Reading Reversed Lenormand Cards


I know traditionally a Lenormand reader is not supposed to read Lenormand cards reversed, but traditions change and oracle systems differ with the reader....

....So, with that said, does anybody here read the reversed Lenormand cards if/when they ever come up? Or do you fully embrace reversed Lenormand cards and their messages? And if so, how do you personally choose to interpret them?

I do read Lenormand reversals in certain situations. For the most part I teach how to read upright positions in a variety of layouts. Should a card appear reversed per chance after the deck is shuffled and laid out I will study the reversal. If it is a card with directions within the images I factor that into my interpretation. For example: which way does significant aspect of the image face.

Yes, I did offer some brief meanings for all the 36 cards but they were very brief. I think if a person is considering reading reversals one needs to decide how they will approach the cards when they are upside down. I think the reversed card won't always be the same because there is an ambiguity with many cards. The Scythe card can represent a sudden ending or removal but in certain cases it is positive especially when a situation was tough to begin with all along. I read which way the pointed part of the scythe faces. If this card reversed then the pointed part of the scythe will be different. This card's energy can also remain dormant. The card following it will tell you more.

Reversed cards can be blocked energy of the upright card. At times this might be a good thing especially if the card in question is challenging in itself. For example: as most of you know the Rider card represent something or someone is en route, in other words en route. If the Rider happens to be reversed the direction of the horse/horseman will be different than in the upright card. This is only applicable to some decks because some decks show them facing to the left and indicator of the past. In some decks they face to the right indicating into the future. This can be confusing. If we look at the reversed Rider the horse/horseman is upside down. Does this mean whatever is on its way will encounter some sort of delay? Maybe. I see this to mean the intention of the person/situation coming in some matter is not rooted properly. This "whatever" which is en route is still coming but the question is will it be the same intention as if the Rider were upright.

Let's suppose the Cross card is reversed. Wouldn't the heaviness of the cross be lightened? Something to think about. If one of the Significator cards (Lady or Gentleman) is reversed wouldn't that give you the feeling the person represented by that card might somehow not be in a good place within themselves. Even if the surrounding cards are considered "good" that person may not be able to appreciate the "good" because of their perspective at the time of the Reading.

Many cartomancers of the Lenormand do not read directions within the cards, some read directions only a handful of cards. To 99% of the Lenormand cartomancers the reversals are not an issue and the cards are read upright no matter what.

A lot depends on your understanding of the individual cards as well. Each card has a spirit / essence - a bunch of meanings. If your reverse all those bunches of meanings then the influence can be different. The oracle speaks through the cards. The cards reflect what the oracle is saying. There is a reason cards appear reversed. To the curious minded individual this is an opportunity to explore.

BTW Thank you for posing this question.


I do read Lenormand reversals in certain situations. For the most part I teach how to read upright positions in a variety of layouts. Should a card appear reversed per chance after the deck is shuffled and laid out I will study the reversal. If it is a card with directions within the images I factor that into my interpretation. For example: which way does significant aspect of the image face.

Yes, I did offer some brief meanings for all the 36 cards but they were very brief. I think if a person is considering reading reversals one needs to decide how they will approach the cards when they are upside down. I think the reversed card won't always be the same because there is an ambiguity with many cards. The Scythe card can represent a sudden ending or removal but in certain cases it is positive especially when a situation was tough to begin with all along. I read which way the pointed part of the scythe faces. If this card reversed then the pointed part of the scythe will be different. This card's energy can also remain dormant. The card following it will tell you more.

Reversed cards can be blocked energy of the upright card. At times this might be a good thing especially if the card in question is challenging in itself. For example: as most of you know the Rider card represent something or someone is en route, in other words en route. If the Rider happens to be reversed the direction of the horse/horseman will be different than in the upright card. This is only applicable to some decks because some decks show them facing to the left and indicator of the past. In some decks they face to the right indicating into the future. This can be confusing. If we look at the reversed Rider the horse/horseman is upside down. Does this mean whatever is on its way will encounter some sort of delay? Maybe. I see this to mean the intention of the person/situation coming in some matter is not rooted properly. This "whatever" which is en route is still coming but the question is will it be the same intention as if the Rider were upright.

Let's suppose the Cross card is reversed. Wouldn't the heaviness of the cross be lightened? Something to think about. If one of the Significator cards (Lady or Gentleman) is reversed wouldn't that give you the feeling the person represented by that card might somehow not be in a good place within themselves. Even if the surrounding cards are considered "good" that person may not be able to appreciate the "good" because of their perspective at the time of the Reading.

Many cartomancers of the Lenormand do not read directions within the cards, some read directions only a handful of cards. To 99% of the Lenormand cartomancers the reversals are not an issue and the cards are read upright no matter what.

A lot depends on your understanding of the individual cards as well. Each card has a spirit / essence - a bunch of meanings. If your reverse all those bunches of meanings then the influence can be different. The oracle speaks through the cards. The cards reflect what the oracle is saying. There is a reason cards appear reversed. To the curious minded individual this is an opportunity to explore.

BTW Thank you for posing this question.

Thank you so much for answering. :) I love that you read reversed Lenormand cards; I can't stand those people who absolutely criticize reading them reversed. I definitely will get into reading them reversed when I've fully grasped the upright meanings.


I don't read reversed Lenormand cards with one exception: in learning situations I sometimes use reversals in short spreads to indicate that a "far" meaning is to be used, versus "near" meanings for upright cards. This , so far, is simply a practice technique.


I don't read reversed Lenormand cards with one exception: in learning situations I sometimes use reversals in short spreads to indicate that a "far" meaning is to be used, versus "near" meanings for upright cards. This , so far, is simply a practice technique.

How do you mean? Like, give me an example of a sample situation where you would read them reversed.


How do you mean? Like, give me an example of a sample situation where you would read them reversed.
In a three-card layout, if Birds came up reversed I would read it as a pleasant journey (the "far" meaning) rather than the upright meaning of stress and troubles. I use this for learning purposes only, and when stressing traditional meanings.