collaborator, or at least student, for some time, but I cannot prove this, so maybe it's not true.
Regardless, I've read his book "Il codice dei tarocchi" in which he essentially predates Camoin's weirdest ideas, presenting them as his "discovery", in a breathtaking journey at his ego's end. On a separate note, I thought Comoin's deck was garishly overstuffed with symbols, but not necessarily ugly, if one is into some kind of Tarot de Marseille-Rio carnival edition. Well, Bozzelli's TdM is just so terribly cheap that one could see it as a Jodo-Camoin with some missing symbols and muted colors.