Great News --> "Tarot Symbolism" to be reprinted


I am very pleased to share this email I got from Robert O'Neill about the availability of his OOP classic, "Tarot Symbolism."

Dr. O'Neill wrote:


ITS (The International Tarot Society) in Chicago is planning to
republish it. You should be able to contact them through their web-site to see how their plans are proceeding.


I checked the website ( and found no news, but have written to them and will post the response as soon as I hear back from them.

This is great news, indeed!


Indeed, this is great news!


Ophiel: I already told you on another thread that you always make me smile.

Thanks for letting us know.


Thanks for sharing that great news, Ophiel! About a year ago I was fortunate to find a brand new copy of O'Neill's "Tarot Symbolism" in an out of the way NewAge/Occult store in Illinois. So happens that this store holds meetings for the International Tarot Society, so that may be why the book was on their shelf.

I've been ssslllooowly savoring this book, reading a few pages at a time and pondering their insights. A well-researched, in-depth, yet clearly presented Tarot book classic! Glad it may soon be available for others to enjoy.


Good news...
Nina Lee had many of O'Neill's essays on her old site--Tarot for Self Discovery. JMD has reviewed Tarot Symbolism on Aecletic. Excellent review...I've heard that O'Neill and former designer/Italian-influenced Brian Williams did not use the cards for reading, but liked design history. So if someone is impatient, perhaps O' Neill's online notes are still up or you can check out the art-oriented Renaissance Tarot book by Brian Williams (His line drawings of Renaissance paintings are quite good and the book is available separately from the deck).
Since I've always craved something from people who also like to experiment with their designs, I recommend a contrasting view, as well: Clive Barrett's Ancient Egyptian Tarot. For instance, the book in the deck set briefly lists basic highlights from Egyptian and Celtic/Arthurian tales and their parallels in the background discussion. The book as a whole is an interesting Egyptian reference, more for the deck, though. In terms of the seeds or steps that seem similar in many fictional heroic story or hero's journey and tarot designs, I agree...the book doesn't seem to be available separately now, though.


Don't Shoot the Messenger

I received an email today from Janet Berres at ITS (International Tarot Soceity) that this reprinting had been discussed but not pursued because of the expense. I wonder why O'Neill did not tell me that. I would think he would be paying a bit closer attention to the events regarding his own books!

It looks like no reprinting at this time. I do apologize to this group for the faulty information O'Neill gave me.

I wrote ITS immediately upon receiving O'Neill's message but apparently they did not receive it (which I wrote during the holidays.) I resent my message yesterday and received Ms. Berres' response promptly.)


I received an email from Robert O'Neill and he was as surprised as me about the news. Perhaps someone at ITS forgot to tell him the whole story, or they might have changed their minds, or something. I have to believe O'Neill is speaking the truth. If I learn more, I'll post it.


Poor Robert O'Neill thought his book was being reprinted when it wasn't. That is quite sad...