Hellenistic Astrology


Hello MinderWiz :)

Do you need anyone else for the Natal analysis chart?
If do may I participate?
Many thanks :) have a good day :)

I'm shortly going to take a break, as there's some more reading waiting for me but I will then come back to the thread and I'd certainly like to use your info. Just PM me your natal details :)


Well, it should be permanent (as permanent as it could be considering my wanderlust LOL). I'm free to travel whenever but financially it would be wiser to travel in the beginning of the month so we don't pay rent for time we don't use...

OK, well at the start of August it's a waning Moon with the New Moon on 6th August. According to Dorotheus, you should not start a new venture in the last days of the Moon (or indeed when the Moon is waning, if you can help it), nor should you start when the Moon is eclipsed. So around the 8th or 9th should be the first visibility and the time to make a start.

First visibility seems to be important in the ancient world because many calendars were based on the lunar cycle, and first visibility was taken as the start of a new month (or year, or important feast).

Thereafter, you become something of a prisoner of transport timetables/scheduled flights. Also you need to consider any significant aspect to one of your natal planets or points such as Ascendant, MC (which represents 'action') or the Lot of Fortune.

July is something of a bad time anyway, as Retrograde Saturn is transiting near your natal Sun in Scorpio finally stationing Direct on 8th July, just a degree ahead of your natal Sun. Thereafter it's slow but by the time of the visibility of the New Moon in August, it's just about back to average speed and getting faster.

The night of 10th August sees a new Scorpio L3/L4 period for ZR from Fortune, though that clearly has Mars related issues, transiting Saturn is there and so is your quadrant MC and natal. Sun. The L3 period will last into September. So if you want to avoid it you only have a two day window of 8th/9th & 10th August, for the remainder of the Libra L3 period (your whole sign tenth and your quadrant 9th). The L4 period at the start of the month is Capricorn (your Ascendant) but this is overshadowed by the waning Moon. The subsequent Aquarius period is largely within the eclipse of the Moon, though the last two days (8th & 9th) correspond with the first visibility. The 10th is a short Pisces L4.

The waxing Moon lasts up to the 19th August (Full Moon on the 20th) so you have a 10/11 day range as far as the Moon is concerned., though during the 11th - 13th the Moon is in the Via Combusta (which Dorotheus sees as bad for new actions and of course is one of the old considerations before judgement in horary). Personally, I would not let that stand in my way, though I'd double check that all the arrangements are correct.

On 11th August Transiting Mars opposes your Ascendant from it's Fall in Cancer, so I wouldn't take that as a good sign for travelling and that would accentuate Moon in Via Combusta. Towards the end of the month (22nd) Transiting Sun enters Virgo your ninth whole sign house (and a house of travel) and on 23rd Transiting Mercury joins it. Of course by then the Moon has entered its waning phase.

None of these dates seem to be particularly auspicious for a new venture but if you're willing to risk the coming Mars opposition, I'd say go around 8/9 August if possible, whith 10th August as your last chosen date. If you can't make those then look for 14th - 19th, at least Sun in Leo is in it's rulership and leaving during daytime will ensure it has maximum essential dignity.


Minderwiz, thank you! I needed an objective look as I'm obviously biased in my observations... Hm. I'll try for the 8/9 of August although it's still paying a week of rent for nothing but... Also I ahve concerns that the later in August we move, the less chances for my son to start school as it's too close to the beginning of the school year and spaces are very tough to find. I'll think again... Who knows what will come up, I have a very uneasy feeling lately, despite the agreement. :(


Stage 4 for Ana's Song - Part 1


I'll start with your last relationship, which prompted several posts in the Horary thread. It's also the relationship that you gave most details about in terms of timings, so hopefully it should be the best pointer to what astrological events are significant in your love life.

I've run my profections from the Lot of Eros (which rules relationships) though I could easily have run it from Venus as both are in Aquarius (and Valens suggests that predictions relating to love affairs should be based on Venus). That year was a Cancer year, and the date of your first meeting and the beginning of your subsequent relationship was a Taurus day in a Leo month. That means that three planets were clearly active on that day, Moon, Sun and Venus.

