Reflections on the Development of Hebrew Letters


Well, not wanting to be disruptive! He might be the FuThark man too? But while folk are around (esp. the scholarly people) does anyone know why Egyptian Hieroglyphs (or rather monoliterals) have their particular ordering - Convention, or something else? Apologies if that's already been covered? ;)


Ross G Caldwell

"The moon is running around earth billions of years already 12-13 times a year. Your zodiac argument is so shortsighted ... :)"

What's a year? There's a solar year, from one fixed point of the sun to the next, but the lunar year is something different. There really isn't a lunar year. The solar-lunar combined calendar is historically attested at different times. Muslims use a calendar entirely lunar - they don't care about the solar year. There's a 19 year synodic period for the Moon, that might be the best Lunar year.

12 might be an important number, I know the Sumerians cared about it, but only as a function of 60.

"And there are 7 of 12 reflecting directly parts of the body and this is far enough in the reconstruction of an idea ... especially cause there are possibly 4000 years between idea and reception and unclear transmission is part of the deciphering game."

There are 22 letters, not 12; and only 6 of them are with assurance related to the human body. You limit them to 12 on an arbitrary basis. You limit them to 12 on the basis of a very late and uninformative text. Why shouldn't all 22 refer to the body? A portable alphabet?

12 out of 22 makes your argument 50% instead of only 22.7%.

My question is, why does there have to be a whole man? Why not just those parts listed? Aren't they enough? It takes only half an hour to memorize a thirty character alphabet, backwards and forwards, in any random order. Why do you need the extra mnemonic kick?

The part I don't buy, and I wanted you to sell me more, is some kind of proof that there is a riddle to it at all. I drew my own picture, I could draw more, but that is not proof to me.

"The makro-anthropos idea, either as time and year or as space and cosmos, is very old and appears variously. There is this Chinese and there is Adam and a Gayomart or similar in Zoroastrism, but actually I don't stress them here, cause, if your imagination is really so poor, that it seems strange and unproven to you, that it was always necessary to teach somebody between humans ....
and that there always tricks were used ..."

Well that's true, but was it always 12? And why do you have to trick me into seeing it? Or believing in it?

I already know it's true, the real meaning of it, not the pseudo-scientific, or overly mechanical, medical applications of Scorpio to the genitals for instance, or Leo to the heart. Why does this teaching go deeper? My intellect is fine, it doesn't blind me, it just prevents me from getting swindled.

You plead for the alphabet to be a significant part of this, but offer no proof. The alphabet is part of it like language itself is part of it - real and significant, but not determinative, not decisive, and not originary. Sounds and markings passing over events that shape them. The history of the alphabet might be the history of civilization, but it isn't the whole story of consciousness.

".... then you can go to stupid scientists with missing vision, if they've a better idea ...


I don't know if they have a better idea. I don't ask. Like me, I think they just enjoy putting the puzzle together, and fighting over it. Sometimes you get a really big part finished. But mostly, religion is a private matter for scientists - it used to lead to a lot of bloodshed.




Ross G Caldwell said:
[B "There are 22 letters, not 12; and only 6 of them are with assurance related to the human body. You limit them to 12 on an arbitrary basis. You limit them to 12 on the basis of a very late and uninformative text. Why shouldn't all 22 refer to the body?
Ross [/B]

"A sign for this thing: Twenty-two objects in a single body."
SY 2:6

Kaplan's comment:

The initiate "uses each of the 22 letters to form a mental image of a different part of the body.....The final proof of mastery is the ability to assemble all these 22 objects into a single body."
The Sefer Yetzira by Aryeh Kaplan, p.136.

The body the initiate creates, the Golem, is said in myth to have actually have been physically created. To the initiate however the Golem isn't a physical body, but a body created in the imagination to which he gives life by transfering his 'spirit' to it and is then able to travel in the spiritual realms of the seven heavenly palaces.

The body need not be anthropomorphic. According to myth a group a Rabbi's, using the magical method of the SY, created a calf, which they then ate. I mention the calf story as it may relate to the discussion of Aleph.



