Trimmed Borders/Altered Decks Index


Diana, you can use a nail-clipper to edge your decks - it works just fine as a corner rounder, I have done it on three decks! :) practice on some plain cardboard first though! Then you will know what distance is necessary for a successful cut. :) I have attached an image below with the edges trimmed with nail clippers, so you can see.

It does work well! And that is the Wildwood deck :) I have added another nail clipper set I did - the Robin Wood. I learned it takes three small snips at each corner to round it properly! First the main middle round, then tiny snips to take off the edges at either end of the round part :)

Padma, they look great!


Thanks, Madrigal! I had already posted them here some time ago - was reposting so Faintly Macabre could see the effect of the nail clipper corner rounding technique ;)


I do need to get the pencil sharpener and maybe a black marker - not sure. I could possibly get the rounder (I don't trust me).
I encourage you to go all out and try it! Not necessarily on your daily reader, but on a deck you're willing to take a risk on.

For years I was afraid to modify my decks because I figured it would kill the potential resale value. Several down the road, I'd say that I now feel that:

- it takes hours of time and effort to trim, round, and "gild" a deck, so I'm not going to want to trade/sell it if I think it's worth the effort to modify in the first place

- even if I had considered it beforehand, I feel more "bonded" to the deck afterwards and never seem to want to part with them

- if you trim a few, you may find that few of your decks are actually perfectly trimmable, due to fractional variations in the image size. Borders can compensate for a lot. No matter how many 1986 large AGM Thoth decks I trim, I'll never be able to change the fact that the images aren't actually printed perfectly consistently (for example). I couldn't perfect it if i tried, which takes some pressure off. :D

If your deck has extra cards, try your tools on that first to know what to expect.


Just - maybe - trim some cardboard to tarot card size, and practice stuff first? :) I am sure you can do it, Diana! :thumbsup:

PS thanks for kind words on my trim job! :D

I don't know why I was thinking of cuticle scissors instead of clippers. After reading the reviews on the corner rounders and finding that they all seemed to be mixed, I dug through the drawer and looked at the clippers and realized that was what you had used too.

Perhaps it is good that most of my supplies are still in the mail. I am practicing coloring on an old Dover book and then finding some tutorials which should help a bit. Do you think trimming after coloring is best? I don't think there are going to be any extra cards in this deck.

Thanks to you, too, Oink. I had the response sitting there and you had posted. I am not too worried about trimming really. I own a fair number of marked clear rulers and such. You would not be trimming off borders, you would be trimming to a consistent size (after being sure that whacked all those lines). I had no particular urge to trim anything but this one is quite wonky.

It may be majors only :)



Yes, I used the actual nail clippers, not the scissor. And if it were me doing it, I think I would maybe colour it after trimming and rounding. But that depends on how you like to approach things, I suppose! :)


I can no longer see well enough to do the upkeep on this thread.

The current thread is up to date to post number 506

This thread doesn't have any space left to post in the original space (except oracles)

Whoever begins the new one, be sure and make enough post spots to hold these original ones before anyone posts ;)

Good luck, Sharyn/AJ


I know we need a new thread, but I wanted to post these as I'm pleased with the results :)

Trimmed Llewellyn with pearlescent poppy inked edges - link

Chrysalis Tarot with pearlescent rust inked edges - link

And Goddess on the Go affirmation cards with lapis lazuli inked edges (this was my first practice go at inking) - link

I've also done the Legacy of the Divine in black and that is stunning too. I think I may be hooked as I'm eyeing up the Deviant Moon (silver maybe? An aubergine sort of purple?) and the Shadowscapes (I've seen a pearlescent lilac that would be nice, or someone here did a darker purple which is tempting.)


I know we need a new thread, but I wanted to post these as I'm pleased with the results :)

Trimmed Llewellyn with pearlescent poppy inked edges - link

Chrysalis Tarot with pearlescent rust inked edges - link

And Goddess on the Go affirmation cards with lapis lazuli inked edges (this was my first practice go at inking) - link

OH WOW. *jumps in quickly before we get a new thread* Those are absolutely gorgeous! May I ask what kind of ink you used?


Whoever begins the new one, be sure and make enough post spots to hold these original ones before anyone posts ;)
Whoever takes this over should PM me as I have some suggestions on how to do this.

Take care of yourself AJ and thanks for keeping this thread up as long as you did!



Thank you :)

I did some research (ok, searched the forum!) and found that the Tsukineko were mentioned a lot for this.

The pearlescent inks are Tsukineko Dew Drop inks, I got a pack of four - beige, rust, crimson and poppy as it worked out cheaper than buying two.

The lapis lazuli is a Tsukineko Versa Color that I just happened to have already.