Self Journal


for the first time in the 20 plus years of reading, i started doing a daily card. mostly because i was struggling with a new deck and thought was a good way to get more familiar with it.


after doing this for two months now, most of my readings make less sense than more and i keep getting the same cards. (4 of Wands--which i rarely see in any other deck i see all the time in this one.

i shuffle and ask: What did I take away from today? at the end of my day. i write down the card and a brief intuitive read of the card, then detail my day. most of the time. card has nothing to do with my day.

wondering if i should change it to: What will tomorrow bring and write down card and intuitive vibe of the card. then the next evening detail my day.

thinking it would A) help me gain more perspective throughout the day of card. not after the fact. B) so i don't try to force the card to fit what happened within that day. and C) will let me know if i should just give up on this particular deck. lol


First of all, the 4 of wands that keeps coming up tells me your interest in pulling a daily card is actually going to pay off in the end. Maybe it relates to the whole day. Maybe it relates to something simple that happened during the day. I look at a daily card as not so much how the day is going to be, or how the day was, but relate it too something in your day to understand what it can mean so you get a feeling for the meaning of the card. To help you become persona! With the card so it goes into your subconscious and easier to explain it when reading it.

The deck your using may have other meanings going on in your day instead of the meanings you have set for them..


When I do a daily draw I draw in the morning. Then I write 2-3 sentences about what it could relate to that I know about. Then, mostly my day is so friggen busy that I forget all about it until I look at it again in the evening. I don't check to see if it's right or not. I document my day. If there's something that seems to correlate to the card (that I thought of in the morning or not) I write that too. If not. I just document my day and don't force anything in the day to relate to the card.

With continued practice you may find less of stuff making less sense and more of expanding your idea about what a given card means. For instance 4w - From experience to me it can mean "room to grow" - there are 4 posts, 2 happy people, a floor, but no ceiling or walls. (In RWS and many others) Things are incomplete but going in the right direction. What "room" do you want to build first? Etc.

It's not just about celebration, a harmonious home. Are you planning or participating in a "family" event? (I consider my upcoming HS reunion a family of sorts - you have to define family under different circumstances)


Simply put, the 4 of Wands is a celebration. But we can feel celebratory about many things. A bright sunny day in spring can make a person feel like celebrating that it's spring by bringing home a bouquet of spring flowers.

Or maybe you've gotten a raise at work so you splurge on some wine and a steak to celebrate.

Maybe you commute to work and that day it was free of traffic snarls and headaches which puts you into a very happy, appreciative mood and you spend the extra time you gained from easy traffic to paint your toenails and soak in a bubble bath for awhile.

These things are overlooked when reading the cards, but the cards point out everyday things in addition to the really big things, so it's easy to overlook those subtle nuances.


thank you, i appreciate it. unfortunately i'm not willing to get up any earlier than i do as i'm truly not a morning person.

the comment about the Four was more due to the fact it is a card that i rarely see in ANY other deck i use. and generally never in regard to myself. it's usually Hermit, a Pentacle, or a Sword, as I'm a Virgo, but relate closely to the Queen of Swords.

thinking i should try to use a different deck to see if it's just as wonky.