Macavity said:
Well, not wanting to be disruptive! He might be the FuThark man too? But while folk are around (esp. the scholarly people) does anyone know why Egyptian Hieroglyphs (or rather monoliterals) have their particular ordering - Convention, or something else? Apologies if that's already been covered? ;)


I was wondering about that too, Macav. I was wondering if the order was imposed in hindsight to make it conform to what we wanted it to be, or if there is something which tells us the order....


kwaw said:

The body need not be anthropomorphic. According to myth a group a Rabbi's, using the magical method of the SY, created a calf, which they then ate. I mention the calf story as it may relate to the discussion of Aleph.


The acrostic psalm 34 mentions various parts of the body and their actions. The last verse is outside of the acrostic and starts with Pe. So the first, middle [lamed begins a change of subject, splitting the psalm into two parts] and end spell ALPh. The last verse starts with the word PVKh, which among other things means breath, and aleph is attributed to air.

The acrostic Ps.25 also ends in a verse beginning with Pe [PDH='redeem'].

In these two acrostic psalms the letters are contained in the 'calf body' of ALPh? Or taking beginning and end only gives us APh, which means 'nose', 'face', 'anger', 'also'.



Originally posted by Ross G Caldwell
"The moon is running around earth billions of years already 12-13 times a year. Your zodiac argument is so shortsighted ... :)"

What's a year? There's a solar year, from one fixed point of the sun to the next, but the lunar year is something different. There really isn't a lunar year. The solar-lunar combined calendar is historically attested at different times. Muslims use a calendar entirely lunar - they don't care about the solar year. There's a 19 year synodic period for the Moon, that might be the best Lunar year.

*****When you've no electric light and no need for precise dates, the solar year is rather uninteresting. The moon-calendar is deciding, when social culture is not advanced and doesn't demand concrete dates for trade etc.. Counting moons is much easier than counting days. Nearly all old calendars of simple cultures refer mainly to the moon. ****

12 might be an important number, I know the Sumerians cared about it, but only as a function of 60.

**** 12 is divideable by 2,3,4,6 and the much better number than 10. 10 was only prefered (finally) cause the 10 fingers of your hand. ****

"And there are 7 of 12 reflecting directly parts of the body and this is far enough in the reconstruction of an idea ... especially cause there are possibly 4000 years between idea and reception and unclear transmission is part of the deciphering game."

There are 22 letters, not 12; and only 6 of them are with assurance related to the human body. You limit them to 12 on an arbitrary basis. You limit them to 12 on the basis of a very late and uninformative text. Why shouldn't all 22 refer to the body? A portable alphabet?

****7 are clearly related to the human body ... you forget kaph = 20 .... ****

12 out of 22 makes your argument 50% instead of only 22.7%.

****** I postulate 12 IN A ROW which belong to the body, that's quite a difference to a mathematical situation, in which 7 (or 12) of 22 are chosen complete free.

12 in a row out of 22 has 11 possibilities. 11 !!!!!

12 accidently chosen out of 22 has

22x21x20x19x18x17x16x15x14x13 / 10x9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1


I hope, it is understandable, that this is a difference. I don't know, what you above wanted to demonstrate with your numbers, but I know, that "12 in a row" is a rare occurrence.
Something, which has a big transparent around its neck, saying:
"Research me" and "it would be curious, if this is accidently so".

My question is, why does there have to be a whole man? Why not just those parts listed? Aren't they enough? It takes only half an hour to memorize a thirty character alphabet, backwards and forwards, in any random order. Why do you need the extra mnemonic kick?

***** You've a 3000-4000 years older and more cultivated mind than them ... it was not easy for people to deal with "abstracts", "numbers" and such stuff, which only exists in mind. Still in Roman time it seemed impossible to them to read silently. If they got a letter and they wished to keep its content as mystery, they had to leave the room and find a silent corner.

Their mind was not like our mind. Complete systems (and closed) were prefered - this is mental safety in the abstract, which is essentially endlessly.
Still modern people have the fear. Not the global view, better the national view.****

The part I don't buy, and I wanted you to sell me more, is some kind of proof that there is a riddle to it at all. I drew my own picture, I could draw more, but that is not proof to me.

