tarot scrying

Rusty Neon

I'm not into all this stuff. However, out of curiousity, I took a quick peak in the big Regardie book on the Order of the Golden Dawn. Apparently, the OGD used tattwas, in the form of tattwa cards, for scrying. On the other hand, tarot cards were used by the OGD for creative visualizations in ceremonies. As well, tarot cards and other forms of divination were used for developing intuition.

In the OGD manuscript on scrying and astral projection, it is indicated that the seven planetary Tarot trumps were employed as 'important test symbols' but that manuscript doesn't indicate how exactly those trumps were to be used. However, in any event, Saturn was for memory, Jupiter for construction, Mars for anger, impatience, Sun for vanity, Venus for pleasure, Mercury for imagination, and the Moon for wandering thoughts.

And a quick ride on google.com located this link to a contemporary article on tarot scrying:



Hi Rusty Neon,

thanks for the link. It was a very informative and interesting read. Hmmmm, now I must try it for myself.





Thanks for the link Rusty. It never even occured to me to 'google' it.



Scring with Tarot

Robert Wang in his brilliant exegesis "Qabalistic Tarot" says that Scrying with Tarot is quite 'simple' in theory. What one does, is --enter the Key/Card, that is to say, -Be- within it!

In practice it may not be so 'simple'. One is required to Practice, using Will to maintain a focused Intent for sustained periods in order to actually Manifest result.

The thesis is, when one can do so, the situation takes on autonomous activity & therein
the one Scrying may become active Participant or, Act as Objective Observer obtaining 'Secret Wisdom'.

Whether this practice leads to the "Ring Pass Not" or, what some call the "Abyss" can only be discovered via one's own effort...maybe...

In Truth, every 'Gain" is Always through GRACE of the DIVINE BELOVED...your Own Real Self, that pushes you to even attempt such a journey. "Success" is way overrated because the MASTER (u, YOU-- at Highest Level) determines Ripeness...no matter Practice or Technique Growth is Always GRACE...how Sweet that is!


Robert Wang in his brilliant exegesis "Qabalistic Tarot" says that Scrying with Tarot is quite 'simple' in theory. What one does, is --enter the Key/Card, that is to say, -Be- within it!

In practice it may not be so 'simple'. One is required to Practice, using Will to maintain a focused Intent for sustained periods in order to actually Manifest result.

The thesis is, when one can do so, the situation takes on autonomous activity & therein
the one Scrying may become active Participant or, Act as Objective Observer obtaining 'Secret Wisdom'.

Whether this practice leads to the "Ring Pass Not" or, what some call the "Abyss" can only be discovered via one's own effort...maybe...

In Truth, every 'Gain" is Always through GRACE of the DIVINE BELOVED...your Own Real Self, that pushes you to even attempt such a journey. "Success" is way overrated because the MASTER (u, YOU-- at Highest Level) determines Ripeness...no matter Practice or Technique Growth is Always GRACE...how Sweet that is!

This sounds cool. Be within the card. I don't have cards in front of me now but I am quite imaginative and I think I could enjoy this - but more so with a new deck that I haven't used much.