Kitchen Witch Deck


I agree with cjtarot...add some really nice recipes..may find a whole new market with the cooks in the world..


That could be the back to the cards. A different recipe for each card. I'm vegetarian, so no meat & little dairy or eggs.



Well then you need to make 2 decks..fro the dairy and meat lovers out there..I love the idea of recipes on the back..If you are looking for any recipes..I have a few cookbooks.I can help look up anything..


Recipes? Did someone say "kitchen witch?" Did I hear my name? :D (My kitchen bulges with over three hundred cookbooks...)

Oh, THIS is a deck I want to see! (And probably need!)

D'ye want recipes on the backs, though? That will make them identifiable... the recipes could go in The Book instead. Recipes as interpretation... or special recipes, "eat and meditate on the meaning of the card."

Does the Empress eat chocolate? ;)


Death = Garbage disposal or Compactor? hehe. I don't suppose someone like Julia Childs would make a good Empress? How about William Shatner and Emeril doing the Iron Chef thing for Strength? Then again, I'm silly!

I do rather like the suggestion of herbs for Earth.

Brad })


There is a deck called the Epicurian Tarot with recipes on every card. It uses the Universal RW, so it's not much more than recipes added to the usual cards, although there are some creative recipes for each card: The Fool is Carmalized nuts, the Tower is Bananas Flambee, Devil is deviled eggs (what else :D )and the Moon is Lobster Bisque. The suit of Cups is seafoods and fish, Pentacles is veggies and fruits, recipes in the suit of Swords involve lots of cutting and chopping, and Wands are all spicy/hot foods.

Personally, I like your deck idea better though. Lots more fun, and I speak as a true kitchen witch!



I just took 9 pictures of my sister as the Traveler aka the Fool. I was using my dad's digital camera. He is going to download them & send them to my computer. 3 different angles each & each in color, B&W, & sepia. Once I've played with them, I'll show you.



Great! Can't wait. Do keep us informed.

Blessings of the day,

Brad })