Nicoletta Ceccoli ~ Four of Cups


Four of Cups is often a card of stagnation and passivity. It may include self-centeredness and apathy, maybe depression. You could change the situation and take the fourth cup that is being offered (in RWS) but you choose to stay put.
There is duality and it brings a choice, you can accept the fourth cup and change the situation for the better or just stay where you are. And staying where you are usually means regression because life is always about change and growth. If you choose not to go with the flow of life you begin to regress.

This little mermaid is very different from the ones in the Three of Cups. She is dressed in a fashionable blue lace dress and her tail is smooth (all shaved!) and elegant and half covered with the lace dress. She has a matching blue ribbon in her coiffed hair. Her wild nature seems to be gone and she has more or less adapted to her restricted life inside the bubble. But we can see she is not happy. She is disconnected from the real world outside and she has in fact tears in her eyes. The name of the original painting is “Teardrop Pearls” or “Fishgirl”.

We can’t say for sure if she could get out from the bubble and we don’t know why she is there and who has put her in a bubble in the first place. But she is not even trying to get out unlike the girl in the World card.
Interestingly, I recently got this card for an acquaintance who is a member of a rather strict Christian church that has lots of rules and regulations on how to behave, what to eat, what to say and think. This card was spot on since I think she is choosing to live inside that bubble and she is wasting her potential in that sad isolation. Which is exactly what I think this card is about.

LWB: You have shut out the pleasures of the world and are in danger of becoming cynical.There is no excuse for being bored with life. Key concepts: Discontent, isolation, ennui, petty desires.


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This card, to me, has a sense of accepting, even though it's unfair. And because it's unfair, it's difficult (which is why she's crying) but there's no other real choice. All she can do is try to daydream her way out of the bubble so that she can join the others. However, in order to do that she still needs to accept that it's the only option, first.

Which is where the duality comes in. We cannot have change until we accept where we are.