Dating Spread - By me - Using Osho


1) How do I feel the date will go?
2) What will be the consequences from this date?

3) What will be the outcome of this date?


What do you think? I'm going out with a girl tonight so I made it up. Here is what I got:

1) No-Thingness
A) Breakthrough
B) Possibilites
C) Laziness
3) Completion

An interesting reading indeed. The date will be pretty average but the rewards will be splendid! I shall be at ease and finaly break free of my frustrations of loneliness and will find a fruitful relationship ahead of me in the near future. Could I have found a lover?


just had to post my thoughts...sorry if i'm about to burst your bubble:

1) No-Thingness - have you been set-up on this date? it looks to me like you're not thinking much about this date.

A) Breakthrough - you'll get along well with your date...very good first impressions on both parties

B) Possibilites - a chance for a long-term relationship

C) Laziness - here's where i burst the bubble *sorry*. it seems the early fires will eventually die down

3) Completion - you'll eventually get over her and find completion, again, on your own...

just my thoughts...



Okay Frequency, so how did the big date go? Did things go well? Marion