***** 12 IN A ROW of 22 says clearly: "This is rare" ***

"The makro-anthropos idea, either as time and year or as space and cosmos, is very old and appears variously. There is this Chinese and there is Adam and a Gayomart or similar in Zoroastrism, but actually I don't stress them here, cause, if your imagination is really so poor, that it seems strange and unproven to you, that it was always necessary to teach somebody between humans ....
and that there always tricks were used ..."

Well that's true, but was it always 12? And why do you have to trick me into seeing it? Or believing in it?

**** ... Of course it was NOT always so.
It was so, since the master of the alphabet made it so, otherwise ... he wouldn't have been the master of the Alphabet and we wouldn't talk about it.
And btw. "Believers" are uninteresting .... it's a fair theoretical fiction, it fits the situation and the known facts (maybe others know facts, which really contradict ... well, anybody is interested to learn from that). ****

I already know it's true, the real meaning of it, not the pseudo-scientific, or overly mechanical, medical applications of Scorpio to the genitals for instance, or Leo to the heart. Why does this teaching go deeper? My intellect is fine, it doesn't blind me, it just prevents me from getting swindled.

**** Actually it's not that deep, it's a funny play of a teacher. It's a simple practical solution to a given problem of that time - life wanted it, that it had great consequences.
If culture had decided to go its way with hieroglyphs - we know from the Chinese, that this also worked. ****

You plead for the alphabet to be a significant part of this, but offer no proof. The alphabet is part of it like language itself is part of it - real and significant, but not determinative, not decisive, and not originary. Sounds and markings passing over events that shape them. The history of the alphabet might be the history of civilization, but it isn't the whole story of consciousness.

**** It's a matter with great consequences. With Egyptic hieroglyphs no book printing in that manner as it happened, no periode of enlightment, no Western Imperialism, no MacoDonaldo in Tokyo. We live in this film. ****

**** Without alphabet the bible wouldn't have become a bestseller. ****

*****Of course it is NOT the whole story of consciousness. ****

****It's precisely just the story of the alphabet. :) ***

".... then you can go to stupid scientists with missing vision, if they've a better idea ...


I don't know if they have a better idea. I don't ask. Like me, I think they just enjoy putting the puzzle together, and fighting over it. Sometimes you get a really big part finished. But mostly, religion is a private matter for scientists - it used to lead to a lot of bloodshed.

**** This is not about differences between religions. Three world religions have their feet in this.

But the riddle is still open:

What is Iod ? They say "hand", but hand is wrong, Iod = 10

What is Kaph = 20 ? They say "inside of hand", but this is nonsense in this context, kaph = 20

What is Lamed = 30 ? Lamed, which looks like an "L". What part of the body is painted like an "L", when a child paints?

What is Mem = 40 ?
What is Nun = 50 ? Why look M and N similar? Which of your personal first words starts with M? Nun is either fish or a snake. Explain that. Nun is the 14th letter. What was the 14th part of the body of Osiris? They knew Osiris in this region.

What is Samekh = 60 ? Look at the old form. A vertical line with 3 crossing lines. Which part of the body is painted like this?

And why? So, that anybody understands it.


The initiate "uses each of the 22 letters to form a mental image of a different part of the body.....The final proof of mastery is the ability to assemble all these 22 objects into a single body."
The Sefer Yetzira by Aryeh Kaplan, p.136.

The body the initiate creates, the Golem, is said in myth to have actually have been physically created. To the initiate however the Golem isn't a physical body, but a body created in the imagination to which he gives life by transfering his 'spirit' to it and is then able to travel in the spiritual realms of the seven heavenly palaces.

The body need not be anthropomorphic. According to myth a group a Rabbi's, using the magical method of the SY, created a calf, which they then ate. I mention the calf story as it may relate to the discussion of Aleph.

**** The "body" of the master of the alphabet is another "body" than that of the SY. There are 2000 years difference. The master of the alphabet had the problem to teach the alphabet, which means "keep things simple".
The SY author had the problem to explain the alphabet in a mystical context, which he thought interesting. The alphabet was already known - he couldn't impress anybody with just teaching the alphabet.

**** That are two different shoes.


Macavity said:
Well, not wanting to be disruptive! He might be the FuThark man too? But while folk are around (esp. the scholarly people) does anyone know why Egyptian Hieroglyphs (or rather monoliterals) have their particular ordering - Convention, or something else? Apologies if that's already been covered? ;)


:) ... it's enough to understand one thing really... just for the moment ...