Astrologically it was the day of the Full Moon in Leo (it was of course a Leo month). And transiting Venus conjoined natal Mercury in your second house of Capricorn that day. So we have natural symbols of love, the female/feminine and the archetypal male all active. Leo is your ninth house, and in a real sense you were beginning something of a voyage of discovery.

However there are some discordant signs. Transiting Mars was just three degrees away from your Transiting Sun and less than 3 degrees behind Mars was Transiting Mercury which was just beginning its transit of your Lot of Eros (which Mars had already transited). So the Moon (Lord of the Year) was in a separating oppostion to both Mercury and Mars. Mars is the malefic of sect for your natal chart bur rules your fifth house of Romance, so we have a clear romantic connection to this day, though the aspect is harder than we would normally want for the beginning of a romance.

Using Whole Sign Houses, Cancer is your eighth house and Taurus is your sixth house, so these are not particularly good pointers to a successful relationship.

Mars is also in Fall in Cancer, so this year is not particularly good for Mars events, yet on that day Venus was in Capricorn the sign of Mars exaltation, so he would appear very good that day. Capricorn also featured in the events of Summer 2012 as June was a Capricorn month (and July an Aquarius one) and I think this was the first time that you asked horary questions. Both signs are ruled by Saturn your out of sect malefic. For much of June, Saturn was retrograde in your eleventh house of Good Spirit, and indeed stationed Direct just short of natal Saturn in late June. Even having turned direct, Saturn is still very slow for July.

The year itself was a Leo year, and whilst Saturn was on its station Direct, the Sun, Lord of the year, moved from your seventh house into your eighth house. By degree it squared natal Mars on the day that Saturn turned direct and of course squared Saturn by sign. However Venus and Jupiter were both transiting your seventh house and though Venus was retrograde and Jupiter in Detriment, they seem to have kept the relationship going.

The heart to heart that you referred to in the horary thread, in which you thought things were sorted, occurred in an Aries month (Mars again) and either a Pisces or Aries day (Jupiter was still transiting your seventh and rules your Ascendant and Lot of Fortune and Mars rules your fifth). If it was on the Pisces day, then this 'sorting out' was really your perspective on things if it was on the Aries day, it would seem a romantic solution but there would still be overtones of 'malefic Mars'. On both days the Moon was transiting your first house (it began to do so on the Pisces day) and at one point opposed natal Jupiter. Moon transits are fleeting and so the 'heart to hear' proved to be. Indeed the heart to heart occured as Jupiter was approaching its Station Retrograde, which it did in early October.

The break up which figured in your last horary questions, occurred last December. This was a Cancer (eighth house) month. From your point of view, the day of the breakup was a Libra day ruled by Venus but the following day give a clearer indication of the end, as Jupiter Retrograde in your seventh opposes Transiting Sun in your first - as your first is Sagittarius, debilitated Jupiter rules the Sun. The day afterwards. I think the real severance was the day after, an Aries day ruled by Mars. In terms of transits, the beginning of the break up was marked by the Moon in Cancer opposing transiting Mars in Capricorn (the relationship had begun with Moon/Mars opposition).

There is one favourable signs that this break up might not be the end. Mars is actually sextiled by Venus just before the breakup, and of course is continuing to transit your first house. That being said, Venus is separating from Mars by the beginning of December, so no guarantees there.

It looks like Mars is significant in that relationship, so I'll see if it has significance in the others that you gave me in Part 2. I'll also have a look at ZR from Fortune and Eros.


Stage 4 for Ana's Song - Part 2

In part 1 there was a clear link to Mars periods and transits, which is not surprising given that Mars rules your fifth Whole Sign House of Romance. I'll now have a look at the other examples you gave me to see if it still holds by profection. Again I'll profect from the Lot of Eros (which is in the same sign as Venus)

Your 2008 relationship started in an Aries year (fifth house!) April of that year was a Cancer month (actually the month began a couple of days before the end of March)) The Full Moon before the start of the month had been on your MC and the transiting Moon was conjunct your pre natal New Moon and about to conjoin your natal Sun. The first day of the month was marked by a transiting Moon opposing transiting Mars, another signature from your last relationship. Possible beginning dates might have been around 6th April (New Moon in Aries and Moon square to natal Mars) 12th April, with Moon squaring transiting Mars in Cancer. On 20 April, with the Full Moon in Scorpio (Mars again) also opposing transiting Mercury.

