5 of Swords as a blockage


I'd generally think that the card was saying:

a) Feeling overwhelmed by the situation and being defeatist.
b) Perceiving the person/event/situation was hostile and therefore hiding.


To expand upon this, it could represent a defeatist attitude about the situation:
  • he's better than I am, and I'll never be able to beat him, so I'm not even going to try
  • I'm powerless to do anything about a situation I don't like
  • I'd rather suffer in silence than try to do something about the situation
  • I deserve to lose against her because....
  • It could even represent the dynamics I've described elsewhere as Golden Child/Humpbacked Redheaded Stepchild Syndrome where you have someone who never seems to be able to do wrong and who is given everything juxtaposed against someone who never seems to be able to do anything right and who is given the scraps after the Golden Child has had their pick



Thank you Rodney, those interpretations are very useful :)


It suggests an atmosphere of conflict and arguments that will prevent progress.


It's a no win situation, no matter what. Something isn't right, for what ever reason, it's not going to bring you the results you had hoped for.

Thinking along the lines in the Legends deck, perhaps it has to do with rash thoughtless behavior resulting in something less than admirable, that one has to make atonement for.

So maybe it's a karma sort of blockage, until what created the block is made right, nothing good can come from it.


A breakdown in communication is how I've read this card before, especially in a relationship. I've seen it as saying that the couple are talking, even arguing but they're not really hearing what each other have to say.

As a card of advice, the 5 of Swords can be advising the querant to put themselves first so as a blockage it could mean that someone is being very selfish and isn't thinking of how their words are affecting those around them.


Couldn't it also mean that one of the parties has the attitude that they have to win at all costs? I think that could also be a blockage in a relationship. After all, there's a person smugly picking up the swords there as well as the defeated person.


i agree with grizabella. i have seen this in relationship readings. the 5 of swords has repped someone who HAS to win at all costs. and, VERY spiteful, mean, and hostile going about it. a real nasty peice of work. but, in the end, its a no win situation. no one really wins. and, the one who thought they had to win at all costs loses in someway. a very hollow victory. def, communication breakdown..kinda all out war as i read it.


It could be that your negative thinking is causing the blockage, either on a conscious or a subconscious, inner level.

Even if you make an effort to "think positive" if your r/w expectations are that things won't ultimately work out, then that could be the kind of negative % Swords thinking blocking you.


I agree with lady of hearts. Definitely an empty victory. Depending on context, it has come up that someone is taking their ball and going home. There's a real block to progress and quite a spiteful undertone.