Etteilla spreads

John Meador

Anyone know if Etteilla had a circular spread based on the zodiac?
Also, I have heard of a spread from Etteilla known as the great figure of destiny- what is this?


Not having access to Eteilla's own works, and also being not very familiar nor highly interested in it, I passed on this nonetheless important question of John Meador to Thierry DePaulis, who responded thus (my paraphrased translation):
  • With regards to the 'Great figure of destiny' (ie, the second question), Thierry drew a blank [could be useful with regards to this thread! :)]
  • With regards to the circular spread based on Astrology, Thierry's reply was prefaced with comments to the effect that he is not cartomancer, nor does he consider himself well versed in either astrology nor with Etteilla's practical methods, ie, discussion of spreads.

    He first comments that Etteilla showed much interest in the zodiac and astrology generally, and he then provides bibliographical reference for the spread:

    Etteilla's second book is a collection of works with astrological themes: Le zodiaque mystérieux, ou les oracles d'Etteilla. A Amsterdam; et se trouve à Paris: chez Lesclapart, 1772 (ie, 'The mysterious Zodiac, or Etteilla's oracles').

    It is, however, especially in his fourth 'cahier' ('book', but having the connotation of 'scrapbook' or 'notebook'), titled Manière de se récréer avec le jeu de cartes nommées tarots ('Manner to amuse oneself with the game of cards called tarot' - though I - ie, jmd - personally like the ambiguity in the French title, which could as accurately be rendered: 'The manner in which to re-create oneself with the deck of cards denominated 'Tarot'') published in 1785, in which he shews himself prolific.

    Manière de se récréer avec le jeu de cartes nommées tarots ; pour servir de quatrieme cahier à cet ouvrage / par Etteilla. - A Amsterdam ; et se trouve à Paris : chez l'auteur, 1785

    This book contains a fold 'Horloge planétaire pour les opérations pratiques du magnétisme' ('Planetary horary for practical applications of magnetism'). The whole first section of the book is dedicated to the association between the twelve signs of the zodiac and the 78 'leaves' of the 'Book of Thoth', and results in a circular spread which Etteilla names the 'Astrological wheel' (page 28).

    The book was reprinted under a mildly different title and again more recently with regard to astrological classics, but without the 'planetary clock/horary' folded page.

    I did not receive a copy of the 'roue astrologique'... and with Paris suffering from 39 degree heat, I preferred to not ask!

John Meador

Etteilla's rota

Did Etteilla originate the technique or was it passed down?

"In 1777 a Chapter of the Order of the African Architects<<aka Master Builders>> operates in Paris. About fifteen years later the alchemist Etteilla forges, in Lyon, the rite of the Perfect Initiates of Egypt.<<les Parfaits Initiés d'égypte>> "

"But by reading of authenticke histories and Chronicles, yee shall learne experience by Theoricke, applying the bypast things to the present estate, quia nihil novum sub sole, [There is nothing new under the sun] such is the continuall volubilities of things earthly, according to the roundnesse of the world, and revolution of the, heavenly circles: which is expressed by the wheeles in Ezechiels visions, and counterfeited by the Poets in rota Fortunae"
-James I: Basilicon Doron(the Kingly Gift )1598, p.40.

James I was initiated in the Scottish rite and was reponsible for nurturing speculative freemasonic vitality according to Marsha Keith Schuchard : "Restoring the Temple of Vision : Cabalistic Freemasonry and Stuart Culture", 2002(see the introduction)