The incidents you referred to occured in:

First incident - A Pisces Month: At the start of the month, Saturn is opposing Pisces from Gemini and Sun, Mars, Mercury and Moon square Pisces from your first house of Sagittarius. As the Pisces is your fourth house, this indicates domestic trouble, and something that you don't like (first house planets in square). All four planets are in close conjunction (separation 3 degrees) Mars is the Lord of the year, and Ruler of the First, so there is a clear indication that the cause of the trouble is a Romantic attachment. Moon and Mars are conjunct by one degree and of course this is only hours after the New Moon. Again lunations seem to be important in your life. Jupiter ruler of Pisces was transiting your second house and around December 2 There was a triple conjunction of transiting Jupiter, Venus and Moon. On 13 December there was a Full Moon in Cancer with the Moon also opposing Combust Mars, you were also a couple of days from your Venus return, so if the incident occured around this date, you would have been in a very loving mood and also unable to see the nature of 'Mars' clearly.

Second incident: 2009 was a Taurus year, ruled by Venus. The incident appears to have straddled two months a Sagittarius month and a Capricorn month. Looking at the mid point of the period the beginning of the Capricorn month, The Moon was applying to and quickly made an opposition from Capricorn to transiting Mars in Cancer (yet another Mars/Moon opposition). This opposition again occured virtually on your pre natal New Moon. Transiting Mars was also in exact square to transiting Mercury on your MC. That nothing worse came of the incident was perhaps due to the Sun being in Sextile to transiting Mars and also being the ruler of Venus Lord of the year, which was exactly inconjunct Mars (semi-sextile) - but inconjunct is another indicator of not being able to see what was happening - you were, at least, metaphorically looking the wrong way.

Final incident: This occured in a Gemini year (and it's worth stressing at this point that Gemini is your seventh house of relationships and Mercury has appeared at crucial points before). The month in question was a Leo month and very early on (but before the incident) there was a Full Moon in Virgo (ruled by Mercury) and with the Moon also opposing Jupiter (your Ascendant ruler) which was in partile conjunction with the Sun (and Cazimi) in Pisces. The strength of Jupiter here, both accidentally and essentially is probably what broke the spell. On 2nd March, Mars entered Leo and came under the rulership of the Sun, which was surrounded by the two benefics, Jupiter and Venus. The 8th March saw a conjunction between tranasiting Mercury and Jupiter.at the same time transiting Venus entered Aries, its detriment and the Moon transited your Ascendant, squaring Venus.

You didn't give me much detail of the other event but I think that it seems you are very sensitive to the lunation cycles especially when Mars is near the Sun and also to Moon Mars oppositions. Mars plays a great role here as Lord of the 5th but, Mars is a malefic and needs to be watched carefully, especially against the softer (but nicer) Moon and Venus.

Zodiacal Releasing

Because we're not dealing with a very long period here, there's not a lot that can be said about changes in ZR. As far as ZR from Fortune is concerned all of the relationships in this post occurred during a Capricorn Level 1 period starting with a Venus L2 and ending with a Sagittarius L2. Indeed the Sagittarius L2 started in the first week of March 2010.

24 February 2011 saw the Loosing of the Bond at Level 1/L2 and a new Cancer period began which lasted till 15 March 2013. This period virtually coincides with your last relationship, so that March change to a Level 2 Leo period (which you are currently in) seems to mark the end of that relationship. Cancer of course is your eighth house and is also ruled by your sensitive Moon and the L1 Cancer period will last till 2020 but not as intensely as the 2011/2013 period.

ZR from Eros puts you in a Level 1 Leo period from 1999. The last relationship started in a L2/L3 Aries period (which seems to reinforce the Profections reading). A L1/L2 Pisces period began in July 2011 and on 18 July 2012 this changed to an Aries L2/L3 period, which marked your first problem with that relationship (double Mars!) Your split occured during a Cancer L3 period (Moon again) which ended with a Loosing of the Bond to Capricorn on 17 December 2012 (a better guide to the finality of the break). The Aries L2 period gives way to a Taurus L2 in October. Till then be careful of Mars type men LOL. A Gemini L2 begins in June 2014 and that looks much more promising.

