Dream Enchantress. XVII The Star



This is one of my favorite cards in the deck. It's devoid of traditional symbolism, but I love the overall 'feeling' you get from it. Two young women stand outside in the windy night. One looks up and points to a small constellation of three bright stars. The other looks up to where she's pointing and smiles. I like how this card is open to many different interpretations of the situation depicted. I see a couple different things--in one interpretation, these are two friends who lost their way while taking a walk on the countryside. It's getting cold and dark, but one of them sees the stars and suddenly knows the direction home. In another scenario, I see two sisters who have lost one or both of their parents. Perhaps their lost parent(s) used to take them outside as kids and look at the stars with them. Now, seeing these stars in the sky looking down at them gives them the feeling that their loved ones are watching over them. What story do you see when you look at this card?