When is a court card you?


Never. The might have messages for me about how to conduct myself, but they don't just represent me. A card that just wasted a position in a spread to say "this is you", is doing exactly that: wasting a position in a spread where more valuable information about the situation and how to get the best of it could be given to you instead.

Sure, and I mean more as in giving me information about a certain aspect of myself, but even that seems to have not been the case as often as I have thought it to be. I get the feeling more and more that court cards have represented other people, but then probably because that has been the information I need at that time.


When I read for myself, I first consider a court card to show a characteristic or attitude I need to adopt or avoid; secondarily I will see it as another person I might interact with.

When reading for a client, I will ask first if the card might represent another person involved (or potentially involved) in the situation, since that is usually a "hot button" for many people. Getting a "No," I will explore qualities of the querent's personal response or reaction in the matter, and lastly describe impersonal forces that may be at work in their present or future circumstances.


I often have the court cards give an indication of the type of star sign element a person is, fire, earth, water or air. But it is not 100% of course. Or of course they will just give the specific personality traits of that person or their role in a situation. But lately I have just started feeling that a queen in a reading just is never me.
Well i'm a sagittarius and i don't think i've ever seen my self in a reading as a wand court card.maybe sometimes with the traits of the knight of wands..it depends of the situation and your role in the reading.


I believe a court card can manifest on all levels, that's to say qualities or characteristics that you're operating through, also a situation as in energies around you but we also draw people in around us that exhibit the qualities of the card. This is because like attracts like.

It depends what you choose to read and what you can tie into the other cards, a spread never shows just one interpretation or meaning, there are layers.

Ruby Jewel

Just wondering how you all see this... when do you interpret a court card to reflect you - if you read for yourself, or for the querent, if reading for somebody else? How do you know this? Is it just intuitive for you?

The court cards confuse me mostly because of this. When are they me, when somebody else?

In my readings for myself I usually take them to mean other people because I feel, what is the necessity to show me anyway, the reading is for me, I am there. One exception of course is if I am asking something like "what do I need to work on in my own self?" but apart from that.

Court cards usually reflect the energy of the astrological house for me. For instance, Pisces is the sign on the 12th house, the Knight of Cups (as the mutable water sign in the mutable water house) would represent Pisces, the dreamer in the 12th house of self-undoing, addictions or the Hanged Man and Moon in the major arcana, Nine of Cups is Jupiter, ruler of Pisces, who is prone to drinking, and living in the dream world of the 12th house of addictions. Of course when the other cards show up in the reading with the Knight of Cups that gives more clarity to the reading of what the energy of the Knight is about.

The King of Pentacles represents a Taurus man in the 2nd house of money, and the Hierophant as they are often on Board of Directors, or teachers or lawyers...representing institutions. The Empress is Venus, ruler of Taurus, who are often gardeners.....If I were reading for a Virgo or Capricorn, I would see them as the King of Pentacles, because like Taurus, they are the element of earth, which is the Pentacle. And, in truth, they are all very practical people, money and work oriented. It is the element that makes the most important connections for me.

As an Aries woman, I can't help but see the Queen of Wands as myself and the 1st astrological house when it shows up in a reading for me. If I were reading for a Leo or a Sagittarius, I would see them as the Queen of Wands...because of the fire element. However, as a Leo, I would apply 5th house attributes to the Queen of Wands, and to Sagittarius, the 9th astrological house attributes.

I consider the court cards in accordance to their energy: Knights are the most energetic, perhaps even 'off center' and changeable, coming and going, disappearing like mutable signs. Queens are stable cardinal signs, and Kings are practical, strong, dependable fixed signs.

It just all seems to interconnect for me, probably because I studied astrology long before I picked up the tarot, so I cannot help but make the connections.When I see the court card for the querent turn up in a reading it is a confirmation that the cards are picking up the energy of the querent.