Health Issues


Thank you JMD...I felt the need to ask this because the issue is something that I know will be coming my way and I really feel that it is a sticky situation with readers...I have these concerns because people can be in denial or maybe they just want confirmations to there pain...How can a Tarot Reader say "Gee..You might want to avoid taking any long trips,"if they see an accident, and not say "Gosh I see health issues are you seeing a doctor?"


Ok, if some cards come up and you see what you think might be health issues in the reading, say so... and make sure they know you aren't trying to diagnose or treat any problems they might have. That it's up to them to see a doctor if they have any health concerns and not rely on Tarot for those sorts of things.

I've gotten cards that weren't "health issue" sorts of cards before that reminded me of a bronchial "tree" and indeed the person I read for did have some problems with her lungs at the time. A 2 Chalices with a TdM in another reading for some reason made me think of an anuerism or burst artery for an unexpected death, tho' I never got to read the coroner's report or anything like that to confirm it. So sometimes it's not specific cards that will point to a health concern, but how they hit you.


I have had health issues coming up when i did chakra readings (Clau, if you peek in here, remember when I asked you about your teeth?) - but I never state "this is what you have".

I always say "I got the impression this could have an impact on ...." or "this might say you have problems with..." - and only if I see it clearly. Otherwise I don't mention it.

I never diagnose - I ask questions.

However, if I wanted to do a reading on just health issues, I wouldn't use the cards, but my pendulum. I've had some interesting results with that (still not diagnosing! asking questions), including a lady who came up to me several years after the reading to tell me I had been right (I told her, sorry about that, I'd prefer not to be right in these cases!)

Asking questions in a diplomatic and clearly non-diagnostic way might be the solution in case anything comes up - but i would not recommend to do purely health-related readings. Those i did were in my long ago young and innocent past and I only address it now if I get the feeling i should!


Hi Lilith,

Health issues may not be so much at the forefront of your inquirers' minds, even though their health may play out in many (sometimes big) ways in their lives. More or less, that's true for most people at any age. If they'd like to go there, then you're wise to have an idea of areas you'll feel comfortable approaching and knowing which one's you'll feel out of your element with...and how you'll work through both scenarios.

Many people, though, may take their health--good or bad--as part & parcel, part of the bargain of living that they're willing to deal with in exchange for the bits that make life so worthwhile--things like relationships (many kinds on many levels,) career/finances (since many people are choosing/having to work rather than taking retirement,) and, really, just hope in general--of new beginnings, upcomming travel...basically anything that's possible in your life can be areas of interest in their's. If anything healthwise, health issues and the ability to have insurance/be able to pay for them can deliver the hardest blows.

Many people I know--ranging all ages, up to their 80s & 90s-- honestly feel, in mind/heart/spirit, like they're still in their 20's, even though their bodies and lives tell them otherwise. People forge new friendships, new romantic relationships, change careers, start new projects, keep studying in college, teach classes, juggle 401ks, raise children (and sometimes their grandchildren,) fall in love, change homes, are betrayed by people they've trusted or are traveling the world and trying exotic new things (some, salacious, others more mild, like taking up yoga,) or are writing their life stories in context of their newly discovered geneologies. Of the people I've known who have had their lives significantly truncated by health issues, most haven't fallen out of life completely. Being social animals, even when they're down flat, I've seen strong hearts worried/wondering about the relationsips within their family--existing/new friendships (sometimes just based on who can still drive.) Sometimes it's just enough to look forward to babies coming into the family, or pets. Transcending all the major 4 suit issues, everybody--at every age--goes though those existential moments of wondering who they are, too, what they're doing here, what's their purpose, how can they overcome what may be life-long the Maj. Arcana helps fill these purposes.

Sorry about the long, rambling post, Lilith : ) I just wanted to congratulate you for stepping onto the fertile/enriching ground of reading for people older than yourself. It can be as rich and rewarding for you as it is a thrill and a comfort for them. Every aspect of the tarot can apply to the demographic you seek to serve.


Thanks everybody for your responses...