new planets in thoth tarot

guy bannik

the thoth tarot only takes the 'old' planets into account, with three atu dedicated to three elements.
is there any reason the new planets (neptunus, uranus and pluto) should be taken into account, since modern astrology does?


Check Page 119 for sephirothic attributions to these "outer planets". They are supernal, and not represented by established paths, but sephiroth, therefore they would be represented by entire generations.

He indicates that being that these are generationally held in common, what they do is indicate your own inner struggles with humanity (even your own!), singularly and collectively.

Sometimes, because there are so close to the Nature of the Three Gunas, People who study Thoth choose to assign these supernals to The Three Mother Letters. Whethere these cards are seen as interrelations of those inexpressible planets, or if there is a direct one-to-one relationship is something for the interpreter to decide.


Many people have applied the modern planets, Crowley made some effort to do the same, but he was limited by being born a decade or two too early and not having all 3 discovered and in astrological use during his lifetime.

Many others from the GD heritage or it's offshoots do use them. I prefer the version Fool/Air = Uranus, Hanged Man/Water = Neptune and Aeon/Fire = Pluto. I find these more useful to me than assigning the modern planets to the Sephiroth (and Daath), though the Sephiroth version has its appeal also.

There are other versions, the Hermetic Tarot give Pluto to The Fool for example. I guess whichever version appeals to you is a good one.

Babalon Jones

outer planets

Grigori said:
I prefer the version Fool/Air = Uranus, Hanged Man/Water = Neptune and Aeon/Fire = Pluto. I find these more useful to me than assigning the modern planets to the Sephiroth (and Daath), though the Sephiroth version has its appeal also.

I agree, have been pondering this lately and what Grigori said was pretty much the same conclusion I came to.


Pluto was a poor excuse for a planet really and it deserved to be stripped of its title.


I don't use em personally. I think their effect is more suited to horary astrology than tropical or sidereal.

For some people they take the place of the three Gunas, to me they don't quite fit, so I still use the Three Gunas. If I did use the outer planets, it would be this way:

Neptune - Water - The Hanged Man

Uranus (Ouranos) - Air (Ouranos is also the word translated as Heaven in the New Testament.) - The Fool

Pluto - Fire - (Aeon is attributed fire, but not exactly the same as "hot" fire, think of it as the most minimal warmth required to be noticed from the starkest cold of the void. The those in the void (Da'ath), it would feel as a all-consuming fire.


Grigori said:
Many people have applied the modern planets, Crowley made some effort to do the same, but he was limited by being born a decade or two too early and not having all 3 discovered and in astrological use during his lifetime

All three "modern" planets were discovered years before Crowley changed Earth life for Universal Cosmic life. Pluto 1930; Uranus 1690; Neptune 1613?
As far I know Mr Case attributed as first the three modern planets to the tarotcards linked to the Three Mother Letters.

As Pluto is off the planet-"list" there is missing One planet.

One which IS sometimes and One which is sometimes NOT.

Planet NIBURU.

The Fool, the Zero: I like to attribute the zero-point-energy to the Fool as we live in the 2nd millenium in times we have to consider new forms of Energy. Why stick on those old forms as oil, nucliar: Uranium, Neptonium and Plutonium?

The zero-point-energy links to NIBURU, the planet, entering our solar system, and which will bring the 0 back to Earth.

This "New"ancient Mother Earth kind of energy- zero-point-energy is free and without any risk for our environment.
Within a year my house will have this energy, free from earth. Earth_Energy.
Tesla already knew the ZERO-point-energy and NOW is the time to get back to ZERO, just because modern time"s" mixed with Mother Earths Wishes teaches us this.

In the Netherlands there will be workshops to built this energy-centers by yourself. As this organisation wants this FREE, ZERO-energy possible for our World. They launch it now, maybe a bit to early,but with working models. An inventation to the world to dance with this idea. The Idea of the 0-Point-energy....The Cosmic Power supplying Good old Watts

Thanks Niburu!

*btw The eclipse-Oval on Crowley's Fool maybe even points to the path;route (66?) of Niburu in our Solar System*



I don't mean to sound disrespectful because I realise that this is a large and diverse forum where people have all sorts of practices, worshipings, devotions and beliefs, but planet Nibiru? Please don't tell me you believe this myth.

There is absolutely zero evidence for Nibiru as a planet. As one of the few Sumerian* translators on the planet, Zecharia Sitchin and his followers really cause my head to want to explode.

*Sumerian and Akkadian.


Why should it matter whether or not Pluto is classified is a planet? The Hugh Grant film, The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down a Mountain, provides a delightful reality check on things like that. :D


graspee said:
There is absolutely zero evidence for Nibiru as a planet.
a Zero again.
I believe this Myth is pausible, yes.
Mother Earth is showing this Myth right now. Just check seismic monitors and look around what is happening.
Why is there a black field in space on Google Space, on the place they earlier detected "something"?
Even in the piramids an extra planet is shown in the hieroglyphs.
Soon we will see two suns. (Instant Government Media is making people aware of that already) A red One and our Sol. The red One has many names: Niburu, Hercolubus, Red planet. As this planet is 6 times bigger than Jupiter magnetic "bombs" are directed to our planet. Already cracks in the seabed are making contact with the fire of the Earth, the reason why the birds felt out of the sky, and the fishes are dying. Just look around, and see what is happening... We are going back to Zero.