Northern countries loved trees - they had enough of them.

Ross G Caldwell

Re: Re: Re: Drawing is the a good idea

Huck said:
:) This arguments were too stupid. You only want to provoke me to make the riddle more easy.

.... then you can go to stupid scientists with missing vision, if they've a better idea ...


Well, here's what I think -

You’ve got a nice home-made theory, it’s very charming. But it won’t stand a minute in the real world. Try it, on the ANE list where they know about the most ancient evidence for alphabets and the pedagogic methods. These are the people whose books you rely on for the information that informed your theory, or their students. These people are the ones who *produce* the knowledge on ANE, on the ancient scripts; this is the living tradition of master and student starting with Champollion, Rawlinson and Hincks, the people who deciphered Hieroglyphs and Cuneiform; these are the professors in the universities, the modern Masters of the Alphabet. Test your theory on them – they write the books, they are where you got your knowledge from in the first place. Except for your other divine source, your own intuition. But in questions of history, that is less reliable.

Although I think your theory has no merit as a theory to explain the 22 letter Phoenician alphabet, that doesn’t mean it is an absurd idea in a generic sense. It is an interesting and possible idea, that a coherent story is in the alphabet, perhaps a picture of a man. It is a natural suggestion. Maybe it will lead somewhere. Let’s think… does the light of the ABC-man theory illuminate anything? Yes, in fact; a direct piece of ancient evidence for an ABC man, a little older than the Sefer Yetzirah, but not concerning the 22 letter alphabet. Shine it over there… where? Well, it’s something I’ve shown you before, several times, but you always ignore it. Since you like riddles, I’ll let you think about it.

I know you say Tarot history is kindergarten, or the “tail” of the bull, and the alphabet is the bull. But what a difference in approach between Huck’s treatment of evidence for his alphabet theory, and autorbis’ treatment of evidence for tarot history! Autorbis is not satisfied with the least mistreatment of the evidence; even one year is too much anachronism for him; for Huck, jumping 1700 years is no problem, with no evidence, or even where the evidence contradicts. Autorbis found out what was wrong with the early theorists of tarot history, they saw cards that weren't there; there were 14 in Bembo, but everybody thought "logic demands, there were 22"; autorbis thought clearly; Huck sees body parts in letters that are not body parts; he is doing the same errors as the tarot historians who think all those cards had to be there in every deck. On, we have fine-combed the evidence, we have every piece published, almost, we have it down to the day. is a monument to scholarly enterprise; it is sometimes uneven in value, but it is incredible in breadth and depth. I would say without hesitation that autorbis is the leading authority on early tarot history today, in the 15th century, knowing more than Michael Dummett, Detlef Hoffman, Gherardo Ortalli, Thierry Depaulis, or any other scholars with much more familiar names. They rushed on, not bothering to get the whole picture down to the minutest details, to do the fullest background research, the work of years. But autorbis, and the group of patient scholars whose work is represented at, did. His grasp of the evidence is unequalled, and his analysis superb, far surpassing mine. It doesn’t matter that we disagree on points of interpretation; the point is the sheer magnitude of the accomplishment, of the mass of evidence and detail brought to bear on the question of early tarot. This is the stuff of real scholarship, solid evidence, all the evidence, and the work that will form a basis for further research. This is a real accomplishment, a magnificent achievement, unchallenged in scope or depth.

Compare this with Huck’s wave-of-the-hand approach to the early alphabet, and the difference is shocking. Any facts we need, all we need to do is imagine them. We don’t need much direct evidence, just a few commonplace ideas. Tarot history and its excruciatingly close attention to detail, to patiently gather all the facts and sift them, to analyse the information, to return to it again and again, is too small for Huck. It is just the tail. But if this much work is required for just the tail, then I advise him to follow autorbis’ lead, and work with just as much detail and patience to build a case for his alphabet-man theory; or to discard it, and build something more worthy of the evidence, but no less insightful and engaging to the wonder-seeking spirit.