The ZR periods also emphasise the role of Mars and the Moon (with some Jupiter) in the ups and downs of your relationships. Keep an eye on their interactions (especially around the eclipses) when you are considering relationships.

Marius Cojoc

Greetings to all

Mr. Minderwiz,

I'm studying also hellenistic astrology. I'm not very familiar with the "zodiacal realising" tehnique, but I'm familiar with the Parts (Lots).

In the case of Parts, before any predictive tehnique applyed, we must identify their essential dignity. The essential dignity of a Part is extracted from the condition of the planets which articulate the Part.

First, we must judge the ability of the planets to bring out their significations. We can use here the PNA Report: fitness, energy and completion.

Second, if the planets which articulate the Part are fulify most of the condition prescribe by PNA (especialy fitness level), the Part will have the posibility to manifest and to be judge, otherwise, there is a risk to be hold hostage by the opposed and complementary Part (ex: Part of Fortune can act like Part o Spirit ) or to not been able to manifest at all.

Third, we must judge the accidental dignity or debility of the Part : conjunction with Spica, Regulus; presence in Pisces, Taurus; being angular; trigonal figure with Jupiter or Venus, conjunction with Algol, presence in Scorpio, Capricorn ... etc

I will be glad to discuss more on a subject with AA rating birth mark.



Greetings to all

Mr. Minderwiz,

I'm studying also hellenistic astrology. I'm not very familiar with the "zodiacal realising" tehnique, but I'm familiar with the Parts (Lots).

Hi Marius, Welcome to the Forum.

Zodiacal Releasing is a technique mentioned by Vettius Valens, though he does not use that title. Most of the articles that I've found seem to deal with either releasing from the Lot of Spirit or from the Lot of Fortune but in principle, I don't see why other points or planets could not be used.

Marius Cojoc said:
In the case of Parts, before any predictive tehnique applyed, we must identify their essential dignity. The essential dignity of a Part is extracted from the condition of the planets which articulate the Part.

First, we must judge the ability of the planets to bring out their significations. We can use here the PNA Report: fitness, energy and completion.

Second, if the planets which articulate the Part are fulify most of the condition prescribe by PNA (especialy fitness level), the Part will have the posibility to manifest and to be judge, otherwise, there is a risk to be hold hostage by the opposed and complementary Part (ex: Part of Fortune can act like Part o Spirit ) or to not been able to manifest at all.

Third, we must judge the accidental dignity or debility of the Part : conjunction with Spica, Regulus; presence in Pisces, Taurus; being angular; trigonal figure with Jupiter or Venus, conjunction with Algol, presence in Scorpio, Capricorn ... etc

I will be glad to discuss more on a subject with AA rating birth mark.

Yes, I've been coming to the conclusion that 'Fitness' is the main test here. And yes, examining a common chart seems a good idea! Have you a person in mind? I think we need someone who is reasonably well known, so that we can both examine the 'real life' experience to compare to the horoscope. It would also help others to follow and make any comments or ask questions.

Marius Cojoc


Nice to meet ... all of you :). I was attracted here by the concrete and vast information that you displayed.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka Pope Francis I ... http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Pope_Francis_I ? ... or some celebrity that still lives so we can predict something for him.



Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka Pope Francis I ... http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Pope_Francis_I ? ... or some celebrity that still lives so we can predict something for him.

It was my impression that the Pope is actually still living....Do you know something we don't :) :)

Yes that's fine with me and he's got a career behind him that we can use for checking his past.

Edited to add

I've just found a site with a different birth time of 11:09pm (23:09)


There's a 2 hour discrepency here and I'm always suspicious of birth times that are exactly on the hour, which suggests some approximation.

I'll check for any other sites to see if there's any alternatives but one thing that we could do is see which chart works best in explaining his life

Further edit

Of the next four sites I checked one agreed with Astro.com, two had a noon birth and the other had 00:30, so there does seem some doubt about the correct time.

Perhaps we could try Barack Obama : 4th August 1961 7:24pm Honolulu Hawaii which seems more agreed

Marius Cojoc

Ok, no problem :)). Let's pick an old and classic chart of some celebrity! Einstein, Hitler ... etc