Spiral Tarot - Tens


Ten of Wands

Too much! Too much! Inundated with troubles, burdens, cares, feelings, work, workaholic, responsibilities, credit card debt, bills (financial burdens), carrying too much of the load, etc.

This card, just now, upon examining it has become one of my favorite cards in the deck. This woman is loaded down to the max, yet, I feel its for the most part voluntary. At least, that is my first take on the card.

Looking at this card, I began to think of all the grandmothers/fathers who are taking care of and raising their grandchildren because the parents are remiss, irresponsible, not around, prefer to be out partying than staying home to take care of their own kids. These kinds of grandmothers are often more than willing to take on this extra burden even after having raised their own. Now, in their twilight years when they should be enjoying retirement and relaxing, they are dealing with the trials and tribulations of rearing little ones, babies, rebelious teenagers who are often disrespectful and ungrateful (as are many of the parents).

I also see a parent taking on the difficulties of coping with a daugther or son who might have an alcohol or drug addiction. Just trying to bear up under it all is weighing them down. The worries and fears for their children are consuming them, so that their sleep is constantly interrupted and they can't concentrate on their jobs.

I see a wife or girlfriend who is taking on entirely too much in the marriage/relationship. Wonderwoman syndrome. She's going to do everything - just to keep things going. She is, perhaps, working to pay the bills, keeping the house clean, cooking meals, doing the laundry, and almost singlehandedly raising their children.

I see women burdened down with disrespect from their spouses/significant others because of their cheating, neglectful ways, lies, etc.

Wonderwoman/Superwoman who is going to have it all; you know, the major juggling act of career and family. Add to that someone who is also "putting on airs" to "keep up with the Jones" so that they will live in the big house, in the nicest neighborhood, and drive the fanciest cars and spoil their children so that their kids will be all the envy of the other kids at school; therefore, racking up overwhelming credit card debt. Oh, I can see that.

I see a single mom who is doing the best she can under the circumstances to provide a decent home and life for her kid/s. My hat's off to this one! Although, she is burdened, she is amazing.

Walking on stones, beside a brick wall, all weighed down and bent over, probably voluntarily. What's on the other side of that wall? Could it be some much needed help? That sky is certainly nice and blue, but, she can't see it because she's so overwhelmed she can't look up.

She's all hemmed up and caught up. Better release some of that, girl - straighten up and let some of that pressure roll off your back! There's more to life than this and you need to start enjoying some of it!! Get those priorities straight. :D


Indigo Rose

TheLovers2 said:
Ten of Wands

This card, just now, upon examining it has become one of my favorite cards in the deck. This woman is loaded down to the max, yet, I feel its for the most part voluntary. At least, that is my first take on the card.

Hi TL2,
You did a great job with this card. I agree that this woman has taken this on voluntarily; and in this way it is truly her burden. However, I see a message here to all who would rely on her: take heart and NOT give her more than she can bear....just because she is willing...just because she is there. :(

Peace :heart:


Thanks for a great interpretation Lovers!

yes she is taking on quite the burden and voluntarily doing so. Notice shes walking on rocky uneven ground, and barely able to see whats ahead of her. All her wands are obstructing her view by weighing her down. And they are securely fastened to her. She doesn't want to give any of them up, but can barely walk.