Death in a chart and more on Ron Arad


I've not really got more out of the event chart - it tells me he was in the land of his enemies (his significator is in the seventh, the House of open enemies) - it tells me he has recently separated from his aircraft (his significator is Venus and it has recently conjoined Mercury, ruler of the third house of transport) and it tells me he is not in good condition (Venus is in Scorpio, where it is in Detriment.

Venus is almost at the cusp of the eighth - which I could read in two ways - firstly that he was almost out of enemy territory when the event occured and secondly that he came close to death (the eighth rules death). Of course both could be true.

I'm not quite sure how to treat his captors - whether they are open enemies or whether, because they are a militia group they should be treated as secret enemies. Because of the nature of the conflict and incident I would treat them as open enemies and therefore ruled by the seventh House. I would use Saturn to be their significator - I've already allocated Venus to Ron. Saturn is the Almuten (planet with most dignity) at the cusp of the seventh. As they captured him they are stronger than he was and Saturn is stronger than Venus at that point.

Saturn is in the eighth, so Venus (Ron) is moving towards them, which makes sense. Saturn is not strong in Sagittarius, its peregrine at its location in the chart. Peregrine means literally wandering so this is a group on the move with no safe haven. Saturn is however stronger than Venus, so they will overpower him.

Saturn is also sextile Mars (God of War) so they are both angry and can bring force to bear more easily. With Mars in Aquarius, ruled by Saturn the force is literally with them.

Strangely the chart bears quite a resemblance in terms of shap to the horaries I've done - it's likely that they took him in the directions indicated in the previous horaries.

It's clear both Astrologically and in fact that he survived the incident, though with the Part of Fortune in the sixth, his luck was only so good - he lived but was caught.

If you have any luck in approximating a time, I'll see how the transits line up for him at this time otherwise I'll have a go at a Noon birth and see how that works out.


hi there!
sorry it takes me forever to reply, I'm doing a Xmas market, all month, so cyber-time has to fit in with my bed-time-story!!!!

Minderwiz---I 'm not surprised that the outcomes of the capturing time, were similar to the other horaries...
And I must say again, that I'm really imprerssed of the way you put things "together"... It makes total sense, and you explain things marvelously...
I even start to get the horary thing...

So, who is represented by which planet, is something YOU decide, and the rest goes as it falls on?

you also wrote: "Part of Fortune in the sixth, his luck was only so good - he lived but was caught."--
I'm not familiar with "good or bad placings" of the Part of Fortune...
Which house would be a better one, for example?

Regarding "birth time", I'm trying to follow the news for any developments about Ron...
No luck with "fishing" his time of birth yet, and the more I think of it, the more I don't want to try and contact the family...
That puts one in some place of responsibility, not of the kind I can take on me...
Nevertheless, i wish there was something i could do to help out... It seems though that good news is always easier to spread...

Now, noon birth, would put his Sun in the 9th (far countries?), and moon in the 4th (home sweet home), not an unlikely match...
I'm wondering if there is something that spells "mystery" in his chart...or that "hidden" element...
Besides the 12th house, what else can tell about that?
maybe we can also try using Dave's containments? that would be more on personality rather than events though, right?

Well, this goes on for 17 years now...
The fact that I "woke up" recently, does not mean that all the answers must come right away...


Hi M-Press,

Well the significators are determined by the relevant house ruler. In this case Ron is a named person, so he's ruled by the seventh. In the case of the event char the seventh is ruled by Libra and Venus rules Libra, so Venus is the obvious significator for him.

When the issue of open enemies arose I ran into a problem. Open enemies are ruled by the seventh so again this was Libra. As I had already allocated Venus as his significator, I couldn't use it for the militia that captured him. Thererfore I had a choice between using the Moon (a regular stand-by significator in horary) or the Almuten of the seventh - which was Saturn. My choice really only came into play in the choice between Moon or Saturn - Saturn seemed to have a better connection with his open enemies, especially as it is a malefic.

On the Part of Fortune, It was in the sixth, which is the House of ill health, ill omen, misery, bad luck, slaves and enmity. All of which seems to suggest that Fortune is not going to smile on him in this chart. The Part is ruled by Venus, which is in the House of Open Enemies (not good) Is sextiled by Saturn (easy capture by the militia) Is trined by Mars (ruled by Saturn) so he will be easily taken by force by some group (Mars in the eleventh) and it's squared by Neptune - he might have deceived himself into believing he could escape. None of this is good - but it's better than being dead and there's no indication in the chart that he will die.

One possibility now is to look at either transits / projections to a Noon birth or possibly a Sunrise birth. However, as we don't know exactly what timescale is likely to produce the most important events thereafter, its rather like looking for the proverbial needle. Though the more intense transits might serve to begin to pinpoint and developments after the capture.

Do we know of any clear information or sightings that can be dated, indicating that he was still alive?


Thank you, thank you M...

There was proof that he was alive one year after capture (a picture and a letter by him was sent...)

And there was a rumor/gossip, maybe fact, that was released a couple of months ago:
That he was seen in the most tight prison in Iran, 3 years ago, that he looked thin and sad, that he was on a wheel chair, and after 2 heartattacks...

I will try and find exact dates for these (from the news), and will get back to you...


So many articles, so little information...

hello there!

I did a search on Ron's werabouts, and I was again amazed of the kind of world interest that there is around him...
I found articles from all western countries to japan!
nevertheless, so much interest present, but info absent...

I gathered the below, because it was hard to get any "real facts", and I thought that this way readers can get a round picture...

According to this link:
(and according to an April 8, 1993 edition of the "Jerusalem Report", quoted in the article) Ron Arad was held captive somewhere in Iran.

A post in USAToday:
Posted 9/2/2003 4:02 PM
Report: Missing Israeli is likely alive

Now, I know I was supposed to get facts, for the last time we know he 's alive for sure, but that seems not to work either...
Everything seems a rumor, and each article comments on "facts" from other articles...
I wish there was more concrete info...

Minderwiz---if any idea comes up to you following the above, pls let me know...
Otherwise, I will keep following this, and will keep an alert mind for whenever some "time fo birth" info comes, because there must be more clues to this!

So, this is not the end...but I had to post my latest findings!


Thanks M-Press,

I'll follow your links and see if there's any way forwards.