Re: Re: Re: Re: Drawing is the a good idea

Originally posted by Ross G Caldwell [/i]
Well, here's what I think -

You’ve got a nice home-made theory, it’s very charming.

#### any theories are homemade, in the case you yourself set them up :) There is no theory which is not "homemade", as there is always somebody, who set them up

But it won’t stand a minute in the real world.

#### that's a projection.
a. you don't know the theory at its full length
b. you simply don't know, what will happen :)

Try it, on the ANE list where they know about the most ancient evidence for alphabets and the pedagogic methods. These are the people whose books you rely on for the information that informed your theory, or their students. These people are the ones who *produce* the knowledge on ANE, on the ancient scripts; this is the living tradition of master and student starting with Champollion, Rawlinson and Hincks, the people who deciphered Hieroglyphs and Cuneiform; these are the professors in the universities, the modern Masters of the Alphabet. Test your theory on them – they write the books, they are where you got your knowledge from in the first place. Except for your other divine source, your own intuition. But in questions of history, that is less reliable.

#### well, at LTarot we wait one year and longer for the experts to appear to defend their earlier theories - have we see them? These experts are a paper tiger ... once this theory is established, we probable will make the experience, that everybody comes and had it known all the time :)

Although I think your theory has no merit as a theory to explain the 22 letter Phoenician alphabet, that doesn’t mean it is an absurd idea in a generic sense. It is an interesting and possible idea, that a coherent story is in the alphabet, perhaps a picture of a man. It is a natural suggestion. Maybe it will lead somewhere. Let’s think… does the light of the ABC-man theory illuminate anything? Yes, in fact; a direct piece of ancient evidence for an ABC man, a little older than the Sefer Yetzirah, but not concerning the 22 letter alphabet. Shine it over there… where? Well, it’s something I’ve shown you before, several times, but you always ignore it. Since you like riddles, I’ll let you think about it.

#### Turning the tables ... :) No, the point is still in the details, what is kaph, what lamed, what mem, what nun, what samekh. Nothing else. First the ABC-Man ...
The rest of the Alphabet we can look on then. And what it means in historical context, we will see then after. And where it sheds light on, again is later. One problem after the other.

I know you say Tarot history is kindergarten, or the “tail” of the bull, and the alphabet is the bull. But what a difference in approach between Huck’s treatment of evidence for his alphabet theory, and autorbis’ treatment of evidence for tarot history! Autorbis is not satisfied with the least mistreatment of the evidence; even one year is too much anachronism for him; for Huck, jumping 1700 years is no problem, with no evidence, or even where the evidence contradicts. Autorbis found out what was wrong with the early theorists of tarot history, they saw cards that weren't there; there were 14 in Bembo, but everybody thought "logic demands, there were 22"; autorbis thought clearly; Huck sees body parts in letters that are not body parts; he is doing the same errors as the tarot historians who think all those cards had to be there in every deck. On, we have fine-combed the evidence, we have every piece published, almost, we have it down to the day. is a monument to scholarly enterprise; it is sometimes uneven in value, but it is incredible in breadth and depth. I would say without hesitation that autorbis is the leading authority on early tarot history today, in the 15th century, knowing more than Michael Dummett, Detlef Hoffman, Gherardo Ortalli, Thierry Depaulis, or any other scholars with much more familiar names. They rushed on, not bothering to get the whole picture down to the minutest details, to do the fullest background research, the work of years. But autorbis, and the group of patient scholars whose work is represented at, did. His grasp of the evidence is unequalled, and his analysis superb, far surpassing mine. It doesn’t matter that we disagree on points of interpretation; the point is the sheer magnitude of the accomplishment, of the mass of evidence and detail brought to bear on the question of early tarot. This is the stuff of real scholarship, solid evidence, all the evidence, and the work that will form a basis for further research. This is a real accomplishment, a magnificent achievement, unchallenged in scope or depth.

