Deck disconnect: intuition vs logic


While searching for new decks, I came across the illuminati tarot. When I did, my crown chakra started tingling like crazy and wouldn't quit. Still, every time I see images of the deck, I get a recurring expierence. Usually I consider this "a sign" so to speak. And this would be the flashiest sign I have ever experienced when searching for decks.

However, I really don't love the deck. First off, "illuminati" just has bad connotations to my gut reaction (though I am aware the deck isn't connected to the group) I do like the vibrant colors. However the cards seem so busy with no cohesive themes/color through the suits And the images themselves just aren't done in a style that I find visually pleasing. A little too avant guard for me, I think.

Has anyone experienced a similar disconnect?
Did you end up getting the deck anyways?
If so, did you connect well with it, or did it end up a pretty box on the shelf?


IMO, it isn't necessary to love a deck in order to connect with it. I had a similar experience with my Deviant Moon tarot. I have never loved the images; I find them to be strange, sad, and depressing. Yet, I felt that I had to have them. I didn't feel it in my crown chakra; it was more of a drawing and pulling sensation in my heart chakra. Strangely, it turns out that this was the perfect deck to speak to my heart. I use it for shadow work, and it always pulls out the issues my heart needs to deal with.

I think that certain decks are meant to serve specific purposes for us. So, since the Illuminati had an effect on your crown chakra, maybe this would be the perfect deck for you to connect with your spirituality, or to use for meditation. Just a suggestion, of course. :)


While searching for new decks, I came across the illuminati tarot. When I did, my crown chakra started tingling like crazy and wouldn't quit. Still, every time I see images of the deck, I get a recurring expierence. Usually I consider this "a sign" so to speak. And this would be the flashiest sign I have ever experienced when searching for decks.

However, I really don't love the deck. First off, "illuminati" just has bad connotations to my gut reaction (though I am aware the deck isn't connected to the group) I do like the vibrant colors. However the cards seem so busy with no cohesive themes/color through the suits And the images themselves just aren't done in a style that I find visually pleasing. A little too avant guard for me, I think.

Has anyone experienced a similar disconnect?
Did you end up getting the deck anyways?
If so, did you connect well with it, or did it end up a pretty box on the shelf?

As RiverRunsDeep said really, maybe the 'busy' imagery is quite perfect for meditation, to really do some searching on the cards

I have actually had the opposite experience. I saw the Prisma Visions Tarot and I was floored with it's beauty, I HAD to have the deck! Once it arrived in the post I couldn't connect with it whatsoever. I had great readings with it and it propelled me out of classical RWS symbolism but that was it. It served a purpose and now it's being used by someone else who needs it

I'd say, get the cards, use them, let them fulfill their purpose and in the end if you truly cannot stand it; gift the deck to someone who needs it. *insert-giving-is-loving-quote*




I really disliked the Deviant Moon and the Mary-El at the beginning. But I couldn't help looking at them, thinking about them. And I came to love both of them. I think that dislike is one of the strongest reactions we can experience about something. It can be a hint at something that is important to us, so maybe this deck simply touches a subconscious part of yourself, an unwanted part. I would get it, if the reaction was that much of an impact.

Oh, and forget about the illuminati. These conspiracy stories on YouTube are such a drag. You're reading Tarot, you're part of the conspiracy yourself now. [emoji48]


I didn't like the Deviant Moon either then someone on here did a reading for me and I could really see it when I looked at the pictures of the spread, so I downloaded it on my Orphalese and play around with it on there.


I had the same reaction to the Illuminati, but only after I bought it. The only card I had a look at in advance was the High Priestess, since the deck was still in development, and on that basis I grabbed it as soon as it was available. I like looking at it as art, but the cards are far too busy for me to read with, and some of the images lack visual depth because the foreground and background details kind of jostle for dominance. But if that's the last deck I buy and then don't like when I get my hands on it, I'll consider myself very lucky.


