7 pentacles clarified by 8 wands


Hi all,

I have another combination, or one card clarifying another, that seems a little contradictory. I laid 4 cards for whether a person will contact me. 7 pentacles came out as the 4th card and the one following clearly indicated that this person will contact me. 7 pentacles therefore tells me that before then there will be some time waiting.

But I was curious to know more about the length of the that time and or simply to have it clarified, and I got 8 wands. The swiftness and energy of 8 wands seems so opposite to the waiting, and doing nothing, of 7 pentacles.

Could it be that 8 wands is indicating that this time of waiting is coming to an end and quickly, I have already been waiting a very long time for this? This would seem confirmed by this timing system http://supertarot.co.uk/timing-events/ It could possibly mean 8 of something, but I would have expected another 8-numbered card. 8 wands has never meant 8 of any kind for me, but always very very soon.