21 Ways To Read A Tarot Card -- step ONE


21 Ways-Step One

The Pictorial Key Tarot (Lo Scarabeo)

I have drawn the Queen of Swords

She is seated outdoors and it appears to be wintertime...she is wearing a gown trimmed with fur. Strangely, there are butterflies about (not a winter animal!) She is neither smiling nor frowning but looks proud and haughty. She holds a sword in her right hand resting her elbow upon the arm of the throne.

Sea Phoenix

21 Ways - Dragon tarot (Garland's), Ace of Cups

The blue-and-white Dragon seats on the rock in the middle of the sea with the tail in the water.
He holds the golden cup in his fins, full of water, which runs over the rock to the sea.
The cup is decorated with the golden hearts.
The Dragon himself looks wery much like a deep-sea fish with the lantern above his eyes.
It seems to me, that behid the rock and the Dragon the day is breaking, filling the sea and sky with the rose-tinted light.


21 Ways

Step ONE: Alchemical Tarot: The Sun

The Alchemical SUN is is predominantly yellow which is the color of the Sun.

In the center of the card is a nude couple. They are positioned so that the man's head and feet are slightly above the womans. They are embracing. He holds her hand on his hip and his other is at the small of her back. Her's rest on each of his hips.

On her head is a crescent moon in a "bowl" position. (similiar to the high priestess) He has a wreath on his head (a la roman or emperor style). She is blonde (light) and he is brunette (dark).

Behind her in the sky is a crescent moon facing away from the couple. Above their head is a crown with alternating red and blue gems.

Behind them and starting below their feet is the Sun which is a beautiful yellow radiating out into an orange color. Behind the sun are lines stretching out to the edges of the card. There are double lines radiating out to about halfway into the sky. Single lines completely extend to the edges.

Below them is a landscape. The sun looks to be rising from behind this. The land is beautiful verdant and rolling hills with trees here and there. A small town to the bottom left that is white buildings with red roofs. Either what looks like a road (since it's brown) comes from the front right to the back right of the scene. Also a road in front of the small town on the left hand side of the card. The shadow of a larger hill is in the background that is lavender.

This is the Alchemical SUN card. Jes

PS: I know I'm really late! :)


21 Ways: Step One

Step One: Fey Tarot, The Chariot

I have chosen The Chariot from the Fey Tarot. This shows two fey sitting on a carriage being draw over a bridge by a rodent and a lizard. (I would write more, but I don't want to exhaust my inspiration for Step 2!)


Step One:

Step One: HUDES~~~ The Devil found here

I love the Devil's face in this card. It is strong and dark but not really evil to me. Not sure if it is my own personal take on what is and isn't evil.

The background is a watery blue leading down into the Devil himself that is in a red, brownish tones. The fact is serious, angery looking. It also reminds me of an AfrianAmerican with those strong features and broad facial structures. His horns go up in to the blue of the card. His shoulders look more like wings flying out on either side of him. A man and woman sit with their heads on their knees cradling their legs, the Devil's wings look to be holding them to him. They both sit on the dirt ground.


Tabi, welcome to the 21 Ways Study group. I agree, your card is very interesting! I look forward to reading your work through these steps. If we can ever be of any assistance to you please holler, several of us are still around and actively working on 21 Ways :)


21 Ways -- Step ONE

Step ONE : Llewellyn Tarot - The Star ~Branwen~

A woman seated upon some rocks, next to a pond. She's looking up into a clear, star lit night, where there is a bird flying. The woman covers her heart with her left hand, and is presenting the water to the bird with her right. She is clothed in the traditional blue dress with a pinkish-white shawl that is draped over her shoulders and falls behind her on the ground. There are two flasks of water. One is at her feet and the other, of which is tipped on it's side, is sitting to her left. Water is pouring out of this flask onto the ground.

This is the Llewellyn STAR card I have chosen.


21 Ways...Step One RWS-The Emperor

An old man with long white hair and beard is sitting on a throne. In his right hand he's holding a staff that resembles an elongated Ank, his left hand is holding a round bottle of sort with a cork. He's wearing a crown that has 3 white and 2 red stones visible with a winged object in the center. He wearing a red cloak over a blue shirt and a bright orange robe he wearing metal/armored knee high boots. the red cloak has an emblem, maybe a ram's head or parts of a continent inside a circle with a black back ground.

The throne is white and appear to be made of concrete and is stting on a raised platform. It has a ram's head on each corner of the back and one on the end of each arm.

There is sand behind the throne bordering a very narrow stream. Mountains are behind the throne on the other side of the stream but they are not taller than the Emperor. One of the peaks has a yellow glow. There is a golden light on the horizon with a bright red sky.


Step ONE: Universal Waite ~ The Chariot/ Deviant Moon ~ 7 of Cups

There is a walled city with red roofs in the background, surrounded by a few trees, and a riverbank. Taking up most of the view, front and center, is the Charioteer in his Chariot. There's a blue canopy covered with stars on the Chariot. It doesn't look like a conventional Chariot because I don't see anything tethered to the black or white sphinx. However, it looks like the wheels to the Chariot are attached through the sphinxes head even though I don't think so. (Still kind of trippy, though.)

The front of the Chariot is adorned with blue wings and a yellow ball above a picture of a red pole in a wheel thingy. The Charioteer looks as if he's made into the Chariot. (It's like he's in cement. o_O) In his right hand, he holds a blue wand with a yellow tip. He's dressed in a strange garb. The bottom half of his clothes is covered by symbols. The symbols that I recognize maybe planetary symbols. His belt is hanging in a diagonal fashion, and it reminds me of a decoder ring. He has a square at the top part of his vest with a star above it. The crescent moons on his shoulders also show a smiling face and a sad face.

The Charioteer has a neutral expression, and he has blondish brown hair. There is a green rope around the top of his hair that maybe covering up a crown with a large star on top.

This is the Universal Waite's The Chariot in my hand.
edited to add- Step ONE- There's a moon man sitting on a dingy, blue tinted crate. The room seems like a narrow or small one with the artist painting in the corner. The artist moon man is wearing a red beret and a blue jacket that reminds me of fish skin. He's painting with his left hand, and holding the pallette with his right. There are three brushes in his jacket pocket.

His pants matches the jacket, and there are no shoes on his feet. On the tip of each toe, there's a glowing orb. There are three of these "orbs" on the fish tail part of his jacket.

The canvas he's painting on is nothing but a plank of wood the size of a canvas. He doesn't have an easel either. There's a woman moon person holding up the canvas that hides her face. She's clad skimpily with a black dress, and she has three hands holding up the canvas. There are three paintings on the wall where they are, and one of these are looking at the canvas with blank faces. There are handprints on the wall. There are seven gold cups (some with dents in them) arranged in a lazy pyramid on a table.

This is the 7 of Cups from the Deviant Moon Tarot.



Your description is very detailed, very observational. By that I mean you have not visually assumed anything, you just stated it as you saw it. Fantastic self discipline and a good example of how to really describe a card as it first strikes you.

Later in the book we are led to "see" other things in the cards. It's a great journey. Welcome to our group. Dave