I have decks I love, but don't use. I think that's natural because Tarot is "working art," not just art that you look and appreciate.

On another note, it might be mentioned that the Illuminati don't exist and they never have, at leastnot in the way most people think. They were, like the Necronomicon, a fictional plot device in a novel.


I really disliked the Deviant Moon and the Mary-El at the beginning. But I couldn't help looking at them, thinking about them. And I came to love both of them. I think that dislike is one of the strongest reactions we can experience about something. It can be a hint at something that is important to us, so maybe this deck simply touches a subconscious part of yourself, an unwanted part. I would get it, if the reaction was that much of an impact.

Oh, and forget about the illuminati. These conspiracy stories on YouTube are such a drag. You're reading Tarot, you're part of the conspiracy yourself now. [emoji48]
LOL! I HAVE thought about being part of it now. Again, its just a gut reaction.

I didn't like the Deviant Moon either then someone on here did a reading for me and I could really see it when I looked at the pictures of the spread, so I downloaded it on my Orphalese and play around with it on there.
Very interesting! There are so many decks that I like most of the cards on, but then I see a few that are a MAJOR turn off and I just discount the deck. How many decks do I really NEED anyways! lol
I had the same reaction to the Illuminati, but only after I bought it. The only card I had a look at in advance was the High Priestess, since the deck was still in development, and on that basis I grabbed it as soon as it was available. I like looking at it as art, but the cards are far too busy for me to read with, and some of the images lack visual depth because the foreground and background details kind of jostle for dominance. But if that's the last deck I buy and then don't like when I get my hands on it, I'll consider myself very lucky.
After I bought a digital deck that I ended up hating (the wizards tarot) I always find a way to preview every card now. It kills me to buy a deck and not use it!
I have decks I love, but don't use. I think that's natural because Tarot is "working art," not just art that you look and appreciate.

On another note, it might be mentioned that the Illuminati don't exist and they never have, at leastnot in the way most people think. They were, like the Necronomicon, a fictional plot device in a novel.
Thanks so much for your perspective! I definitely understand that its working art, but I really feel that I NEED an emotional connection to the cards to trigger that subconscious part of myself in readings.


For whatever its worth, after much searching I discovered that its not the actual DECK I am supposed to be getting. Its the unabridged book that was written to accompany it! I haven't ordered it yet, but I look forward to reading it since all my decks are RWS based.


While searching for new decks, I came across the illuminati tarot. When I did, my crown chakra started tingling like crazy and wouldn't quit. Still, every time I see images of the deck, I get a recurring expierence. Usually I consider this "a sign" so to speak. And this would be the flashiest sign I have ever experienced when searching for decks.

However, I really don't love the deck. First off, "illuminati" just has bad connotations to my gut reaction (though I am aware the deck isn't connected to the group) I do like the vibrant colors. However the cards seem so busy with no cohesive themes/color through the suits And the images themselves just aren't done in a style that I find visually pleasing. A little too avant guard for me, I think.

Has anyone experienced a similar disconnect?
Did you end up getting the deck anyways?
If so, did you connect well with it, or did it end up a pretty box on the shelf?

I sure sounds like a sign to me too. I personally tend to take signs seriously, so whenever I get one I try to follow where it leads. That means had it been me, I would have bought the deck.

I would have used it when the moment feels right. I use all my decks. Even if I did not like it, I would presume that the powers that be that talk to me though the cards WANT to talk to me through that deck. And that is why this happened. If they want to talk, then I want to listen. Likely, to me, this would say they have something of a specific nature to say and this is the deck that can deliver that message in the best way. And that to me would be why all that was happening. If they want to tell me, then I want to know. It goes beyond my personal deck preferences, to me...they way I would see it,

Also true that there can be decks we don't like but that read very well for us. I once gave away the Voyager Tarot as I was not a huge fan of the artwork at the time. I ended up buying it again as it just read so well for me. And it still does. And the artwork grew on me too in time.
