Snake versus Fox- what's the difference?


What's the difference to you between The Snake and The Fox when The Snake is DEFINITELY NOT another woman?

Love to hear your experience with them



The Snake can be a woman, the Fox I wouldn't normally read as a personality card. To me the Fox represents the need to be cautious in a situation, whereas the Snake can mean betrayal. I have, on occasion, seen the Snake to mean 'betraying' something in the sense of showing something without wanting to, e.g. He betrayed his true feelings by acting aggressively (or something like that). So perhaps this combination of cards is telling you that whoever you're asking about needs to be cautious/ careful not to betray themselves.


snake vs fox

To me the difference between fox and snake is that the snake is more obivious. The fox is smarter than the snake. The snake can be about jealousy, envy and troubles. The fox is clever and a good manipulator. A keyword for the fox is ''wrong''. You have to look deeper to see what is wrong.


What's the difference to you between The Snake and The Fox when The Snake is DEFINITELY NOT another woman?

Love to hear your experience with them


The way I interpret these two is like this-

Fox is someone that uses their BRAIN, cunning, smarts to affect the situation.
It can also mean someone needs to use patience and investigate the situation further.
A profession of the Fox may be a policeman/detective.
A Fox may represent a reddish/brown haired individual.
Fox can represent something that is deceiving/not yet known/secretive.

Think of a fox lying in the wood waiting and watching to see if the vole will come out of hiding for dinner.
What if the vole does not come out for a while and the Fox has figure out a way to get that vole to come out or move on and get something else for dinner. He uses the BRAIN.

The Snake is someone that uses their EMOTION to affect a situation.
The snake can represent something that blocks a situation.
A profession of the snake can be someone in the medical profession.

From personal experience I have had the snake mean something in the physical too. It came up when I did a reading and the person had cancer of the intestinal area I will spare you from describing...
I have seen snake represent greed.

Don't forget to look at the appearance of the object of the card because it can be read like I described snake meaning something long/windy...


I see the difference as one of intent.

The Snake acts from malice. The person has a problem with you and wants to give you a hard time.

The Fox acts from survival instinct. The person is doing what they feel they must to get by, and if you get in the way, you're collateral damage.

One might imagine a work colleague who does something to sabotage you. The Snake means they're deliberately trying to damage you. The Fox means it's nothing personal, they're just trying to get ahead by whatever means necessary.

P.S. I also like Anna's distinction of intellect vs. emotion.


I have a personal experience with one Man.

During a half year everytime I did GT spreading, Fox card appeared next to Man card or Man was in the house of Fox - now I am sure it meant, there was something I did not know at that time about him. Now I already know that I wrong evaluated his true feelings he had for me and another things related to him and I lived in an illusion. Since I learnt true about him, Fox card wasn´t appeared near to Man card anymore.

But now very often Snake card appears near to Man card. This time I know already the true character of this Man, his is a sneaky person, he acts by this way, not only with woman but also with all people at the work, at domestic enviroment.... he is liar, he use woman only for "one" thing, he is selfish, he told me openly that he was never in love but he has his own " sexual needs" and he told me I can be gratefully he did not used me as another women who are or were in love with him. And he very cinically spoke about them before me. And he laughted from my feelings to him when i decided to spill beans to him. My eyes suddenly opened and I saw a strange person and my stomach was about to womit!
But he act by sneaky way also at the work, he peach on co-workers to our director, use the results of another people work and pretend it was his credit...etc., he pretend to be very nice and sociable but it is only at the surface, inside he is cold person and does not like people by with heart. Truly snake person, he looks at the first sight as very vulnerable and nice man, he activates protecting instincts in women, he knows how to behave with women to get them entangled with him (he has also very silky voice), but inside him is something absolutely different.

Interesting thing is that except these two card, another card in GT spreading appeared near to above mentioned Man only very seldom (e.g. Garden or Coffin).

The conclusion:
Fox card can means something is wrong with person/situation/fact and you live in an illusion, you don´t evaluated the fact by right way, you missinterpreted the facts.
Snake - cold hearted person but you must to be very careful - it is a person with very attractive and nice behaviour to opposite gender and with "lick your butt" attitude to an authority figures/bosses.


Monisina, wow. What a great explanation.


The difference between Snake and Fox is this:

Snakes in the wild are easily caught, trapped, and killed.

Foxes in the wild are sly, cunning, and not easily trapped.

Fox card can describe someone who is one step ahead of you at all times planning you or someone else's demise or hard time. They are purposeful and move in ways that look ok on the surface, but later you learn that deep down under the surface things weren't alright at all (someone leading a double life).

Snake card is mostly talk and malicious emotions as it has female energy to it. It can mean another woman in love however I've had it come up as a female family member (mother, sister, aunt, grandma, female cousin, etc.) not liking a man's new girlfriend or love interest and thus making things harder between the man and his love. When not in a love question Snake can mean be a complication, twist, and unexpected bad luck.

I prefer to have Snake over Fox because Snake is easily avoided/side stepped. You can prove a Snake wrong, but Fox is so sneaky it's hard to pin point what's actually going on unless you confront the person or behaviors head on. Snake can also mean a detour in real life (because one road was closed for construction and you had to take another, longer winding path).


Heres my explanation, and it has to do with how they strike.

A snake lies in waiting and strikes extremely quick, often times before you even know it. Youll think youre fine and then you make a wrong step. Thats why its associated with women, because you will think everything is going great and then all of a sudden they stab you in the back. Not saying men cant be scoundrels but they'll usually do it to your face. With the snake you will not see the trouble until it is too late. The good news with the snake is that if you CAN identify it, you can avoid it.

With the fox, the fox is just a cold hearted bastard. He will hunt you silently, with nefarious plans all the while in his mind. He might even make you think he is your friend, but truthfully he will eat your eggs when you're not looking. He is a trickster, a thief and a sly one. He will track and stalk you for a long time and wait for the opportune moment, he is patient and devious. He will learn your routine and when the best moment to strike is.

Between the both of them imo the snake is less devious, he's just trying to survive, and thinks if he doesn't bite you, you will bite him, the snake is insecure, and has a strike first mentality. The fox is malicious, and would totally destroy you for the fun of it, he doesn't need to do it to survive, he does it for the thrill of the hunt. Hope that helps!

ana luisa

When snakes are not people (that happens) it can stand for problems with the intestines and all kinds of detours. Sorry for being graphic...