#### Whow, what a laudatio ... :) but personally I know autorbis and I now, that he works with intuition, whereby his intuition just comes mostly from much experience. Just working with "much systems" gives a feeling, what's wrong and right in specific matters. Autorbis compares it with the intuition of good car-drivers. They also know, what the others will do in next moment in traffic. It looks as ability not very special to the good cardrivers themselves, they take it as natural phenomen. But actually they just have invested a lot of energies to become "that" genious in it .... Autorbis doesn't drive with a car, he put the same energy and a little more in just his specific objects - naturally he's good with that.
One can reach a lot, when one concentrates.####

Compare this with Huck’s wave-of-the-hand approach to the early alphabet, and the difference is shocking. Any facts we need, all we need to do is imagine them. We don’t need much direct evidence, just a few commonplace ideas. Tarot history and its excruciatingly close attention to detail, to patiently gather all the facts and sift them, to analyse the information, to return to it again and again, is too small for Huck. It is just the tail. But if this much work is required for just the tail, then I advise him to follow autorbis’ lead, and work with just as much detail and patience to build a case for his alphabet-man theory; or to discard it, and build something more worthy of the evidence, but no less insightful and engaging to the wonder-seeking spirit.

### Ars longa, vita brevis. It was given, that Tarot in 15th century could have a lot of energies and "love for detail", but it's time to pass over to other fields, Olympia is calling.
In the question "does the names for the Hebrew letters contain a content or a very specific message important for the understanding for the object" we have - until now - the impression, that the scientific - and I think also the esoterical - side even didn't find the question - and of course no answer.

#### This might be an error - perhaps some outsiders once thought something like this. Generally it is testifying "research without intuition" - actually autorbis and me think, that it's the natural result of specifying research in historical sciences. People start
to rotate around their chosen object, they don't look in other fields, which progress is done there. Comparition with other fields would help.
Naturally an outsider in these specific local scientific hierarchies has at the beginning bad cards, he/she will meet all the arrogances etc.. what world found time to build there. But that's a problem for later.

First Problem: Understanding the ABC-man:

1st: aleph = ox, not part of the ABC-man
2nd: not part of the ABC-Man
3rd: not part of the ABC-Man
4th: not part of the ABC-Man
5th: not part of the ABC-Man
6th: not part of the ABC-Man
7th: not part of the ABC-Man
8th: not part of the ABC-Man
9th: not part of the ABC-Man

10th = 10: Iod = Hand ?
of course, this are "hands,", cause two hands have 10 fingers

11th: kaph = 20: ... ?
of course, this are toes, cause 10 fingers and 10 toes are 20.

12th: Lamed: The "L" still looks like the leg with foot off the alphabet-man.
The meaning "Ox-driving-stick" is a joke, of course you could kick with your leg an ox, that it marches on.

13th: mem = "Water" - which word is builded with m nearly in all languages? "Mama", mere, mother, mater. An M is female, Mem means "water", water as element is nearly everywhere identified with the female element. m is the female genital.

14th: nun = fish or snake, is similar written as "m", m+n is an Alphabet-pair. When "m" is the female, "n" must be the male. Fish and snake both have sexual-symbolism, male genital of course. "Fish in Water" is a natural sex-joke. The 14th part of the body of Osiris is the genetal, n is the 14th letter. The Osiris-myth is contemporary and "near", cause trade-relation between Byböos and Egyptia.

15th: samekh - optically a back-bone with rips, just the missing part of the body.

16th: eye
17th: mouth
18th: fish-hook (nose)
19th: <----- logic demands the ear here, it's quof, the back-head
20th: head
21th: tooth ----> means: show teeth, means: "smile :)"

22th: and here's the mark --- I did it, I sign with a cross, I know the alphabet now. This letter is not part of the ABC-Man, it's the ending sign.

And now with music:
I am the ABC-man, ho, ho ...
I am the ABC-man, ho, ho ...
I am the ABC-man, ho, ho ...

With that we've a curious phenomen (too much body signals at a specific location in the row) inside a given group (names in relation to signs of alphabet), a projecting hypothetical exspectation (there is an ABC-man) with a number-related "order" (12, six for the head, six for the body) out of an older context which might contain a real rememberance (Sepher Yetzirah), with a solution as fulfillment for the hypothetical projection in a projected order (10 - 15 for the body, 16 - 21 for the head). And not a bad and very hairdrawn solution, I would guess. It's elegant.

Also we've Aleph and Tau, which pleases the all around context and don't contradict.
We've 8 signs still unexplained. But one step after the other.